Chapter 7

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Hello Vegas!

Jeffrey and I just stepped out of the plane as I scanned my surroundings. I can just feel my body grooving to the Vegas air. I have been in love with this city before I even visited it for the first time which was when I was thirteen. Everything in this city is so appealing to me. My day would usually start off with mouth watering pancakes and then I could sit at a beach or the pool side at my hotel during the afternoons, go for shopping in the evening and there were some amazing opportunities to boost my career and in the night I could drink freely, dance the night away, a lot of good shows too. I was strongly against gambling, I felt as if I could enjoy a month in Vegas and feel like I have been to tons of cities. Just walking on the streets of Vegas was purely entertaining, there is always something to see.

We collect our baggage and are headed towards the exit when Jeffrey stops in his tracks to attend a phone call. I sigh and find a seat to sit on with our Baggage aside while Jeffrey continues to speak on the phone.

He calls for me and says,"Come On. Our car is here."

As soon as we walk out I find a black limousine in front of us and I realize that it's ours when a guy walks out from it and goes to Jeffrey and grabs the bags. But before we can make our way towards the limousine the Paparazzi don't let us go. They block our way and fill us with questions.

"Mr. Rodriguez we hear you'll are staying in one of the most expensive hotels in Vegas. Is that correct?" One of them asks.

"Yes it is," Jeffrey answers and tries to pushes his way through while I still remain at the back. The only reason I could spot him in the crowd of people was because of his height. I try to push through the reporters but they don't let me move till I answer their questions.

"Mrs. Rodriguez did you two arrive in a private jet?" Another one asks me and I say yes as I try to navigate my way out of this crowd. I didn't know how they could come here also and trouble us. I think they were the american ones because I didn't recognize any of their faces and the Milan ones weren't so intruding on your personal space. Wow, we were known by Americans too.

I see Jeffrey turn behind and look for me everywhere and then his eyes land upon me before I could raise my hand to wave at him, he grans and makes his way back again and grabs my hand as he pulls me with him and we make it out alive in one condition and then after the security assisted us till our car dodging off the paparazzi successfully.

Jeffrey lets out a loud sigh,"Why did you go somewhere else? You should've stayed behind me."

"Hello! It was too crowded over there to make it out as fast as you and you were the one who left without looking at me. I was trying to follow you," I glare daggers at him. If looks could kill I would have killed Jeffrey the moment I laid my eyes on him.

"Okay. Now just don't ever leave my side here," Jeffrey says as we get inside the limousine and snakes his arm around my waist.

After we sit inside the driver rolls the back window down and says,"Hi. My name is Drake and I will be taking you around the city. The hotel has assigned me as your personal driver

"Hey Drake. I am Paris Rodriguez and this is Jeffrey Rodriguez. We recently got married," I say with a smile.

"Ahh. So you're here for your honey moon?" Drake asks with a kind of a smirk on his face as he turns behind to have a look at us.

"Yes Drake." Jeffrey answers this time.

"So do you'll wanna do a tour of the city first or you'll wanna drop off your luggage and settle in?" he says and drives.

"I think we should go to the hotel and freshen up a little as we had a long flight, right, Jeffrey?" I look at him and he agrees with me. I am glad we could find something to agree on mutually.

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