☼ bae jinyoung | saving me

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words counted: 930 wordsgenre: angst/fluff

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words counted: 930 words
genre: angst/fluff

You and your friend Jinyoung had made plans to meet at the studio to listen to a new song that Wanna One was working on. You being his best friend, he really wanted your opinion on it. You were running a bit late due to some last minute shopping with your friends and so you told Jinyoung to go on ahead without you and you'd meet him at the YMC building soon.

"Aigoo, you're always shopping! You're going to go broke sooner or later," he teased you.

"That's why I have a bestfriend who can buy me things too," you teased back.

He laughed and said, "I'm not buying you a thing when you have no money left."
"You're not going to let me be homeless, Jinyoung ."

"You're right, haha. Anyway, hurry up!"

"Okay, okay. I'll be there in about 20 minutes."

He hung up and so did you. He got into his car and drove to the studio. When he got out the car he immediately spotted his ex-girlfriend with some guy. He tried his very best to avoid them putting on his hat and pulling his hoodie over it to cover his face. He speed walked to the entrance when as he was grabbing the door to the safe haven, he caught her attention.
"Jinyoung ? Is that you?" she called out still having her arm wrapped around the man's arm. He slowly turned around and just grinned half halfheartedly. "Oh my gosh, it is you." She stared at him for a while before her boyfriend cleared his throat demanding to be introduced. "Oh, sorry, this is my new boyfriend." She especially emphasized the "new" to cause some animosity between the two. Jinyoung honestly did not care that she had a new boyfriend, but the childish girl insisted on making him jealous. Jinyoung said hi and bowed to him, but the man didn't return the greeting.

"Why should I say hi to him? He's the old man." Jinyoung's temper got a bit agitated at his rudeness. "He doesn't matter to me." The second blow of rudeness raised it even higher, but he was determined not to let his rudeness get to him. When all the girl could do is laugh at him it rose his temper even higher. His blood was boiling, not because he was jealous, but at their extreme rudeness.

When the man finally pushed Jinyoung, he almost burst, but you were slowly approaching the corner as you saw your friend get pushed. You knew he was about to get physical with the other man so you quickly diverted their attention to you. "Jinyoung oppa!" you called out as you strutted towards the three. When he saw you he was so relieved you had come to take him out of this situation, but when he realized what you were wearing, a pair of red high heels with a black dress that showed off your curves and a short cut black, leather jacket, he couldn't take his eyes off you. "Sorry I'm late," you say and added a kiss on the cheek to and wrap your arm around his. You already knew who she was and how she treated Jinyoung from his long talks with you when he would stay at your house sometimes when she kicked him out. You weren't sure if she knew who you were though.

"Who is this, Jinyoung ?" she asked with a bit of sass laced in her voice. That answered your question.
"I'm his girlfriend, Y/N," you bowed to the couple and they responded back. Her boyfriend had especially taken a liking to you. He bit his lip and looked at you. "Is everything alright?" you asked.
"Everything is just fine," the man answers in a bit of a sexy tone. His new girlfriend hits his arm and gives him an upset look. "Aish, woman what's wrong with you?" She turned to look at you with an evil eye and you were taken a back.

"Well, it was nice meeting you," Jinyoung said trying to break the ice of her death stare at you, and turns to pull you into the building. "Thanks for saving me," he says when you two are in the lobby of the YMC building.

"Oh, yeah, no problem, Jinyoung ," you say. You were still holding onto his arm. "Oh, sorry." You let go quickly and adjusted your jacket.

"You're fine... So, boyfriend, aye...?" he smirked at you.

"Ya! I was trying to save you from being in a fight. I know you, Bae Jinyoung , you probably would've knocked him out. Plus I couldn't think of anything else, obviously I couldn't be your mother."

"Well..." he says jokingly. You playfully hit him and laugh. "I'm kidding. Plus, I didn't mine being your boyfriend for a few minutes." You blushed. "Even when I saw the way he looked at you, I got a bit upset, I'm not going to lie." You punched him in his arm playfully.

"Aw, you like me, Jinyoung ."
He scratched the back of his head in embarrassment and said, "I'd be lying if I said I didn't." You look at him and looks back at you. You smile and hug him. He hugs you back. "So, does this mean we are dating."

You look up at him, peck him on the lips and say, "Does that answer your question? Now let's go listen to this song."
He wraps his arm around your shoulder and locks his hand in yours bringing you closer together as you walk to the studio.

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