♡ hwang minhyun | proposal

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words counted: 1123 wordsgenre: fluff-

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words counted: 1123 words
genre: fluff

Minhyun had managed to get a long weekend away from work, Friday to Monday, and since it was your three year anniversary he decided it would be fitting to treat the both of you and take you to a secluded hotel right on the beach front. It was honestly beautiful, the room, the views, the food. You'd both had so much fun there, but it was your last night there. After spending a few hours in the spa and then eating, you two made your way back to your room and watched some television.

You'd just settled down to sleep, pulling the fluffy duvet up when you heard a voice.

"Y/N, I've got an idea." Your boyfriend whispered into your ear.

You groaned, rolling over to face him, "What? Who has ideas at this time? I'm tired."

"Didn't the staff say when we got here that the beach is only open to guests at night? Why don't we go down?" He said.

"Minhyun , are you kidding me? It's," You began sitting up to check the clock beside him. Your eyes widened, "midnight!? What the hell!"

"Shh, I know it is. But come on, it's our last night here. Let's just do it." He replied, his hand moving to hold yours.

"Do we have to?" You protested, not wanting to move. It was cosy in bed next to Minhyun, you didn't want to move at all.
"Y/N, please." He whined, kissing your cheek lightly.

You huffed, rolling to your left and climbing out of bed, "I'll get ready."

"Yay!" Minhyun cheered, jumping out of bed and turning on the lamp beside his bed.

"How are you so full of energy?" You moaned, pulling open the drawers.
"Because I know that this walk will be good." He said, rather softly, which pricked up your suspicion.

"The things I do for you, Hwang Minhyun."
Pulling off your pyjamas, you threw on some leggings, a jumper you swore belonged to Minhyun but was for some reason in your drawer (this happened quite a lot), and slipped on some shoes and you was ready to go.

The two of you left the hotel and was straight onto the beachfront and your shoes were off.

Minhyun's hand slipped into yours, "Isn't it nice out here? It's not even cold and it's midnight."

"Makes a change from Seoul doesn't it." You replied.

He chuckled lightly, "I guess it does, doesn't it?"

The two of you basked in the quiet for a while, the feeling of the sand between your toes and the sound of the waves crashing gently on the shore making the atmosphere quite magical. It wasn't something the two of you were able to do together often. Just spending a few hours together was rare really, as Minhyun was always so busy and you had things to do yourself. However, you'd always drop all of that in an instant if Minhyun said he had a spare half an hour or so. Everything stopped for him, because he had been your world for the last three years, and you were sure that that wasn't going to change any time soon.

"I've missed this. Me and you being together for days on end. It's been so long and I'm sorry that we don't get to do this more." Minhyun commented, swinging your hands slightly.

"It can't be helped, Minhyun. You know how proud I am of you. Anyway, it makes it more special when we have time like this." You replied, smiling like a ditzy little girl to yourself.

"It is special, isn't it? That's why I brought you out here. I have something to show you." He began, tugging you behind him as the two of you ran towards a large indent in the cliff. You could see light glowing from within there, but the extent of it could only be appreciated when you were standing right in front of it.

Little wells had been made in the sand, and within them were tea lights. A sort of path was made between tea lights, and in the middle there lay a picnic along with a basket containing two glasses and a bottle. It was quite frankly the most beautiful thing that had been organised for you. You turned to Minhyun, a smile already on his face as he looked back at you.

"This is what you dragged me out of bed for then?" You asked, joining him with a wide smile.

He nodded, "I wouldn't just do it for nothing. I know how much you love your sleep."

"Shut up you." You chuckled, walking over to the blanket.

You were just about to take a seat when Minhyun held onto your upper arm, "Stay standing, I've got something else to show you." He began, shuffling through his pockets.

Your eyebrow flicked up in confusion. Now you was out here, you really did want to enjoy that tempting bottle of wine with Minhyun . But, you did what he said. The staying standing though ended up paying off when what was in his pocket was revealed. What was shown to you made you clap your hands over your mouth in shock, and as Minhyun lowered onto one knee, your eyes filled with tears.

What Minhyun pulled out was a small box, and within that was a ring. It was silver, with diamonds either side of a larger diamond in the middle. It was as if your voice had left you, your breath was completely taken away. What was happening? you asked yourself as you became dizzy with excitement.

"Y/N, I've been waiting so long to do this. Within months, I knew you was the one for me. My feelings are stronger for you than they've been for anyone in my entire life. You've supported me through everything I've ever done, and I'd be the luckiest man in the world if you'd be my wife. Will you marry me?" Minhyun said.

It was all happening in slow motion as you looked down at the ring, then up to the love of your life's face. It was a no brainer.

"Yes." You managed to say through tears of pure happiness. Minhyun slipped the ring onto your finger before standing and pulling you into a tight hug.

"Thank you so much. I love you." He whispered into your ear.

"I love you, too." You replied, your face buried in his shoulder.

What heavenly things did you do in a previous life to have Minhyun with you? The two of you were absolutely smitten with each other. You'd never admired anyone as much as him, and you would support him and love him for as long as the two of you lived.

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