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Chapter three! Enjoy!
"No! Absolutely not!" Riley exclaimed as she got up off the couch and stared down at her uncle.

"Riley please just hear me out." Josh pleased with her but Riley just kept on shaking her head.

"No uncle Josh! First he kills our family and now you want us to go live with him!? I won't go I'll run away!" Riley threatens. Josh got up off the chair to face his niece.

"First of all you know that night was not Shawn's fault at all! And secondly, where are you going to go? You're still a minor Riley and you're my responsibility!" Riley scoffed.

"I'll go live with Lucas or Zay." Riley bucked her chin up at Josh and crossed her arms over her chest. Now it was Josh's turn to scoff.

"I don't think so! You're coming with us and that's final." Josh told her in his strict voice that he didn't even know he had until he had to become Riley and Auggies guardian. Riley sat back down on the couch and screamed in a pillow.

"Why do we have to move anyway?" Auggies soft voice asked making Josh turn his attention from Riley to him.

"Because buddy this place is becoming a little hard to afford." Josh started to explain.

"Then why can't we move across town or something?!" Riley asked/demanded after she got done throwing her little fit.

"Because Shawn has offered to help out with your schooling and helping me make more money. Riley you will be sharing a room with Maya and Auggie you will be able to have your own room. Guys this is a perfect opportunity for you to make new friends and start all over again." Josh explained making Auggie look down and Riley shake her head.

"But we don't want to start all over again! New York is our home and all of our lives are here." Riley argued with him. Josh took a deep breath.

"Riley how many times have you complained to me that you don't have any girl friends because all the girls at school are stuck up? And how many times have you gone into your history class and just lost it because that's where your dad use to teach? You still can't step foot into your parents room." Riley looked down at her feet. "This is your chance to go to a new school and not have to worry about people judging you because they know who you are. Or the looks of sympathy you get because of what happened. You can become friends with Maya and finally have a best friend that's a girl. That's what you've always wanted!" Josh finished out. Riley sighed and sat back on the couch.

"What about me?" Auggie asked making Josh turn to him and smile.

"Auggie you cry yourself to sleep every night because you don't have your parents to tuck you in anymore, you also can't step foot in your parents room and you have told me countless times that you wish you could leave New York. You can go to a new school with new friends and there will always be someone there to tuck you in at night. Plus you love Shawn!" Auggie smiled and nodded his head.

"I'll go to LA but I don't know how I'm going to tell Ava." Auggie said as he looked down and frowned again. Josh smiled at Auggie and looked over at his niece.

"Look Riles, I think this is what's best for all of us. I'm sure if you explained the situation to Lucas and Zay they would understand too." Josh said putting a hand on Riley's knee.

"Fine I'll go to California but after I graduate high school I'm coming back to New York!" Riley exclaimed then left for her room. Josh sighed and sat back in his chair.
"Maya! Let's go were going to be late for your meeting!" Katy yelled through their house. Maya sighed and ran a hand through her hair while she ran down the stairs dressed in casual clothing.

"I thought dad was supposed to be back by now." Maya complained as she got her bag and made her way to the front door.

"He decided to stay in New York for a little bit longer to help the Matthews pack their stuff." Katy said as she grabbed her keys and rushed her daughter out the door.

"How long is he staying for?" Maya asked as they got into the car and started down their driveway.

"Just another week to help them get started. They should be here by the end of the month." Maya nodded her head and then put her earbuds in and leaned back in her seat and closed her eyes. Twenty minutes later Katy was shaking Maya awake telling her they were there. "I have to go grocery shopping. I'll be back just in time for your meeting to be over with." Maya nodded her head and kissed her mom goodbye and made he way into the building.

"Maya! So good to see you." Her manager greeted her as she got off the elevator. "What are you wearing?" He asked disgusted with her skinny jeans and hoodie. Maya rolled her eyes and moved past Larry into the board room. Now that Maya was eighteen her parents didn't have to be there to sign anything because she could sign herself.

"Alright now that we're all here let's talk new album..." Maya sighed and started to block her manager out while she doodled with the string on her hoodie.

About an hour later the meeting was over and of course every decision that was made was made in Maya's favor. Nobody asked her what she wanted or how she felt about it. Like always. Now Maya was waiting outside for her mom to get there when she heard a very familiar voice.

"You know. It's not safe for a girl your age to be out here by her self." Maya smiled and got up from the ground and turned around to pull the person into a hug.

"Farkle! It's so good to see you!" Maya exclaimed. Farkle smiled and pulled Maya closer to him by her waist.

"Me? What about you pop star!" He exclaimed making Maya pull back and look at him in disgust.

"Please don't call me that." She said making Farkle laugh.

"Still not listening to what you want, huh?" He asked as they both sat down on the ground. Maya chuckled

"Do they ever?" Farkle smiled at her sadly.

"Have you told your parents how unhappy you are?" Farkle asked her seriously.

"You know I can't do that. After everything they have done for me it would be horrible for me to that to them." Maya said making Farkle shake his head.

"Well one day somebody is going to notice that you're not happy and they are going to make you do the right thing."  Farkle claimed making Maya shake her head.

"Nobody cares about me enough to notice how I feel. What about you? Ever going to tell your dad that you don't want to be apart of Minkus incorporated?" Maya asked making Farkle laugh and shake his head.

"Someday. Maybe after I graduate. Right now I'm just trying to buy time before that blows up." Farkle explained making Maya nod her head.

"Aren't we all."

Farkle and Maya talked about everything that had need going on in their lives since they last saw each other a few weeks ago. Maya told him about the bodyguard she was getting and Farkle laughed about it telling her it was probably a good thing considering how clumsy she is. That earned a shove from Maya. They laughed and joked until Maya's mom came to pick her up.
Stupid ending for a chapter but my phones about to die so... Sorry but I will update soon I promise!

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