Circus burger

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Here we go! Start of the new year, hope y'all enjoy!
"What is this place?" Josh asked, humor laced in his voice.

"This is what we call circus burger." Maya laughed a little as she motioned to all the waiters who were dressed as clowns.

"This looks like a place I would take Auggie to." Josh told her while shaking his head and looking down at her.

"Hey! Adults can eat here too." She argued with him making him give her a smirk and start laughing.

"Baby, this place has balloons tied to its menus." Josh chuckled as he watched a clown waiter grab some menus for a family that had three kids with them. Although Maya was ready to defend herself again she couldn't help but have the word 'baby' run through her mind.

"Baby?" She asked as she looked up at him shocked. Josh's smile faltered a little.

"I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." He said as he backed away a little.

"N0! It's okay, I like it." She said reassuring him. Josh smiled again before grabbing her hand and lacing his fingers with hers. "Look this place has some amazing burgers but, if you don't like it we can go somewhere else." Maya said as she broke out of her trance. Josh sighed before looking around the place again and then finally smiling before looking back down at her.

"I'll tell you what, I get to pick the place next time." He said before watching her face turn into a huge, bright smile.

"Deal!" She said before she drug them to take their place in line.

Josh felt a little weird as him and Maya were obviously the only adults here without a kid. He looked over at the ball pit that was in the middle of the restaurant where all the kids were playing. Josh looked back down at Maya who had a childish look on her face as if this was her childhood. As Josh thought more about it the more he realized that this place probably was her childhood.

"Hi welcome to circus burger! How many?" The waiter asked without looking up from his stand.

"Just two." Maya spoke before Josh had the chance. The waiter looked up and smiled through his face paint that he had on.

"Maya! You haven't been here in years! How have you been?" The clown asked making Josh confused.

"I'm good Bert! I've been extremely busy with school and music but other than that!" Maya exclaimed making the clown come from behind his stand and pull her into a hug. Maya immediately let go of Josh's hand so she could hug him back. Josh just stood their awkwardly.

"And who might this handsome young man be?" The clown asked making Josh cough awkwardly as he scooted closer to Maya.

"Bert this is my friend Josh, Josh this is Bert! I grew up around him, he was like a father figure to me before Shawn." Maya said. Josh immediately relaxed and smiled as he put his hand out towards Bert.

"Nice to meet you." Josh said. Bert smiled as he shook Josh's hand.

"The pleasure is all mine." He said before letting go. "So would you like your usual table?" Bert asked Maya.

"Is it free?" Maya asked as she took a look around the restaurant.

"Of course it's free! I always keep it reserved for when ever you may decide to come!" Bert replied before he grabbed two menus and started walking away letting Maya and Josh follow. Maya grabbed onto Josh's hand and pulled him behind her eagerly. Josh just kept getting more confused.

Josh and Maya got to a small booth in the back corner of the restaurant that had a window beside it with a view of a small play ground out side. Above the window was a picture of the clowns that worked in the restaurant that looked very accurate. You could tell in was drew by a kid, but it was pretty good even for a ten year old.

"Maya I'm guessing you would like your usual?" Bert asked her while Maya and Josh got settled into the booth. Maya smiled up at Bert and nodded her head.

"Yes please." She replied before Bert turned his attention to Josh.

"I'll give you a few minutes to decide." He said as he put Josh's menu in drift of him.

"That's okay. I'll take whatever Maya gets." Josh said smiling over at her.

"Are you sure?" Bert asked and Josh nodded.

"Positive. Thank you, Bert." He said before Bert smiled at him before walking off with their orders.

"What was that? You could have ordered something different." Maya told him laughing.

"No that's okay. I'm up for trying something you like. So what is your usual?" He asked her making Maya sigh in happiness.

"A fully loaded burger with extra fries and a large coke!" Maya exclaimed happily. Josh smile grew huge. That was not at all what he was expecting to come out of her mouth.

"That's really fattening." He said chuckling making Maya laugh.

"That's the point. I always have to eat healthy and make sure my body stays in good shape so I can keep doing the things that I do. Which I'm not complaining about because eating healthy is important. I just think that I can cheat and have a fattening mean at least a couple of times a week." Maya said shrugging her shoulders. Josh smiled.

"I suppose you can." He told her before she leaned back in her seat and closed her eyes.

For the first time since Josh had met Maya she looked happy, and I mean genuinely happy. No fake smiles, fake enthusiasm or even fake laughs. She looked like as if she were home where she belonged. Josh didn't know what it was about this place that made Maya so happy, but whatever it was he knew it was special, Even if there were about fifteen screaming kids around them. Maya opened her eyes and looked up at Josh.

"Thanks for staying." She told him. Josh took a moment before replying.

"I feel like I'm five years old again." He told her before she playing rolled her eyes and grabbed napkin. She gently smacked him in the face with it before starting to let out a genuine laugh. And how sweet it sounded.
I'm thinking of updating two more chapters in this book today.

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