Back in New York

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Hey guys!! So I think there are probably like 2-3 more chapters after this one. And that's a fact, no more than that. So I hope you guys enjoy these last few chapters. Thanks for reading and commenting!

Maya sighed as she stepped out of the tour bus. That had been in New York for three hours and she had not once left the confinement of her bunk, hoping that she could just sleep the day away.

She was back in New York. She loved New York. Except for the simple fact that it reminded her of Josh. She had been trying to get Josh out of her head since tour started, not hearing from him since the day that he left.

But her sound check was soon, and then the fans would start showing up and then she would have no choice but to put the fake smile back on her face and go out there. She thought that having the album switched and her being able to actually sing her own music would bring some of the happiness back to her. But it didn't. Because every song reminded her of Josh.

They made the cd together. They recorded it and produced it together. They broke into Larry's house and switched out the albums together. They ran from the cops together. Maya sighed as she thought back to that night, where everything seemed to be so much better. But she couldn't get what he had said to her the day he left out of her mind.

He had been right. What was she trying to prove by breaking up with him? She said she needed to go find herself. She was an idiot. Who breaks up with someone because they need to go find themselves? At the time she thought it to be a good excuse. But that's exactly what it was, an excuse. She couldn't even tell you why she broke up with him, really. Except for the fact that she had been letting Larry run her life ever since her career started.

Maya scowled as she shut the tour bus door behind her. Farkle smiled as he noticed that she had come out and walked over to her, holding out his arms. Maya stepped into them and rested her chin on his shoulder as he wrapped his arms fully around her. She rested her arms around his back and sighed.

"You good?" He asked her. Maya nodded into his shoulder before pulling back and sighed.

"I'll be fine. I just need to relax and try not to think about everything. Tonight isn't about me, it's about my fans." Maya told him. Farkle smiled at her. "Is Riley visiting Josh?" Maya asked. Farkles face dropped and his voice with an octave high.

"What?" He squeaked out as the color drained form his face. Maya narrowed her eyebrows at him.

"Josh, he came back here to New York when he left. Did she go to visit him?" Maya asked him slower. Farkle seemed to be able to breath a bit easier as he realized that she still had no idea about their plan. And the color started to come back as he took a few deep breaths.

"O-oh right. Yeah she did." Farkle said as he put on a smile. Maya watched him closely, which wasn't a good thing as she had always been able to tell when he was up to something.

"Farkle are you-"

"Maya! Sound check!" Larry called out, cutting her off. This seemed to be the first and only time that Farkle ever appreciated Larry.

"You better to!" Farkle told her. Maya looked from Larry then back to Farkle with a suspicious look on her face. Then, without saying a word, she turned around and walked away. Farkle breathing in a huge sigh of relief.

Farkle looked down and checked his watch. His phone dinged and he took it out to look at the text that had come across the screen.

Riley❤️: Mission accomplished, a lot easier than expected. How you doing?

Farkle smiled at the text. Riley had done her part, now it's time to see where his was.

Soundcheck had just ended and Maya was already exhausted. Because this was New York and the crowd here was known to be louder than most. She had been working double time to make sure that everything went just right for tonight.

Maya stepped back stage where Farkle was already waiting on her. She smiled at him, their past altercation already forgotten about. He handed her a bottle of water, which she took gratefully and chugged half of it in one gulp.

"Hey." She breathed out as she put the cap back on. She was already sweaty just from soundcheck. Farkle handed her a towel. "What would I do without you." She smiled at him.

"I have a surprise for you." He told her. Maya raised an eyebrow at him. "Come on." He said. He took her hand and brought her back to where the dressing rooms were. Maya tried to get him to say but of course, Farkle wasn't caving.

"Seriously, what is it?" Maya asked him as they came to a stop in front of her dressing room.

"Walk in and find out." Farkle told her. Maya rolled her eyes at him. But she opened the door and walked in and her eyes went huge.

"Mom! Dad!" She called out. Katy and Shawn smiled as they both got up from the couch and Maya tackled them into a hug. Even though it had only been a month, it still felt like forever.

"We've missed you!" Katy called out as they pulled away. Maya leaned down just in time to catch Auggie into a hug as he ran over to where she was.

"It's too quiet without you and Riley." Auggie told her. Maya smiled, she wondered what Shawn and Katy had told Auggie to explain the absence of Josh.

"What are you guys doing here?" Maya asked them. Farkle closed the door and stood by it. This was strange to Maya, but she didn't question it. Shawn and Katy shared a look with each other.

"Well, that's why we're here actually." Shawn told her. Maya raised her eyebrow, but before anything else could be said, a knock on the door sounded. Farkle opened it, and in came Larry.

"Why are you in here? We have meet and greet in less th-" he stopped himself as he came barging into the room, almost knocking Farkle into the wall, when he saw Shawn and Katy standing there. "Mr. and Mrs. Hunter." He greeted them kindly, his tone of voice changing instantly. "So good to see you both."

"Larry! Just the person we wanted to see, actually." Shawn stated with a smile on his face, but he didn't put his hand out to shake Larry's like he normally would have. Maya thought this was strange, Katy was giving Larry a stern look, not even bothering to put the fake smile on that Shawn had.

"What's going on?" Maya asked as she started to get confused. But before anyone could answer, there was another stumbling figure that came into the room.

"Sorry we're late. Caught in traffic."

"Riley!" Auggie called out as he ran to his sister. "Uncle Josh!"

Maya's face paled, her whole body froze. Larry's face became sour as he looked behind his shoulder at the doorway. Maya felt her throat go dry as she turned around. There in the doorway stood Josh.

Thanks for reading!

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