Riley's Gift

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Hey everyone!! Thanks so much for reading and commenting. You guys are the best! I hope you enjoy this next chapter. Lots of love!!

"Farkle!" Riley exclaimed as she made her way over towards him. "Were going to be in New York in less than a week. Do we have a plan or not?" Riley asked him. Farkle smiled at her.

"Don't worry. I already took care of it." He told her. Riley gave him a look.

"What do you mean you already took care of it!" She yelled at him. "Care it enlighten me?" Farkle smiled at her as he took a step towards her.

"You're so cute." Riley tried to fight the smile that made its way onto her face. But it was no use, Farkle was too cute for his own good. "I'll explain everything later, right now is about you." He told her. Riley narrowed her eyebrows.

"What do you mean?" She asked. Farkle smiled at her and grabbed her hand to lead her over to the tour bus that she and Maya were staying on.

"I want to show you something." He told her. They walked into the living area and Maya stood smiling at them both. Riley looked between her boyfriend and her best friend with curiosity.

"What's going on?" She asked.

"We know this hasn't been easy, especially the last couple of years." Maya started. "Your parents and grandparents dying, having to deal with it for the last couple of years and then moving your life to LA."

"You've been through a lot but you've handled it well. I don't know if I would have been able to put up with the things that you've had to." Farkle said.

"So me and Farkle put our heads together and we came up with something that we thought you'd like." Maya told her.

Farkle walked over and grabbed something that was hidden behind the couch. It was a large square and it was wrapped with a bow on top of it. He walked back over and stopped right beside Maya as he handed the package to Riley. Riley eyed them both before she gently tore the wrapper off.

It was a scrapbook. She looked up at Maya and Farkle with a confused glance, but they said nothing. Riley turned the scrapbook over and opened it. She didn't really know what she expected, but it wasn't this.

Riley's eyes filled with tears as she opened the first page. Her parents smiles seemed like they were glowing. They were so vibrant and full of life and love. Riley looked up at Farkle and Maya before she looked back down and continued to start looking through the different pages.

There were many pictures that filled each one. Some of just her parents, some of her grandparents, some of her grandparents and her parents. Some of her and Auggie with their parents, grandparents, etc.

"I-I don't know what to say." Her voice was cracking as tears started strolling down her face. She couldn't help it. She placed the book down on one of the small tables and launched herself at Farkle.

Slightly caught off guard, Farkle stumbled a little backwards a little bit, but caught himself as she placed her lips on his. He threw his arms around her and kissed her back as Maya stood there awkwardly.

"I helped!" Maya exclaimed, jokingly. Riley and Farkle pulled away and blushed as they looked down.

"Sorry, I'm not giving you the same thank you." Riley teased. Maya rolled her eyes as Riley let go of Farkle and hugged Maya.

"You guys, thank you. Really, this is incredible." Riley said as she pulled back and smiled at them both. "When did you find time to do this without me knowing?" She asked.

"Well it took a lot of sneaking around. But we wrote letters to all your family friends and asked them for pictures of your family." Farkle told her.

"Shawn had a bunch he kept in a shoe box underneath his bed that he took. He went and made copies." Maya told her. Riley looked like she could have broken down right then and there. "Him and Katie are making one for Augge and are going to give it to him."

"You guys are amazing. Really. When Josh first told us that we were coming here to LA. I was angry. I was beyond angry. I couldn't understand what made him think it was a good idea to bring us all out here, to take us away from everything that we ever knew. New York is where we grew up, it's all we had left of our family. But when we did, I gained so much. And looking back on it, I'm so glad that we did. Because then I wouldn't have met you guys."

Farkle pulled her into another hug and Maya smiled at the two, ignoring the slight pain in her chest as she watched them. She loved Riley and Farkle, but she missed Josh more when she was with them. They were very close together through out the tour, which Maya couldn't be more happier with. She loved that they had found happiness together, especially Farkle.

"I wish I could tell you guys just how much this means to me." Riley said as she picked up the scrapbook and went bath through it again. Her face lit up like a Christmas tree as she stared at certain pictures more than others. She looked back up and smiled through her tears.

"We wanted to do it. We enjoyed doing it. And you deserve it. We love you, and we could tell how much you missed your parents." Farkle said.

"If we had gone through the same things that you have, I don't know if either of us would have made it. I'm noting without Shawn and my mom. They've been my rock. Besides, we know you would have found a way to do the same thing for us." Maya told her. Riley gave them another hug, the scrapbook clutched tightly to her chest.

Thanks for reading!! Hope you guys enjoyed! Until next time!

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