The Aftermath

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Maya stared at the top of her piano as she played the cords of a new song she was working on. Her face grim as she banged harder on the keys then normal. Every few seconds stopping and scribbling something else on the paper in front of her.

Josh had left yesterday. After his fight with Maya, he went and said goodbye to Riley and Auggie. Gave his thanks to Shawn and Katy, then left the house to get on his plane back to New York. Maya had been in her music room all the time. Refusing to talk to anyone.

Shawn would bring her food down to her and she would eat as she worked on her music, she had spent the night in her basement writing music. She had even slept on the couch. Maya hadn't talked to Larry yet, and she wasn't planning on going to until she absolutely had to.

Tour was in just a few days, and Maya hadn't even started packing yet. Riley had been packed for weeks now and Farkle said she couldn't stop talking about it.

"You still down here?" Speaking of Farkle. "Riley said that you've been down here since yesterday. You haven't come upstairs at all." He told her. Maya nodded her head.

"I've just been working on something new." She told him. Farkle nodded as he came to sit beside her on the bench.

"Riley told me that you and Josh had a big blow up yesterday. Apparently you guys weren't very quiet." Farkle stated. Maya shrugged her shoulders, never looking at Farkle once as she continued to stare and write on her sheet music paper.

"I guess we had a lot to get off our chests. He certainly did anyway." Maya told him. She couldn't stop her tone from coming out so bitter. Farkle stared at her and sighed.

"I dont know what was said, but Maya you cant lock yourself down here. Not when you leave for six months in just a few days. You haven't even packed yet." Farkle told her.

"I'll pack later." She told him. Farkle rolled his eyes.

"Maya, you cant wait until later. Tomorrow you have to meet with your record label and get the dates of your tour, you're going to be at the studio all day. Then you have interviews to promote it, and not to mention your private graduation celebration that your parents are throwing for you the night before you leave. Come on, you cant keep putting it off." Farkle told her. Maya sighed.

"Farkle, all those things that you said about me and Josh. How you didnt think he would be able to go three months without talking to me, I think you're wrong." Maya told him.

"I'm never wrong." Farkle told her. Maya chuckled as she bumped her shoulder into his.

"I'm serious." She stated. "Josh made it pretty clear last night that me and him-us it was a mistake. I dont think he's going to want to talk to me." Maya told him.

"And you think sitting down here feeling sorry for yourself is the best way to cope with that?" Farkle asked her. "Josh felt like you couldn't be successful as long as he was standing in your way."

"But he wasn't standing in my way. Did I make him feel like he was?" Maya asked him softly.

"I dont think you did." Farkle told her. "But I still think that this time away will be good for the both of you. Let him work out his issues Maya, and you work out yours. See where you both are by the end of the tour."

"What if I dont want to wait that long." Maya told him.

"There are two people in this relationship, Maya. You may not want to wait, but Josh has feelings to. When he's ready, he'll come to you." Maya laid her head on Farkle's shoulder.

"He couldn't do it yesterday, I told him to look me in the eyes and say that we were a mistake. He couldn't do it." Maya told him.

"Give him time. Riley gave him a month before he came to wherever you were on tour with flowers." Maya snorted.

"We both have things that we're to blame for. It's not just him. He was right, I was the one that broke up with him first." Ginny told him. Farkle sighed.

"Come on, you need a shower, something to eat, and for God's sake-brush your teeth." Farkle teased her.

"Thanks Farkle." Maya blew in his face making him groan at her bad breath as she got up from the bench. Farkle got up after her and looked at the sheet music she was working on. "Ah, you know the rules. No peeking until its done." She took the paper from him and put it away so he couldn't see it anymore. Farkle rolled his eyes.

walking upstairs together, Riley greeted them at the top of the steps with a smile. Leaning forward, her and Farkle shared a kiss before Riley looked over at Maya.

"I just talked to Uncle Josh, he was able to get his job at the gym back. He's settling in with a friend and is looking for apartments near his work. He said hopefully he'll be able to come back for Auggie in about two weeks." Riley told them. Maya felt another pain rush up inside her. "He asked about you." Riley continued.

"He did?" Maya couldn't stop the hope from sounding in her voice.

"He wanted to know how you were doing. I told him the truth, that you decided to take refuge in your underground cave." Riley joked. Maya rolled her eyes. "He really misses you, Maya. I could tell." Riley told her. Maya shook her head.

"I have to pack." She moved past Riley and Farkle and started up the stairs to get to her room.

"I feel so bad." Riley sighed as she leaned her back against Farkle's chest. Farkle wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her closer to him as he leaned down and kissed the top of her head. Her head came back to rest against his shoulder. "They're so good for each other, I feel so hopeless."

"Dont worry," Farkle smiled. "I have a plan."

I am living for Riarkle. I might make them have a relationship in more of my stories. Not that I dont love Lucas or Smackle.

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