Mall Fight

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(Thomas' POV)

Alexander was my only real friend. In kindergarten, we adored eachother. We were truly best friends. But once Aaron became part of the picture, I lost him.
Aaron was never a real friend. I let him believe that, though. I let Aaron believe we were best friends.
To make things worse, I was the only friend Aaron had. Since I left his side, he's been completely alone.

So seeing him at my door made me MORE than scared. I hesitantly opened the door, shaking a little.
Aaron looked up at me and sighed.
"H-hey... Thomas..." He muttered.
"Sup." I smiled. Sup? That was the best I could come up with!? Sup!?
He smiled weakly.
"S-so uh... what'cha doin' here?" I asked, still on edge.
"I uh... I wanted to know if maybe... you wanna... go do something together...?" He asked.
I scrambled for words.
"U-uhm... S-sorry I... I can't..."
He sighed.
"Oh... well... okay..." He looked down and turned to leave. I felt terrible.
I took a deep breath.
"Fine," I sighed. He turned back to me.
"R-really...?" A light sparked in his eyes. I nodded.
He smiled and hugged me.
"Yay!" He smiled, then pulled away. "C'mon, I know just the thing!"
I forced a smiled and put my shoes on, then followed him. We went to the mall and dicked around, like normal teenage boys. All was well, until...

(Lafayette's POV)

Alexander, Hercules, and I were at the mall, just hanging around. We went out almost every day to distract ourselves from John's death.
We were sitting in the food court, drinking smoothies. I heard a familiar voice, so I looked over my shoulder...
To see Thomas and Aaron dicking around.
I gasped and looked away.
"You okay, Gil?" Hercules asked. I nodded rapidly.
"... Laf you're lying." Alexander huffed.
"Don't look now..." I motioned my head over to Aaron and Thomas. "But Aaron and Thomas are hanging out over there."
Hercules and Alex both whipped their heads in the direction I motioned.
"I said don't look now, but okay..." I sighed, then noticed tears prick Alexander's eyes. Hercules noticed, too.
"Alex... you okay...?" Herc asked.
Alexander stood up.
"That mother fucking ass piece of shit..." A few tears rolled down Alexander's face.
Then, Thomas noticed us.
Alex stormed over to Thomas more pissed than I have ever seen any human being be.
They were too far away for us to hear what they were saying, but Alexander was obviously shouting. After about two minutes of shouting, Alexander stormed out of the nearest exit. Hercules shot Thomas a dirty look before we ran after him.

(Alexander's POV)

Seeing Thomas at the mall was fine. Seeing Thomas as the mall with AARON!? That pissed me off.
I felt so many different emotions at once, I couldn't handle it. I thought he changed.
I stormed over to him, completely ignoring Lafayette and Hercules.
I got right in his face, on my tip toes, tears in my eyes.
"A-Alexander, I-" I cut him off.
"Why the fuck are you here!? With Aaron!?" I yelled.
"Alex, please calm down..."
"No! I will not calm down! I thought you changed! I thought you finally stopped hanging out with HIM." I pointed to Aaron, tears rolling down my face.
"Alexander, please, I was just-"
"No! I'm sick and tired of your shit, Thomas! And I have been for about thirteen years now!" I choked on tears.
"Alex, can we not hang out?" Aaron snapped. I quickly turned to him, rage in my eyes.
"You stay the fuck out of this." I growled, then turned back to Thomas.
"Alex..." Thomas shuddered.
"Piss off... I'm fucking done with your shit... you maybe be my soulmate, but you're a pretty shitty one." I ran out of there as fast as I could, crying the whole time. As soon as I got out of the mall, I sat on the ground and cried. Hercules and Lafayette came over to me to comfort me.


I trusted him...

I thought he changed...

(Thomas' POV)

Alexander stormed out of the mall and I fell to my knees, tears welling in my eyes.
"H... he's your... soulmate...?" Aaron looked shocked. I sighed.
"Yeah..." I sniffled and stood up. "I uh... gotta go..."
Aaron nodded. "Y... yeah... bye..."
I started walking home, holding back tears. I kept going over the whole ordeal in my head.
I hated myself.
I got myself a slushie before going home, making sure to give myself the worst brain freeze ever.
When I got home, I laid on the ground and cried. I felt so bad...

What have I done to Alex...

I'm a terrible boyfriend...

And an even worse soulmate...

I didn't deserve Alexander...

I then cried myself to sleep, on the ground, cold...

I didn't care.

I deserved it.

I'm a heartless asshole...

((815 words holy shit))

((This chapter...))

((Oooohhhhh this chapter...))

((Mmmmm now I'm at a writer's block))

((Please help))

((Love yall))

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