In His Arms

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(Alex's POV)

I looked Thomas as he slept soundfully. He snored lightly and I found it adorable.
This wasn't like other times. When I would cuddle with John or Eliza, or hell, even Maria... this was different. It felt... loving... it felt... right...


I was walking to school when I heard someone call my name.
"Alex!" They called. I turned around to see Thomas. At first, I thought, 'Run.'
Then I came to my senses and stopped. He ran up to me and slowed down, panting.
"H...hey..." He muttered.
"Yes?" I asked. Yes, I know, I told him I'd give him a chance, and I still don't know what I was thinking when I did, but part of me still wanted to kick him in the shin and run off.
"I wanted to... walk to school with you..." He panted. I shrugged and he smiled. "I'm still really sorry, Alex... about everything I've done to you..."
I sighed.
'Why must he be so hot?' I thought.
"I... just... why?" I asked.
He took a deep breath.
"B... because..." He sighed. "I liked you... and I didn't want Aaron to know what... I wanted to seem cool..."
"And you ruined my life in doing so," I snapped.
"I said I was sorry..." He looked down.
I felt terrible. Yeah, he hurt me, but I'm soft. I couldn't just leave him to feel like shit. I sighed.
"You have the rest of the week to convince me to forgive you." I muttered.
Thomas' eyes widened.
"R-really...?" He stuttered.
"Yeah..." I sighed. It was only Monday so he had more than enough time.

(Thomas' POV)

I started my plan to win Alex's trust on Wednesday.
Yeah, I wasted about two days planning, but it was going to be great.
I started by slipping a note in Alex's locker.

Dear Alexander,
I have had a crush on you since kindergarten. I have lied to myself, and others, for about 13 years. It's time I come clean.
I would be very happy if you joined me at 7/11 today after school.
Yes, I know it isn't that fancy, but it'll be worth it.
I hope to see you later

~Thomas Jefferson

I slipped the note in his locker than went to biology.

After school, I ran to 7/11 and waited.

Five minutes...
Fifteen minutes...
Thirty minutes...

I started to think he wasn't coming. I hung my head down and sighed as I heard a familiar voice.
"Yo, T. Jeff. Sorry I'm late."
I looked up and saw Alex approach me, his hands in his pockets.
"Where were you?" I asked.
"I had to talk to a friend..." He muttered.

(Alex's POV)

I hated being late. I despised it.
So when John dragged me into the bathroom after school, my stomach sank. I didn't want to be late for Thomas, but I had to be there for John.
He cried for about twenty minutes, saying shit about never finding love and that stuff.
But what really hit me, was when he told me he could see colors.
I gasped and asked him who it was. Who his soulmate was. He solemnly looked up at me and said it was me.
I felt terrible.
I gave him colors then dumped him...
I couldn't have felt worse...
When we finally left the bathroom, I had to put on a mask and pretend to be okay as I walked to 7/11.

(Thomas' POV)

I felt something was off about Alex, but I felt it was better to leave it alone. I lead him inside and smiled.
"I come here all the time." I chuckled.
"Why?" He asked.
"It's my coping mechanism. Instead of... self harm..." I muttered. "I get a freezy and give myself terrible brain freezes."
Alex nodded.
"Makes sense." He chuckled and looked up at me.
I smiled and grabbed a slushie cup.
"Want one?" I asked. He nodded.
I grabbed another cup and handed it to him.
We got our slushies then walked to the park.
Something changed in me as I looked down at Alex, straw in his mouth, smile on his face... He was truly beautiful. I smiled and slowly wrapped my arm around him.

(Alex's POV)
((sorry for so many POV changes...))

Thomas wrapped his arm around me. At first, I was going to turn and bitch smack him, but I decided against it. It felt right...
I looked up at him and smiled. He smiled back.

The rest of that "date" was so... sentimental... and... beautiful...

When I got home, I gushed to Laf and told him everything...... even about John...
Laf sighed.
"Maybe he'll find someone else, mon ami." Laf sighed. I nodded, still feeling terrible for John...
But at least things were getting better.

((810 words))

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