The unexpected

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Normal POV:

The ride back to the hideout was quiet. You would occasionally try and make small talk but Matt didn't seem too talkative since he only answered you with "mhm", "yeah" and nodding. You didn't let that get to you though because you knew he was a rather busy guy, so you decided to keep quiet for the rest of the ride. You also couldn't help but think about that little moment that happened a few minutes ago. Him being so close to you made you melt internally. He was like a drug to you. You craved more of him every day. But does he feel the same way? You glanced at him. The serious/worried expression on his face as he drove a tad bit over the speed limit made you worried a little bit. You were so lovestruck after that little moment that you didn't really pay attention to their conversation over the phone, so you had no idea what was waiting you two back there.

***time skip brought to you, just me this time***

The car stopped with a screech. Matt hopped out of the car and you did the same, struggling to keep up with his pace. You were like a small bean compared to him.

Matt's POV:

I walked, or well more like ran to the door. I could tell Y/N was struggling to keep up but I had no time to waste. 'Sorry Y/N'. I barged into the 'living room' as we usually call it and met Mello's glare. "What happened??" I panted. Mello checked out his gun, wiping it with a cloth "first of all, who said you could leave? Second of all, Great to see you back in the game Y/N" Mello halfsmiled at the last part. Y/N scratched the back of her head and smiled awkwardly.

I was surprised at this and raised an eyebrow at him throwing my hands in the air "What the?? Are you my mom now or something?" Mello snorted and grinned "Yes, yes I am". He wasn't usually this...I don't even have a word for this...Not-serious I guess. I'm not saying he's always serious but this feels like talking to a person who is about to commit suicide or something. Then an idea of what might be going on here, popped in my head. "Mello... you're planning some kind of suicide mission, aren't you?" I said crossing my arms and squinting my eyes at him. I also noticed Y/N was standing behind me leaning on the door frame. Worry painted across her face. I flashed her a reassuring smile which she returned. It didn't seem to help that much though as she went back to look worriedly at me and Mello. Mello stared at his gun "maybe, maybe not..." he flashed a half smile. "Mello just tell us what's going on, you didn't say anything about what's happening here when we talked earlier..."

Mello sighed "fine... so do you remember after we killed Kira and many of his supporters went quiet...or just dissapeared in general?" I didn't like where this was going and neither did Y/N. From the looks of it she must've heard of that bastard. Me and Mello almost died because of the mess he had made. "Yeah...and?" I walked closer to him pulling out a cigarette. "Well I thought they dissapeared for good, but as it turns out they have 'risen' again and...they're coming for us."

A/N: Yes, I know short chapter but I felt so bad for not updating for so long, I just felt I had to give you guys something even if it's short. Oh and btw do any of you like the show supernatural? I'm thinking since this book is getting closer and closer to the end, I could start writing one shots or imagines. Supernatural and Death Note are easy ones for me. I could probably do bands too but I'm not fan of that many so I'm not sure if I could pull it off. But anyways thanks for reading and also thanks for your patience! :D

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