The dream prolouge

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I remember it like it was real. It was so vivid, but only that night was it vivid. Slowly it faded from memory; faces became blurrier and bit and pieces of the story. . . forgotten. Never had I experienced something so wonderful in my life. I was truly happy and I felt complete. Like he was and is the one.

The boy was blonde. It was always the blondes that I fell for. He was kind and tall. He had a wonderful smile and a great personality and best of all he threaded me like I was a princess.

The dream:

"Hey honey! the phone is for you!" my mom yelled to me from upstairs. For some reason she was doing her hair.

"Coming!" I yelled back taking the steps two at a time.

When I got there she handed to phone to me and mouthed his name.

"Hey" I said, happy that he called.

"What's up?" he asked.

"Nothing, just talking to you." He laughed. His semi deep voice resonating through the phone.

We continue talking for a while longer. He starts telling me a story when my brother walks in.

"Who is she talking to?" he asked my mom.

" Her boyfriend." she replies while motioning for him to be quiet.

My brother being the immature fag he is starts making kissing noises. I feel the heat rush to my face trying hard to focus on what he is saying and not my brother. Finally after minutes of tormenting my mom told him to leave.

With no distractions he and I talk on the phone for another hour before my mom tells me it's time to go to bed. I tell home that I have to go and we say good night. As I walk out of the room I hand my mom her phone. he knew that I didn't have a phone yet he never made fun of me for it. He was amazing.

Later in the dream:

We are at a school dance. Sitting at a table talking and eating. The room is dark and there are lights here and there to light up the gym. Molly walks over to us. I hate her she is so stupid.

"Hey guys! Oh wait, am I interrupting something?" she asks.

I want to tell her she is just because I want her to leave us alone. But I decide to be nice, "nope, you weren't interrupting any thing."

"Oh well then can I speak to you for a minute Em?"

"Um. . . sure, I guess." I really don't want to talk to her.

" I will be right back." I told him as I walked away from the table. He gives me a boyish nod to let me know that I heard him.

"So how is it going with you two?" Molly asks.

"Fine." I said. Why tell her more than needed.

She then proceeds to tell me random shit about stuff I could care less about. I zone out not caring what she says.

Once she is done I leave and go back to the table where he is still sitting.

"What did she want?" he asked.

"I don't know. I didn't even pay attention. I didn't even care in the first place. I have no clue why she decided to talk to me instead of someone who actually likes her. " I groan. " She is so stupid!"

Hours later we head home. Just before I leave he leans in and kisses me. My first kiss. MY FIRST KISS!

End dream.

I have only told two people since then about what I call "the blond boy dream" my friend Paige says it is possible that it could happen, while the other on just laughed. He always tells me that it's just a dream. And I being the Disney child that I am, I say "A dream is a wish the heart makes."

One day I hoped it would come true. But for now I am stuck waiting.


Okay so this the first story I have written. I hope you like it so far. The dream written about above is in fact a real dream that I had about two years ago.

Ummm... I'm not good at stuff like this. Lol. Comment things I could improve on please, but BE POLITE! I will use some cuss words here and there. I will not write smut. And I am sorry if the kiss was not romantic enough for you but that is how it happened in my dream and it will stay that way.

So vote, comment, and tell your friends!!

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