Chapter 4

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Finally after choosing the absolutely perfect outfit for meeting the boys in Paige and I go to sleep.

The next morning we change and clamber into the car, tired as hell to be up that early. I turn on the GPS as Paige snuggles down into the side of the seat to fall asleep. That girl can fall asleep in 5 minutes in a car.

I turn on the music to keep myself company. As Dark Horse finishes, She Will Be Loved by Maroon 5 came on. I turned it up and started singing.

"Beauty queen of only 18 she had,

some trouble with herself..."

As quickly as it came on, the song changed, and after that one a commercial. After a few commercials the radio personality mentioned One Direction. I turned it up again.

"Allegedly the infamous boyband One Direction is taking a break from their album and concerts for a year to finish up some unfinished business. The boys have yet to announce something but most fans a preparing for the heartbreaking news that they are taking this break to contemplate breaking up."

I started to freak out as Story of My Life came on. What if the fans find out? Will they come after them? Will I get in trouble if people find out? Will the boys want to even talk to me after they leave? Will they be allowed?

While I'm so busy with these thoughts rolling around in my head I am too busy to realize that we had gotten to the boys house. Yes, house. They were renting a house while they were down here, and it's not a one level house or a split level. It's a 3 level house with an in ground pool, and a finished basement that is a bar away from a man cave. I didn't creep them, Harry and Niall gave me their numbers before we left yesterday. And I texted Niall to ask if it was ok for us to come over that early. And then one thing lead to another and we talked all night. Well. . . almost all night I fell asleep at 3.

As I pull into the drive I wake Paige up by shaking her. And honk the horn for a few seconds, just in case the boys weren't up yet. I didn't want to walk in on a sleeping (naked might I add) Harry. I step out of the car as I see Niall open the door and step outside.

"Hey guys! We've been waiting for u. Come on in," He says as we reach the door, " We've got breakfast if you are hungry. The kitchen is right over here."

We follow him through the door way in to an elegant foyer. The chandelier dangles with the morning light coming in through the window and hitting off the crystals (fake or not, I don't know)

at just the right angle to make small rainbows appear on the walls. I look at Paige and see that she has the same look of amazement that I do. But not over the same thing. Harry is walking down the steps in his boxers, obviously he had just woken up because he was still rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. I tapped her shoulder and smirked at her while purposefully glancing back and forth between her and Harry. She glares at me sinisterly and I can tell she REALLY wants to slap me, but hold it back because she know we will be questioned. Harry waves at us and mutters a tired good morning before yawning. Niall just shakes his head in embarrassment.

We follow him a few more feet, with Harry trailing behind us, into the kitchen. What I saw then surprised the hell out of me.

Now I am well aware that most boys sleep in their boxers, and some sleep with pants on, but usually they don't have shirts on. And this case was no different. It was like I died and went to heaven. 5 of the hottest boys to ever walk this Earth (in my opinion) were sitting on the counter in the kitchen, shirtless. My eyes widen about 3x more than normal and I freeze. I literally just stop walking. I feel a tired and dazed Harry bump into me sending me sprawling on the floor. All of the boys turn and look at me at once, and just stare. Paige has a smirk on her face, as if to say, That's what u get bitch.

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