Chapter 8

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It's like 12:07 and I can't sleep so this is a test run of the chapter.

"Emily are you coming to the boys house with me today? Or are you skipping out and heading home like you have for the past week and a half."

After everything that happened last week, I haven't gone back. I'm trying to avoid Niall. Every day I shoot louis a text saying that I can't make it.

"No, and I actually have a good excuse for the rest of the week. My brother is shipping out and my parents want us to have quality family time. So it's volleyball and come home."

A whistle blows from across the gym. Drink break is over.


I walk out of practice to my car. Texting louis my excuse. But this time I say that I will tell him every thing that happened at the cafe in an hour.

I take my time going to the cafe and grab a muffin once I'm there. I grab a table at the back of the room where I will be secluded and can talk to louis quietly, with no interruption.

I hear the bell on the door ring. Signaling that someone came in. I don't look up. When I hear the chair across from mine, I open my mouth to tell them the seat is taken.

"Emily I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. Whatever trouble happened between you and Aiden because of me, I'm so sorry. You don't have to talk to me, just come back to help with the school thing. The boys miss you, ya know."

I look up silently, my face blank from all emotion. "How did you know I was here?"

"Louis was driving and had me answer his phone. He knows what you said. I recognized your car. He didn't think you were here yet, so I told him I was gonna run to the bathroom."

I sigh. "Go get Louis." With a flick of my hand he is gone. Moments later returning with Louis and Harry.

"Do you want me to stay or should I go wait in the car?"

"Do which ever I'm sure that with these loud mouths you'll find out sooner or later."

Niall sits down where he was at before and the other boys grab chairs and pull them over.

"Okay, so after I left, we stopped in a parking lot and Aiden told me he couldn't be mad at me because he had been cheating on me also. I told him that me cheating was a lie/misunderstanding and then I told him to get out of my car and never talk to me again. He told me he will always love me. I left and went to Cassidy's house. You'll meet her when school starts. And asked her if she knew anything. And she didn't so I left. And then I came back, and you know the rest from there."

I sit in silence examining their faces. I wait for someone to speak, even move. When nothing happens I get up, "So are we done here, cause if Brooke is at the house with Liam someone should probably be there."

Nothing happens still so I get up and go to my car. I climb in and sit there for a minute. Just as I'm about to start the car the passenger side door opens and Niall climbs in.

Without looking at me he says "Lou said I should ride with you. He wanted you to talk to me. I guess it's a little more like I wanted to talk to you. " I nod and start the car.

The ride is quiet, except for the small talk every once in a while. It was a little award, but not like there was a full grown elephant in the room. More like a baby elephant. But it was still there.

"I'm sorry about what happened. I didn't mean for it to happen. I was jealous and made a split second decision that I regretted the moment I realized what I had done. And by that time it was too late."

I turned to him just as I slammed on my brakes. Luckily no one was behind me. I looked at him for a minute, then pulled over to the side of the road and turn my flashers on. I get out of the car and walk towards the direction I was coming from.

"Emily, what the hell was that?! What are you doing?!"

I keep walking, hot tears falling down my face. My vision is blurred from the tears and as I wipe them away I trip on a rock and fall. I catch myself before my head hits the ground, but I don't think my wrist is supposed to look like it does.

I sit back and lift my wrist. The pain is so excruciating that I let out a small and pathetic scream. I don't look up as the tears fall harder and faster. I hear footsteps approaching fast.

"Oh my god, are you okay? Holy shit I think your wrist is broken. We need to get you to a hospital." Any other day and I would have gotten up and walked with him back to the car and gone to the hospital. But I don't want to spend more time alone with him or talk to him anymore.

I keep my head down. My eyes on his shoes. I was blinking away my tears when I feel someone lift my face up.

"Em, I know you don't want to talk to me right now. And I'm sure you don't want to be around me any longer than you have to, but you need to get that checked." His tone is consoling. I look him in the eyes and nod.

I push off the ground with my opposite hand. As I do this my brain starts to go into medical mode. "I need to splint this," I say choking back tears, "that or we're gonna have to call and ambulance. Because any small movement could injure it more."

"Okay, well since I don't think we have anything to splint it with and I don't know how to get to the hospital by myself, I'm going to call an ambulance. Okay?"

I don't respond. But my answer is obvious. He pulls out his phone, I tell him where we are at.

Shortly we hear sirens coming from the left. Niall stands up and waves to them to let them know where to stop. When the medics come over they have me stand up and walk to the vehicle.

"Ma'am could you please tell us how this incident occurred?"

"Well I pulled my car over and got out. And started walking this way. And somehow I tripped and fell and all my weight landed on this arm."

"Was there something wrong with your car? Why did you pull over?"

"Nothing was wrong with my car. My passenger told me something that made me upset. After he pretty much caused my life to sort of fall apart. So I stopped driving and went for a little walk. And wasn't sure if I wanted to come back to the car after that. I left it running. But I think he might have taken the keys out."

"Okay, well we are going to splint your wrist because our best guess is that it's broken. But you still need to have an X-Ray."

"Okay hold on a second. Niall! Can you drive my car to the hospital? Just follow these guys."

He flashes a thumbs up and jogs towards the car. He brings the car over near the ambulance. Soon enough my wrist is splinted and we are on our way. I reach into my back pocket and call Louis.


"Hi Lou. It's Emily. We are on our way to the hospital. You can meet us there if you want. Bring Brooke if you come."

"Why, oh why in the world are you headed to the hospital? And why wouldn't I want to come to the hospital? Brooke and I are getting in the car now."

"I will tell you when you get here. K? Bye." I hang up not waiting for a response.

I decided to just post what I had. And let you guys know that what I'm thinking about doing is re writing it to move things further into the story. And make sure things aren't happening too quick. But if I do that it won't be up for a while and I honestly don't have time. So maybe I will finish it and then go back and redo it. Idk. I also thought about completely changing the story where instead of it being a fanfic toon it would just be a teen fiction and the blonde boy is a new kid and we go to a 1D concert and meet them. But that's all that has to do with 1D. So if u guys want to give ur opinion on what u think u would like to see just comment or private message me. The picture above is the headband that Emily did on Brooke in the last chapter. I was also thinking about changing the names. Let me know what u guys think. Love ya!!!!!

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