Sky is NOT Sky (pt 1)

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WARNING: This chapter is the first chapter with a torture scene in it. It's not too bad, I mean, this thing is rated T... Heh, but seriously, it's just Sky doing the unmentionable... I mean... Darn it, not in that way. I meant... I meant that he says the 'g' word. You know what I mean. *whispers* GOLD!

Ch 4: Sky is NOT Sky

Sky's POV (from during the clone test)

"Alrighty, if you're Sky, prove it."

I rack my brain for anything the other me wouldn't know, but he seems to know everything about me! Evil-Sky suddenly speaks up. Something about feeling something in my pocket. Then he reaches into my empty pocket and pulls out Ssundee's sunglasses. What the heck? Did he have those up his sleeve?

"And Evil-Sky had them, so that must be Evil-Sky!" Ssundee shouts. I just stand there shocked, while the Evil-Sky, whom my friends believe is the real Sky, cheers. Then Evil-Sky glances at forest and makes a small hand motion. A little bit later, a squid emerges from the forest.

"I suppose we should be going," the squids says, wrapping his tentacles around me and beginning to fly away. Then I her his voice again, but it's in my head this time. Uh... telepathy, maybe? 'You'd best cooperate, Sky,' he says. 'Or when we get back to my dimension, you'll get quite the beating.'

My eyes widen and I think back, 'No way am I cooperating with a squid!' Then I yell out, "No! No, I'm Sky! Put me down, you filthy squid!" The squid winks at Evil-Sky and slaps a tentacle over my mouth. I try yelling again, but I can't even understand myself. I give up and go limp in the squid's grip. Evil-Sky was right. I have nothing to live for anymore.


I LIED! I wanna live! For budder, if nothing else. I wince as someone identical to Ty punches me in the guy. I can't even fight back, I'm changed to a wall. That squid guy brought me to this dimension a few hours ago. I know everyone by their look,s but their personalities are very different.

I overheard some people talking about some kind of mission. Apparently people from other dimension can call this dimension and ask to have someone from their dimension replaced, exiled, or perma-killed. The squids were the ones that wanted me dead. Figures. Anyway, since the squids wanted me dead, they sent the me from this dimension to take care of me. I still don't understand why Evil-Sky's eyes were different from mine, though...

Evil-Ty punches me again, and I groan. I learned the hard way that people here don't exactly like budder as much as I do. Ty grins down at me. "Like that? You gonna mention gold again?"

"Gold?" I ask. "It's BUDDER."

Evil-Ty scowls and kicks my side. I yelp and try to back away, but there's a wall behind me. It's NOT budder. Do NOT call it budder," he growls. "What is it, Sky?"

"It's- it's budd-" I start to say, but Evil-Ty stops me with a punch to my jaw. He turns away from me and picks up something from a shelf on the wall near the door. Dude, not cool. That thing is way too... hurty looking for my taste.

It's a whip. He also grabs a budder ingot. "What. Is. This," he asks angrily.

"Budder ingot!"

"No! It's gold!" He pulls the whip back and half-second later my cheek is stinging, and it feels like someone just dragged a knife across my face. I hesitantly reach up a finger to touch it, and it comes away covered in blood. "Now. What am I holding?"

I roll my eyes, trying to act as if the pain doesn't affect me at all. "Still, budder, idiot."

"No," he hisses, bringing the whip down gain. I immediately shield my face with my arms and cry out when they get hit. "It's NOT budder! What is it?"

"Budd-" I begin, but falter when he pulls the whip back again, getting ready to strike. "G-Gold," I whisper.

He smiles triumphantly. "Louder."

"Gold," I say, slightly louder this time. "It's gold."

"And what is your opinion on gold?" he asks.

"I love-" I start to say, but then I notice the anger in his eyes and stop. "It's not my favorite," I say quietly.

His eyes light up with rage and- hmm, is that fear? Why on Minecraftia... "NOT YOUR FAVORITE?" he roars. I flinch as he continues. "You hate it! You hate it! DO YOUR HEAR ME? YOU HATE IT!" I nod quickly, but I guess that's not enough. "Say it!" he yells. "Say you hate it!"

"I hate it."



He laughs and leaves the room. "Good job, Sky."

All is quiet while I go over what just happened.

"I hate it...?"


Sorry for the short chapter, I actually had more for this chapter but I don't have much time and I'm not sure I'll be able to type it before I lose mah internet connection. I don't know. I might. Eh, whatevz. See ya later, Rulers! DON'T FORGET TO RATE AND REVIEW!!!

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