Chapter 8: Command Blocks

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(I"m just gonna copy and paste the chapters from my fanfiction account to this account all at one time. I'm too lazy to add them like, once a week or whatever, and I need to have this book available to me offline, soo..... I'ma just post these real quick. Yeah. Sorry?)

Kay, this chapter is pretty much just the previous chapter in Sky's POV. And for all you people who were hoping he magically comes alive and makes it back home... Well, you're only half right. :)

Ch 8: Command Blocks

Sky's POV

"I can figure out who's who," I say quietly. I definitely can, it'll just hurt... a lot. That doesn't matter though. If the others choose incorrectly, the real Ty will be stuck in this dreadful place, and I can't let that happen. Even if Ty hates me, I could never hate him. We've been friends for so long. I wish I knew what I did to make him hate me...

I realize the others are looking at me, waiting. I suck in a deep breath and prepare for a beating. Then I gently take off my nearly broken sunglasses. Evil-Ty jumps at me, and I yelp as he begins to hit me. "I told you not to take them off again!" he shouts. I close my eyes and sink to the ground, hugging my knees as he beats me. "You're ugly and worthless and stupid. Say it!"

"I'm ugly and worthless and stupid," I repeat. And I truly do believe it.

Suddenly, I don't feel Evil-Ty hurting me anymore, and I open my eyes to see the real Ty pulling him away. "No! No, Sky, you're wonderful!" he shouts.

I give him a puzzled look. What? I thought he hated me. "No, he's not. He's ugly and worthless and stupid. He needs to know. You're not helping by lying to him," Evil-Ty says. Ah, Ty was just lying to me. That makes sense.

"I'm not lying to him!" Never mind. "He is wonderful! He doesn't deserve this."

WHAT? But I thought... I thought Ty and Jason were just taking me back to our dimension so they could torture me themselves... I thought they hated me. Well, maybe not. Maybe they actually came to save me. Maybe they never hated me. Maybe Evil-Ty was just feeding me lies.

How could I not realize this sooner? Of course Evil-Ty would try to make me feel unwanted! I turn my attention back to their conversation. "The prophecy. The one where a red eyed, budder-loving fool destroys this dimension," Evil-Ty says. Prophecy? So that old lady wasn't lying... I'll tell you that story later, Rulers. (A/N: DARN IT SKY, STOP BREAKING THE FOURTH WALL!)

Once again, I turn my attention to the conversation. "No, he doesn't!" Ty yells.

"Yes, he does!" Next thing I know, there's a gold – no, budder – sword to my throat. "Ironic, isn't it, that I'm using your precious gold to kill you?" I can feel anger rising to the surface. I hate that word. It's budder, not gold, so I'll call it budder if I want to, Evil-Ty.

Evil-Ty is saying something, I don't care what. I cut him off by wrenching the sword from his grasp. I stand up and push the blade against his stomach. "Excuse me?" I grin. Revenge. "I thought I heard you say gold, but this is obviously budder." I run Evil-Ty through with the sword.

He gasps as he falls to his knees. I smirk. "N-No... You worthless, unwanted i-idiot..." He stops breathing and his eyes glaze over, but I frown. Yep, a worthless, unwanted idiot. That's me.

Suddenly, I feel arms around me. "Don't believe the lies, Sky," Ty says softly. I crack a small smile as I shake my head.

"I'm trying," I whisper.

"C'mon, let's go home." He's such a great friend. But when I try to move forward, I nearly collapse. I'm so tired...

"I-It hurts," I mumble. I lean on the wall and wince. Everything hurts.

"Oh my Notch, Sky," Ty says quietly. Then he starts talking to Jason about helping me walk.

"I'm f-fine," I get out.

Ty frowns at me. "No, you're not."

"Yes, I am."

"No. You can barely even stand on your own!"

"Fine. But I need to do something first. Could you help me to that block over there?" I point to something that I noticed earlier. He nods, and he and Jason help me. I smile gratefully and reach a hand through the hole in the wall to start typing on the hidden command block. Wait... Oh, stink, this command block puts a 30 second time limit on commands. Oh boy, they're going to hate me for this.

"What are you doing?" Mitch asks.

"Out, out, out!" I reply. I programmed the command block to spawn special creepers all over this dimension, and I added a little something. We only have thirty seconds to get out. I push my friends toward the door.


"Just do it! Trust me, please!" They're not going to make it out if they're helping me. "Hurry, hurry! Just go, I'll be fine!" I lie. I'm not actually sure if I will be fine. Jason and Ty spin around to face me.

"No, Sky," Jason says firmly. "We're not leaving you. What are we even running from?"

I sigh. "I knew you'd be like this, so I planned ahead. Just give me a few seconds." I told the command block to give me a budder blaster five seconds before the creepers spawn. The budder gun pops into my hands. "Don't worry, it won't hurt," I say softly.

Ty's eyes widen. "Sky, no!"

"Sorry," I whisper. I blast them through the door right before the creepers spawn. The creepers all turn to me and start hissing and flashing white. Since I'm in no condition to run, I cross my fingers and aim my budder gun at the floor. When I fire, I'm blasted in the opposite direction, which is up. I crash through the ceiling just as the creepers explode.


...Maybe not. I gasp as I remember that what goes up must come down. I try to ease myself to the ground, but I fail epicly and end up slamming myself into the ground and blacking out.


I wake up to the sound of hissing and scramble backwards in a crab walk. The creeper explodes anyway, but I don't take too much damage. I crawl over to a single block of water and peer into it. Wow, I'm a mess. I ease myself into the water and rinse off the blood and grime. When I get out, I feel great (sort of), but the water is reddish-brown. Yuck.

I scan the surrounding area. My budder gun is on the ground about five feet from where I woke up. The building where I was being held is now nothing but rubble. Just like the rest of this dimension.

It's day now, but this place is still creepy. Blood sprinkles the debris on the ground. That's what they get for not having a respawn machine. That's what they get for replacing and perma-killing and torturing people. That's what they get.

I struggle to stand. Ugh, everything hurts. Pain is literally everywhere. I need a budder apple or a healing potion. I lean against a tree that has half of its leaves blown up. How am I going to get back home? Maybe I won't get home... No. I'll find a way.

Hmm. Are command blocks affected by explosions? I could type in the coordinates for my house, and – no, that wouldn't work. It would probably bring me to a place in this dimension. Darn it.

What do I do?

Well, I could still use the command block to give myself a healing potion. Darn it, Sky, why didn't you think of that earlier? Ugh, I could have given myself a budder apple instead of a budder gun, and then I could have made it to the portal with the others.

Oh well, at least they're safe. I'm still going to give myself healing potions and diamond armor, though. And an enchanted budder sword. Yes, budder. Oh, how I've missed saying/thinking that word.

I type in the proper commands and drink a million potions. Then I dance around to the music from the 'cat' disc in the jukebox I command-blocked into my inventory, trying to ignore the fact that I may never get back home.

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