Sky is Not Sky (pt 2)

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Sorry again for the short chapter, but like I said, these two were supposed to be one. Anyway, I'm typing this at seven, which is way too early for a Sunday (on other days I wake up at five). So I probably won't get the next normal-sized chapter typed up before we go the coffee shop to steal their internet connection. Sorry bout dat. Now... READ!

Ch 4 ½: Sky is NOT Sky (pt 2)

Ty's POV

“I'm so glad that dude's not messing with my life anymore,” Sky says.

“Yeah. Sorry again for not believe you and for getting you banished,” I reply. But something still doesn't feel right. The other Sky left with that squid a few days ago, and the respawn machine mysteriously started working again. Mitch and Jerome got their status as HG champs back; Jason got a new Jeffery and Dillon. Turns out, Jerome's competition wasn't a 'serious' event, but an event where you try to stay serious longer than anyone else. His purple fur disoriented a lot of the competitors, and he ended up winning. His fur is back to normal, now, anyway. And Sky managed to fix my headphones (don't ask me how). Everything is back to normal.


“Don't worry about it, Ty, it's fine,” Sky says.

Is it? "Uh, Sky?”


“Can I see your eyes again?”

He freezes. “Uh... I guess...” He slowly takes the sunglasses off. His eyes are bright red, almost neon, with tiny specks of pure black.

I stare at them for a moment. “How-?” I ask.

Sky shakes his head. “I already t-told you, I was b-born like this.”

Okay, well, I've been wanting to bring this up for a while now. “No, you weren't born like that. I remember seeing a picture of you once from when you were younger, and your eyes were like, hazel-ish,” I say.

“Oh, uh, w-well, it's a long story...”

“I have time.”

“... I don't. I have to go... meet Kermit for a hunger games.”

“At least tell me why you lied about your eyes.”

“I- er, um... Gotta go, bye!”

Something is definitely not right.

Jason's POV

Something's off. Sky seems quieter, more reserved than he was before the two-Skys incident. Maybe he's been traumatized. Or maybe he's trying to be less obnoxious. Maybe he's scared of losing his friends again. I dunno, but I'm worried. Sky said he was doing a Hunger Games with Kermit and Ethan. I'll look by Hunger Games lobby. I'm really worried about him...

“Bye, Kermit!” Sky shouts as he exits the lobby. Then he heads toward the forest. Wait, why's he going there? I think I'll follow him. He walks deep into the forest and settles down by a small pond. Then eh pulls out his phone and calls someone. I listen closely from my hiding spot behind a tree. “Hey, Squid...” WHAT? HE'S CALLING A SQUID? “Yeah, they don't suspect a thing... I know, but not yet... So, how's the other Sky doing?” What? He's checking up on Evil-Sky? I keep listening. “An hour? Wow, he must really like gold if it took that long.” I gasp. Did Sky seriously just say 'gold'? Sky hears me and turns toward my hiding place. I hold my breath and stand as still as possible. Eventually Sky gives up and keep talking. “Yeah, sorry about that. I thought I heard something. Hey, I have a question... Who did the torture?” There's silence for a few seconds. “HA! Ty did it? That's genius! Oh, you are a genius, my friend. Okay, well, see ya, Squid. Yeah, yeah, I didn't forget. Bye now.” He hangs up and turns his attention to the pond.

Okay, let's think this through. Sky is.. well, Sky is evidently not Sky. Meaning he must be Evil-Sky. Meaning the real Sky is in the other dimension with the squid. Evil-Ty would call our Ty the 'other Ty' so he must be speaking about his Ty. So his Ty is torturing someone. Suddenly it clicks. His Ty is torturing someone who likes gold enough to accept torture for an hour. Evil-Ty is torturing Sky.

“Hey, squids!” Evil-Sky calls. “Come on out!” My eyes widen as several squids swim up to where Sky is.

“Hey. Sky. How ya doin'?” they ask.

“Good, how 'bout you?” he replies. Well, if I needed any more proof that that isn't Sky, there it is.

“So. Sky. What's the plan?”

“Well, I'll have to get Sky's friends away from the city for a second so you guys can get in undetected. Hey, guys, I'm sorry again that I couldn't get Sky permanently killed, but I want you to know that he won't be coming back here any time soon. My friends have him locked up tight in my dimension. And here's he best part: They're getting him to hate gold and love squids! So even if he does ever get back, he'll love you guys. Okay, back to the plan-”

A squid cuts him off. “Wait. Someone's here.”

I freeze as Sky spins around to stare right at the tree I'm hiding behind. Too late, I realize the tip of my jet pack is showing. “Jason,” Sky hisses. I squeak and use my jet pack to fly into the air.

As I fly, I pull out my phone and call Ty. “Hello?” he answers.

“TY!” I screech. “Skyisn'treallySkyandIthinkhemightbeevilSkybecausehewastalkingwithsquidsandhecalledbuddergold,” I say quickly. (A/N: Props if you took the time to read that.)

“Woah, Jason, slow down!”

“Okay. Sky is not Sky.”

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