- Chapter 2: Lex the Keyboardist -

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 – Chapter 2 –


Lex the Keyboardist

            Evira yawned. “Sorry,” she apologized quickly. “Late night, you’ll understand.”

            Alec raised an eye. “Not sleep well?”

            “No, homework, actually.” She stretched. “Doing this takes quite some time.”

            “Why do you bother?” the keyboardist asked. “Once you’ve headed this path, there isn’t quite time for anything else.”

            Evira considered this. “I guess I’m not totally sure about this yet. It’s a hasty decision to just jump onto the first choice I get, don’t you think? I have to consider my options.” She eyed him, getting a sudden idea. “What’s your name?” She turned to the rest of the band. “I don’t know anyone else’s name either. Just Alec’s.”

            The keyboardist extended his hand and Evira tentatively shook it. “Lex,” he said in that same melodic voice. “Nice to meet you.”

            “Evira,” she replied with a grin. “Nice to meet you, too.”

            “I’m Aline,” said the guitarist. They shook hands.

            “Akin,” said the drum player, tossing her an easy smile. “You, however, can call me Tony.”

            “Which do you prefer?”

            “Makes no difference to me,” he said.

            “Tony Akin,” she said, trying it out and laughing. “I like the sound of that. Nice to meet you.” She brushed her hair out of her face. “And lastly…” She extended her hand to the bass player.

            The girl with fiery red hair looked up in alarm. “What’s going on?”

            “Umm, nothing,” said Evira, confused momentarily. “Just… saying hi.” The girl took her hand and shook it. “Evira.”

            “Hanley,” she said, shaking back the mass of red curls on her head. “Hullo.” She turned back to the bass she had in her hands.

            “She’s a bit eccentric,” Lex whispered to her. “But there’s no one else you want for bass. She’s quite famous around these parts.”

            Eccentric, she thought with a slight smile. Not unlike someone else I know. “I understand,” she replied. “Now, let’s get to work.”


            When Evira finally left the studio, it was nearing four in the afternoon. It had taken much longer than usual to write her new song. She sighed, missing Evan. Ellen held the taxi door open for her and she got in. Ellen told the driver to go to their hotel, and at the last moment, she opened the door, remembering that she had left her bag back in the studio. She waved to Ellen, saying, “I can find my way back to the hotel! I promise!”

            She slipped back in the doors and was about to sneak back in the room when Lex caught up with her. “What’s this?” he asked suspiciously, holding up a piece of paper. “And when did you put this in my pocket?”

            “A magician never reveals her tricks,” she replied solemnly. “Do you have my bag?”

            “Yeah.” He handed her the messenger’s bag and she took it carefully. She checked inside to make sure nothing was missing. “I’m not a thief,” he said indignantly.

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