- Chapter 3: To Find a Keyboardist -

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 – Chapter 3 –


To Find a Keyboardist

            “You’re kidding me!” Alec erupted. “He just, what, disappeared?”

            Aline looked worried. “I dunno. He was looking at a piece of paper, and then when I asked him what he was doing, he ran off with her bag.”

            “Her?” Alec frowned. “No, don’t tell me he’s gone to see that girl!”

            “Who else? I’m not sure where they could have gone.” Aline strummed her guitar experimentally. “I’m sure he’ll turn up.”

            “I knew that girl was trouble the moment I laid my eyes on her,” growled Alec, looking more like a wildcat than anything else. “Great. Travis is going to be here in a couple of hours and our keyboardist is AWOL.”

            “Whatever man. I thought she was pretty good.” She plucked a string and frowned. Reaching up, she fixed the one string that was off. “There. Now, how did that go again?” She began strumming an easy melody. “Arise, the falling sun. Without you there is no shadow. Just drizzles of cataclysmal rain,” she sang. She giggled. “Ack, did that sound horrible?"

            “Let’s leave the singing to Travis,” Alec said absentmindedly, digging in his pocket and drawing out a slim track phone.

            Aline’s voice was full of hurt. “That wasn’t very nice, Alec.”

            With frustration, he replaced the phone. “Dead battery.” Aline didn’t answer. Sighing, he flopped down next to her. “Look, I’m sorry I’m taking out my frustration out on you, Aly. It’s just… that was a big gig for us. They shouldn’t have taken us out for Lo’s band. They caught a lucky break because of her uncle.”

            “I know,” she said quietly. “But it still wasn’t very nice.”

            “You say that to a guy who’s tone deaf,” joked Alec, poking her shoulder. “That’s a compliment.” Aline handed the guitar to him and he placed it on the stand.

            “Why don't you like this girl? You heard the song yesterday. I know you, Alec. That look in your eyes… you were impressed. Admit it.”

            “No, I wasn’t.”

            She cuffed him around the head. “Stubborn, as always. Cataclysmal Rain… and according to her, it only took a couple hours to write it.”

            “She said that that was how long it took to develop the musical elements of it,” Alec corrected her. “You don’t know how long it took her to write the song.”

            “You didn’t see her notebook?”

            “Yeah, she probably doodled in it all last night. To make it seem as if she was dedicated or something.”

            “She said that she was doing homework last night.”   

            “B.S. I doubt it.” He traced the lines on her palm. “Girls like her… they pretend they’re smart, but they’re really just out to get you.”

            “And how would you know?” Aline asked teasingly.

            “Because I’m dating one,” Alec replied easily, a twinkle in his eye. He leaned in, and she closed her eyes. Just before they could do anything else, Aline’s phone rang. “Dammit,” he cussed, drawing away. Aline shushed him.          

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