- Chapter 10: Ice-Cream -

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– Chapter 10 



          “Have you guys seen this?” Alec looked up, frowning. Akin was excitedly waving newspaper around. It was today’s edition of the paper.


          Akin shoved it in his face, grinning broadly. “Look at this.” He pointed to a small article on the back, where the words “Rising Sensations!” caught his eye. Alec made a grab for the paper, but the taller boy just jerked it back. “We’ll read it when everyone else is here.” Grumbling, Alec sat back.

          “Tony Akin,” said a familiar female voice. Akin turned towards the door, throwing another grin at Aline and Evira as they walked into the studio.

          “Hey,” Alec said pointedly at Aline. She giggled and hugged him.

          Evira looked around. “Ellen’s not here yet?”

          “Nope!” Akin said, popping the ‘P’. “Not yet. You guys are early.”

          “You were here before us,” Aline pointed out. She rubbed her eyes. “Evira wanted to get here before Ellen so she wouldn’t be chewed out.”

          “I think you’ll be chewed out either way,” Alec said, matter-of-factly. 

          Evira winked at him. “I can chew her out for being ‘late’. It’s a fair exchange.” She looked around. “Where’re Lex and Hanley?”’

          “Lex is on his way. He stopped by Kaladi’s to get coffee for us, and Hanley is with Travis. I think.” Alec studied Evira carefully. There was something different about her. She was as cheerful as always but it was somehow forced today. He wasn’t someone to pry into someone else’s business so he shrugged it off. Just then, he was momentarily diverted as Lex hurtled towards the studio, a tray full of cups of coffee in hand.

          “How did you do that?” Evira asked curiously.

          “Do what?”

          She frowned, the corner of her mouth turning just a fraction of an inch down. “You ride a motorcycle. How did you get coffee here?”

          Lex grinned. “A magician never reveals his tricks. That’s what you said, isn’t it?”

          Evira gave him a look that said “Your funeral.”

          “Just don’t be doing anything dangerous,” warned Aline.

          He gave a grimace. “You guys are no fun.”

          The relatively small studio was immediately enveloped by the warm smell of coffee. “I thought you went to Kaladi’s,” remarked Aline, staring at the Starbucks cup in her hands.

          “Well, since a certain member of our group likes Starbucks,” began Lex.

          Aline rolled her eyes. “Oh, I see how it is. When I ask for Starbucks, you say it’s too far. But when Evira wants it…”

          A pink hue—very subtle, but visible—rose in his cheeks. The corner of Alec’s lip twitched. “I went the other way from my house, so Starbucks was close by. Plus she deserves Starbucks. We couldn’t have won the competition yesterday without her.”

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