Chapter 13- There are two of 'em now- no, three- no, four- no... AUGH!!!

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No, seriously, once the clones came in, it freaked the Hades out of me, and apparently frightened Chiron's "monstourage" as well. I didn't even know Hannah could do that... Wait, I didn't mention the clones yet? Pfft, yeah, I knew that... Any-who, back to the story.

As I struggled to push back on Brad's over-bear-ing claw, I heard the sound of war-whooping coming from the back of the chamber. The sound boomed closer and closer until I saw a silver penetrating object skewer through Brad's furry chest. Poor Brad was about to roar in pain, but he evaporated into golden flurries before he could do so. The death-flurries, as I call them, seeped into the ground like a flower root. A gnawing pain entered my chest. But I shook it off; for us to win this battle, I would have to feel that pain more than once. 

I stood up again. In front of me was Hannah in all of her violence-loving glory.

"Get up. The party isn't over until we dance our way out of this." She uttered, grabbing my hand and jerking me up to a stand. Before I could resume back into fighting mode, something caught my attention. A large projectile launched across the room, as if it was a human being shot out of a gun like a bullet. Except that it was a human.

The flying person mercilessly slammed into a pile of snake-women in mid-flight. As the figure sliced them with a bronze knife, I saw a recognizing feature. Red hair...

I stared in dis-belief and so did Liam and Juni. "H-Hannah?!"

The figure turned around and indeed resembled Hannah. I mean, no one on earth nor Olympus could imitate her stern yet joyful smile during battle. But that's not right...

I glanced behind me to see Hannah holding off a cyclops, then poking it in the eye with her silver sword. My gaze faltered between the two sights. There are two Hannahs?!?  My right of mind had claimed that Brad drove me into the wall a little too hard. But no, another Hannah had to come catapulting in, tumbling up to a stance, meeting up with two armed mortals. Before Hannah #3 could swing her weapon, I used my sword to disarm the mortals. One mortal charged, but I kicked him in the gut and used my sword-hilt to hit him over the head. The other mortal quickly furrowed her brow and lunged, unsheathing a compact knife from her jacket sleeve.

The hypnotized woman would have gutted me if I didn't lean to the right and throw her over my shoulder. I didn't want to kill the mortals- after all, its not like they wanted to do this. The 3rd Hannah had a gleam of confusion in her eyes, then she quickly went to being frustrated. "What was that?!" she threw her hands in the air. "I had them, why did you interfere?"

I elbowed another passing mortal in the temple, who then passed out. "Funny you're asking questions when you're the one multiplying yourself! What, are you part Brazilian, part god, and part jack-rabbit?"  I sneered.

The 2nd Hannah came up to me and put a hand on my shoulder. Now that she was up close, I saw that her skin was made of mist, almost transparent. But her touch felt real...

"Sierra," The clone chided. "Its kinda hard to-" Hannah #2 stopped in mid-sentence and gasped. She vaporized and absorbed into the first and original Hannah.An arrow dropped from where the clone once stood.. That's what had killed it. I looked up to see Chiron with his bow and arrows in hand.

The centaur had a smirk on his face, though i could still see a glimmer of insanity in his burning gray eyes. Was Liam right? Was Chiron just an innocent victim persuaded to fall at his own enemy's feet?

"Well this is mighty courageous- putting up a fight to cover up the mess you made, but its no use, spawn of Hades. Whatever warriors of mine you vanquish-" He lifted his palms in dramatic affect. A couple of seconds later a new group of warriors, definitely not from our side, filed behind their Commander. "-Can be replaced."

The God's Reign: Book one, The KnowingWhere stories live. Discover now