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Chapter 8 .


We decided to do a search party so all the guys spilt up with cops and I was in the car with two cops. To me it was weird but I'm doing this for Hannah. It was dark out, as we were driving down the street I saw a guy coming out of his house with a purple dress, wait that's, no it can't be, it is!

"Right there that's her dress he has he dress!" I yell the cop turns on his sirens and calls for back up and they all start running after the guy. Mean while I get Taylor, Matt, and Nash and we all go and search for Hannah. " I FOUND HER!" I here Nash yell.


I wake up to hear someone yell "I found her!" it was nash! I smile and cover my parts. He ran over to me and hugged me "SOMEONE GET A TOWEL!" He yells and cameron comes in with a towel and Taylor and Matt follow behind him. "hey you ok?" cameron asks picking me up and putting the towel on me and carrying me bridle style. "do I look ok?" I say crying in to his shoulder. "ok were here it all ok now." he says and steps out side. I see the guy that raped me and I scream. I have no idea why I just did. "hey, hey your ok he is all gone now." cameron says putting me in an ambulance. "there going to check you put to make sure your ok and give you clothes ok?" cameron says. I nod and they all go over to the cops and start talking.

"Hey sweetie, I'm going to ask you some questions and please answer them if you can, okay?"

"Yea" I whispered

"Ok, are you hurt?"


"Did he sexually hurt you?"

I started To cry even harder "yea"

"Ok sweetie that's all." she said and left


"Ok sweetie that's all." I heard and the girl came over. I turned around and she started talking.

"Ok well she isn't hurt any where."

"Ok good. anything else." I said and all 8 of the guys came over to hear to.

"Yes, this might be hard for you guys but" she paused "she was raped"

I just stood there in shock, I started to cry and so did the guys. Taylor was crying the most out of them and Matt close behind him. but I was full out sobbing. The girl walked away and I saw Hannah. I saw her and we locked eye contact. she was crying so hard. I ran up to her and hugged her tight. " I'm so sorry I let this happen! I will never leave you alone, and I will never, ever let anyone touch you!" I said sobbing into her shoulder while she was sobbing in mine. I heard footsteps coming closer, and closer. All the guys came in for a group hug, Hannah was in the middle. "ok guys let's go back to the hotel and get cleaned up." I said in between sobs. all the guys said ok and Hannah nodded. by now she was dressed, in sweat pants and a hoddie and her hair was still a mess. we got in our cop cars and got to the hotel. We got to our hotel rooms and Hannah toke a shower. while she was in shower I went to talk to the guys and nash came with, they were all in Matt and Carter's room. we walked in and it was dead silent. "Ok guys I know it's awkward right now but we all have to talk to her and I mean all. but until then try to be genteel with her and please be nice." I said and they all said ok.

"Do you think she's ok?" asked aaron

"No, I mean she will get better but you know she just got her V card token away from a compleat stranger. And we had this talk, she said she wanted someone special and someone she loved. and I said the same." I said

"Well I should get back so she's not worried" I said and me and nash got up and left. I unlocked the door and I saw Hannah already in bed with her tank top and fluffy pants on. me and nash went to bed to.

(( ok guys I hopped you liked it! how did you react when Hannah got rapped? ok guys I just want to say thanks for all the votes and reads!))

-- Hannah -- 💖

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