Free day!

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Today is a free day for magcon were we get to do anything we want! I was so excited, because I didn't have to sign things for hours or hear screaming girls! I woke up and saw cameron sleeping and nash on the couch. Cam and Nash made a video last night with matthew, the baby food challenge and nash spent the night. I of course cleaned up there mess. but anyway I got up and toke a shower and I got dress and whore a dark blue shirt with white jeans and blue vans. I put my hair up in a pony tail and did my make up. I got out and nash was the only one in the room, where's cameron? "hey" nash said looking up from his phone. "hey, where's cameron?"

"Oh he went and toke a shower in Shawn's room since you were taking one."

"Oh ok. uh what are we doing today?" I asked siting on my bed.

"I think we're going to sky max. the trampoline place."

"On really! I heard that place is awesome!" I said jumping up and down. nash got up and stoped me and said " yea really! and it's going to be so much fun." he let go of me and sat next to me. The door opened and it was cameron with a towel wraps daring his waist. Nash looked at me wide eyed and I closed my eyes and screamed "cameron seriously! you couldn't have of warned me!" I said getting up and running out of the room. I geared him laugh and shut the door. I opened my eyes and just stood there. "hey Hannah!" I heard a voice say behind me it was. Matthew. "oh hey what's up?" I asked

"Umm nothing, why are you not in your room?"

"Cameron came in basically naked and I really didn't want to see him naked."

"Oh wow. haha." Matt said looking into my eyes. He then quickly looked away he looked like he needed to say something. like it was bothering him. hHe licked his lips, man was that sexy! Wait what am I saying! "look Hannah I really need to tell you something, and it's that when I saw Taylor kiss you it made me so mad! I wish it was me not him and I don't think Taylor deserves you, but I do." he said I was stunned! I had no idea what to do. "oh uh Matt I had no idea." I sad trying to make it less awkward. "do you like me back?" He asked and that's when my room door opened. that you lord! nash was there and said I could come back in. I looked at Matt and told him I will tell him later. I walked in and cameron said we were leaving now. "hey you know you can't were jeans right?, it could rip the trampolines." cameron said pointing to my jeans.

"What really! ok hold on let me Change." I said and grabbed some leggings and changed.

--- skip drive---

We were finally at sky max! we went in and I toke off my shoes and socks and got on the trampoline. so did everyone else. we jumped for 3 hours and went back to the hotel and ate dinner and went back to the hotel. I was about to go in my room and go to bed but matthew stoped me. "so what's your answer?" he asked "Matt I- I don't know I have mixed feeling about you and Taylor." I said he looked pissed! he looked at me and walked away. I went to bed and cryed my self to sleep. I have no idea who I like! carter doesn't talk to me so he is out and Taylor is so hot and has sexy abs and soft lips! Matt has a sweet personally and and sexy body! who do I pick!!

(( ok guys sorry I haven't been updating I just have been really busy with things. but sooty it's short and hopped you liked it! get me to 115 reads and 15 votes!))

-- Hannah -- 💖

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