Hair Dye

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"Lyn-Z do you really think dyeing my hair red is a good idea?" I asked, holding the box of dye. "Frank trust me, you are going to look so sick" she said grabbing the box from my hands and reading the directions. "Okay...." I said going to get a bowl to put the dye in from our kitchen. Lyn-Z Ballato is my best friend. We met in fifth grade because we both were learning to play guitars. We were also both the energetic type so we both got kicked out. I accidentally busted someone's head open and she kept screaming and doing back-bends. So we decided we were partners in crime for now on. Everyone always thought we were dating but we're both very gay. So they both shared an apartment where they could scream, break things, or do back-bends as much we want. And she just talked me into dyeing my hair red. She can talk me into anything. She has a girlfriend but I'm still single. So she's been trying to help me out lately by helping me improve my attitude and my look. She wears plaid skirts and keeps her black hair in pigtails. She's probably the most independent and cool person I've ever known. She's like this gothic fairy. We're both tattooed and have a few piercings. You know i used to be kinda normal but when I met her she must of rubbed some of her gothiness onto me. I'm actually kinda happy she did. I like it when people look at me with confusion or stare at my lip piercing. We have this daily schedule called Frindsey. Sounds stupid but this schedule is pretty epic. Every morning we go to Starbucks (shall I mention that we take turns being the DJ in the car). She goes to band practice for her band Mindless Self Indulgence and I stay at home and make lunch for us or either go get takeout or something. Then when she gets home we eat lunch and then we go to the mall or just go outside and do something. And then we get back home and we eat dinner which is usually oven pizzas or something like that. Then we sit and watch a movie or something and finally we both go to bed. Although we are both grown adults but she is still really scared of thunderstorms. She's come and slept on the floor of my room before because she can't sleep Alone during thunderstorms. But one morning I woke up and she was on the couch sitting up with a tear stained face. "Uh Lyn-Z, what are you doing?" I asked, very concerned. "She broke up with me" are the words that she choked out

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