Chapter 1: Sucked In

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    "Drella, get down here and make dinner!" Drella's mom, Karisma, yelled from downstairs. Drella sighed, paused the episode of Naruto, closed her laptop and walked downstairs. Once Drella made it down the stairs, she was given a slap in the face from her mother. "You're late," she stated and Drella snapped back with, "I'm sorry mother, I got lost in the world of Naruto." This earned her another slap across the face. "Don't give me that attitude! I don't want to hear about your stupid TV show," her mother said and then she walked back to the couch and drank wine out of the bottle. Drella started making dinner and she remembered the time when she had friends and a family. Her best friend was her only friend. Kind of like Sakura, she was insecure about herself, but her friend helped her overcome that insecurity. Then one day, her best friend betrayed her. Drella's trust was broken and she never made another friend after that. Like Naruto, she was outcasted and bullied by everyone, but she stayed strong. When she was little, her father left her and her mother. She doesn't remember him clearly, just that he abandoned them and that's when the abuse started happening. Drella sighed as she put the food down on the table. She washed the dishes and hurried back upstairs to watch Naruto. Drella's room consisted of a small twin bed, a small nightstand with a lit lamp on it. She also had a small dresser and a small closet along with it. Drella picked up her GoPro and scrolled through the pictures of her and her ex best friend. She put her GoPro on the desk next to her and started paying attention to her laptop. Drella looked at her laptop and unpaused the episode. she is already seen the anime more than once and she was starting to rewatch the first episode when she heard thunder. There was a storm, normal for the real world, but this storm seemed different somehow.
    The power then cut out and only the glow of her laptop gave her light, so that she could see. Drella rolled her eyes at the blackout before looking at her laptop. The screen was white, just white. The speaker was emitting a buzzing noise. Drella looked at it confused. Just a second ago, she was watching the first episode of Naruto and now she is looking at a white screen and listening to a buzzing sound. She stared at the screen until lightning outside caught her attention for a moment. Then she remembers darkness.
    When she awoke, she was on the ground. When she looked up, she saw a sign that had the leaf village symbol on it. "Huh? Where am I?" Drella mumbled to herself. She stood up and noticed that her appearance changed. Her hair felt longer and her clothes changed. Instead of her pajamas she was wearing a ninja outfit. Her outfit consisted of a tight fitting black short sleeve t-shirt with black leggings underneath a grey skirt. She had on a fishnet shirt under her regular shirt that went all the way down below her elbows. She also had on black ninja shoes and fishnet stockings on her legs that went up to her knee. Drella's maroon colored hair was in a ponytail, but it went down to her waist with her small bangs covering some of her left seafoam blue eye and she had a green bag on her right hip and on her left thigh. "What the-" Drella was cut off by someone, "Hey, you!" "Huh?" Drella questioned while looking up. She almost fell back down when she saw Izumo Kamizuki and Kotetsu Hagane walking towards her. Drella froze and then stared. "Who are you and why have you come?" Izumo asked. Drella didn't speak for a moment, still shocked at what she was seeing, and when she did speak she said, "I don't need to tell you anything, just that I need to see the Hokage, it's urgent." Still, Izumo and Kotetsu wouldn't let her through. Just then someone walked by. It was Naruto. Drella took the chance. "Naruto! Hey Naruto!" She called out. "Huh?" Naruto questioned as he looked and saw Drella. She pointed to Izumo and Kotetsu and made a begging hand motion. "Oh, yeah. Hey Izumo, Kotetsu, she is my distant cousin removed twice from really far away. I was just coming to get her," Naruto scratched the back of his neck and smiled. Izumo and Kotetsu looked at him suspiciously before letting Drella in. She immediately hugged Naruto and whispered, "My name is Drella and just play along." Naruto gave a slight nod. "Oh, Drella, it's so good to see you. Man, it's been forever," Naruto said. He slung his arm around her and they walked away from Izumo and Kotetsu. "Didn't know Uzumaki had any family left," Izumo said. "Yeah, seems a bit weird that the Hokage didn't notify us. Eh whatever," Kotetsu said.
    "So, who are you anyway?" Naruto asked when they were out of sight from the guards. "I'm Drella Ophelia and I come from somewhere really far away. I must see the Hokage as soon as possible," Drella said. "Oh, the old man? Yeah I can take you to him," Naruto said while squinting and putting his hands behind his head as they walked.
    Naruto dropped Drella off and went to go paint the mountains. Drella breathed in before walking to his office. "Hokage?" Drella asked as she quietly opened the door. Ninjas were on her before she could even step foot in the office. They grabbed her and she immediately started twisting, trying to get out of the anbu's grasp, and then the Hokage put his hand up. The ninjas backed off and he asked, "Who are you child? How old are you, and why are you in the leaf village?" "Hokage-sama, I am Drella Ophelia. I am twelve years old and I have come to ask if I can live here and become a ninja of the leaf village," Drella said with confidence. Though everything is confusing right now, she knows that she has to become a ninja and that she has to be on team 7. The Hokage thought for a moment before agreeing. "But Lord Hokage—" One of the ninjas spoke up, but they were cut off by Lord Hokage. "Silence. Seek an apartment for this young one, until then she will train with Iruka to see if she is capable of graduating with the class," Lord Hokage said. "Lord Hokage you don't mean the class that graduates in two days, do you?" A ninja asked. He gave a firm nod while scrutinizing Drella. The ninjas all gave a nod and went off. "Lord Hokage, thank you for giving me this chance. I must tell you that if I am to graduate with the class I must have Kakashi as my sensei." "Why Kakashi?" "Because... umm... why don't I just tell you. I am warning you about the future of the leaf village," Drella said while looking around. "Hmm, what of?" "Well, I can kind of see the future per say." Drella didn't say what because everything could be prevented, but Drella didn't know what that would do to the plot. "I just want you to tread carefully these next few months," Drella said. "Predict the future huh? Show me," Lord Hokage said. "Fine. Iruka sensei will pop in here any moment to complain about Naruto and how he is painted the mountains," Drella said while crossing her arms. Just then Iruka popped in. "Lord Hokage! It's Naruto again! He's painted the mountains!" Lord Hokage sighed, gave Drella a weird look and said, "Yes, I know Iruka. Get Naruto to clean it up and I want you to test this girl to see if she can graduate with the class." "This young one sir? And do you mean the class graduating in two days?" Iruka asked while motioning to Drella. The Hokage gave a nod and made a get going motion with his hand. "Okay. I'm Iruka, but call me Iruka Sensei. Let's go find Naruto, so he can clean up. While he cleans I'll test you. Okay?" "Sounds like a plan," Drella said. They both started searching for Naruto. "He'll probably come out for me, so let me handle this," Drella said while giving Iruka the backup hand motion.
"Naruto! Oh Naruto! I'm done with the Hokage! I was wondering if you wanted to get ramen with me!" Drella called out. In an instant, Naruto was up in her face practically drooling over ramen. Iruka cleared his throat. Naruto squinted his eyes at Iruka and then at Drella. "You set me up!" He yelled while pointing his finger at Drella who gave a duh expression to Naruto, while Iruka just looked pissed. "Naruto, clean the mountains. Now!" Naruto grumbled and started cleaning. "Now let's see your Taijutsu," Iruka said. They trained until Naruto finished cleaning the mountains. "I say that you're ready to graduate with the class. Make sure you're at the academy tomorrow," Iruka said. Drella squealed with excitement before noticing Iruka's expression. She immediately stopped and gave him a sheepish smile. "Let's go to ramen Drella!" Naruto said as he got down from the mountains. "Sure!" Drella exclaimed wanting to spend time with her one of her favorite characters from the show.
*Somewhere else at the Hokage's office*
    "Do you really think she is the prophesied child that will soothe the nine-tailed fox?" Kakashi asked. The Hokage was having a meeting with Kakashi, Gai, Anko, Asuma, Kurenai and Hayato. "I really think so. If she is, we must put her in the same group as Naruto. Kakashi, I trust that you will look after her, right?" "Of course Lord Hokage," Kakashi replied. "Now, according to the prophecy-" Lord Hokage started before Kurenai interrupted. "How do we know that she is the nine-tailed fox's mate?" "I was getting to that," Lord Hokage said. Kurenai gave an apologetic nod. "Now as I was saying. I believe that Drella is the girl prophesied because the prophecy states that a girl will come and that girl can see the future along with that she comes from another land. Drella is all of those things, plus the fact that she is Naruto's age," Lord Hokage stated and the senseis nodded in understanding. "Now we must protect Drella at all costs because when the time comes, she will be needed. Is that clear?" "Yes Lord Hokage," the senseis replied and then they left.
*Back with Drella*
At her apartment there was one bedroom, one bathroom and the living room that was connected to the kitchen. It was perfect for her. Drella then thought about how she got to Naruto's world. 'It must have something to do with my computer. Or maybe I'm dreaming. If I'm dreaming I never want to wake up. If I don't wake up that means, no abusive mother, no more mean bullies and more friends, real friends,' Drella thought. She then reached into her pocket to reveal her GoPro and her charger. She stared at it before going through the photos of her old life. She then glared angrily at it before deleting all of the pictures. 'This is my life now, not that one. I'll take pictures of my new friends and my new family,' Drella thought while staring at the blank memory of the GoPro.

Hope my fellow ninja comrades like it! Please vote, comment and share this with your fellow ninja!

xx Livie<3

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