Chapter 9: Telling the Hokage and Gaara's Appearance

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Drella sighed and tucked her hair behind her ear. 'Go train, it'll help ease you and you can practice your skills.' Her mind told her. Drella gave a slight nod and walked to training ground three to practice. It was abandoned, no one was there. Haku and Zabuza must've left and Drella felt alone. She blinked at the sight and got out her kunai. She started to throw with with precise accuracy.

As time passed, Drella worked on her justus and even her wind release. Unlike Temari, she didn't use any sort of tool to help her. She wanted to keep her water nature a secret, you never know who could be watching. Drella kept practicing until it was almost sundown and her chakra was on low. "I knew I'd find you here." Someone said, Drella immediately threw a kunai at the person. The person grunted and said, "Jeez, be careful. No need to kill your sensei." Kakashi said while holding the kunai by the loop. Drella breathed heavily and gave him a sheepish smile. "Sorry, Kakashi sensei." "It's quite alright, anyway, I assume, you've already heard about the chunin exams, right?" Drella nodded. "Well, I hate to break it to you, but it's a three or less squad." Kakashi said while looking around as if something else caught his attention. "I already know, you didn't recommend me, did you?" Drella asked. "No, actually quite the opposite. You're the most capable out of the group, so I recommended you to do the chunin exams by yourself. A one person squad. Just so you know. Oh and here's the form to sign so that you can actually participate in the exam. I know that you'll do fine on your own." Kakashi said while smiling.

Drella smiled back while taking the form and staring at it. "Thanks sensei." Drella said. "Of course. Remember to do what you need to do during the exam." Kakashi said in a serious tone of voice. 'So, he hasn't forgotten what I told him. I just hope he didn't tell anyone except the hokage.' Drella thought. Drella was snapped out of her thoughts when she saw Kakashi leave. She just stood there for some time, lost in her thoughts while gripping the examination form. It was night when she left the training ground. As she walked she felt someone following her. She shrugged it off as being paranoid. Drella went to the hokage. Though it was nighttime he was welcoming and accepted Drella into his office. Drella told him what's been going on and what will happen in the future. She told him how Orochimaru was going to kill him and about how Kabuto was a spy for the Sound Village. She told him of the future and how Sasuke would get the curse mark, but she also told him what she was going to do. She had made up her mind and she was going to prevent Sasuke from ever getting the curse mark. She told him how the kazekage is dead and how Orochimaru killed him. She spilled out the future in front of him and she even told him about the attack on the leaf village coming up at the third part of the exam. The hokage kept a straight face as Drella spilled the future to him. He was calm and processed the information as quickly as Drella spilled it out. Drella didn't find the need to go three years into the future because she would tell Lady Tsunade and Kakashi when they become hokage.
When Drella stopped rambling the hokage didn't speak for a minute which made Drella start to regret telling him anything. Then he said, "Drella, I thank you for telling me this information. What I think is that you should allow..." Drella listened closely to the hokage's words and she took them to heart. He told her about the prophecy too, but he left out a very important detail in the prophecy. The fox's are soulmates, so Drella would have to have a romantic relationship with Naruto. He didn't tell her that, just that she needed to help Naruto with Kurama. After the hokage told Drella his thoughts and concerns and what she should do, she left. It was now the middle of the night and Drella put her hand in her pockets on her skirt.

The only noise was her footsteps, but then she heard another set of footsteps that fell in line with hers. She paused and listened, the steps stopped. She stood there and she grabbed a shuriken carefully from her pocket. Then she whizzed around, throwing the shuriken at the stranger. She heard the shuriken hit something, not flesh or cloth. Drella realized who she threw it at. She looked up and saw Gaara. The moon was out and it was waxing. The glow illuminated his face and his hard expression. His sand was retreating to his gourd and the shuriken clanged on the ground when it dropped. Drella breathed and noticed his features in the soft moonlight. His arms were crossed across his chest and his feet were a little wider than shoulder width apart. She noticed his eyes, seafoam green. They held anger, despair, and loneliness in them. Like hers did. Drella and Gaara stood only about ten feet from each other. While Drella was staring at Gaara, noticing his features she didn't know that he was doing the same thing. He noticed how her hair blew gently in the breeze and how the moonlight shone on her face. He noticed her calm expression and how her eyes seemed to hold secrets, secrets that he wanted to know. The soft glow of the moon casted shadows over the road they were standing at. Gaara was the first to move. Drella held her breath as Gaara kicked the shuriken away and started walking towards her.

Drella froze in her spot as Gaara came closer. Everything was silent except his footsteps. About five feet away from Drella, he stopped. Drella's legs went on their own and started closing the five foot gap between them. When she was almost right near him, she stopped and reached her right arm out. Gaara didn't do anything. He still had his arms crossed and he stood a little bit taller than Drella. She paused for only a second before continuing to reach. As her arm came closer, Gaara's sand should've stopped her, but it didn't. She then put her hand close to his face, almost touching. Gaara flinched away a little and then Drella dropped her arm. She looked down and thought for only a minute. But it was enough time for Gaara to become nervous, why, he didn't know. Drella sighed and went to turn away when Gaara's sand stopped her. She let gasp a little and held her breath. Drella turned back to face him and he whispered something almost inaudible, "Don't leave, please." Drella heard and she faced him. Gaara held his breath a little. His sand dropped and retreated. Drella reached her right arm out again with more confidence. Her arm reached for his hair, but she paused again. Gaara took action and leaned his head into her hand. His hair was soft and silky. Drella gave a small smile before combing her fingers through his hair. She started gently scratching his scalp and Gaara closed his eyes and sighed. He liked the feeling of someone playing with his hair. Drella's hand traveled down to his face. She felt his face, his skin was soft. She lightly traced over his tattoo with her finger. Drella then let her hand fall back to her side. Gaara opened his eyes and saw that Drella was looking down at the ground, a light blush covering her cheeks.

He just stood there in complete silence. Drella then bit her lip and looked anywhere but him. She then suddenly ran off without saying anything. Gaara was left alone in the glow of the moon. Drella ran, that's all she could do. She felt her heart ache when she left him, but she didn't turn back. She couldn't face him. Not after she ran away like a child. She got to her apartment and she slammed the door shut. She slid against the door and leaned her head back against it. 'What the heck was that? Why did you do that?' Her head questioned her. 'Never mind that. Only a week until the Chunin exams start. Get yourself ready. How are you even going to stop Orochimaru from giving Sasuke the curse mark? You could take it instead of him, that would mean that someone would still get the curse mark, but not Sasuke. Or you could just go another way so they don't even interact with Orochimaru, but he'd find a way to give Sasuke a curse mark one way or another. You'd have to take it.' Drella's mind said to her. She closed her eyes and sighed. She thought about the prophecy and about Naruto. She thought about Sasuke and Sakura and even Kakashi popped into her mind. Then she thought about Gaara. 'You idiot. You shouldn't have even tried to interact with him. You should've ran off, like you always do.' Her mind scolded her. Drella just sighed again and slept on the matter.

She was refreshed the next morning and she trained. She did her missions with team 7 and then trained more with Zabuza and Haku. She went through the day in a daze. "Drella, Drella. Drella!" "Huh? What?" Drella asked snapping out of her daze. "You okay? You seem a little off today." Haku asked as they worked on her wind nature. "Just fine, I'm just lost in thought." Drella answered while giving Haku a lopsided smile. He didn't press the situation which Drella was thankful for. Drella focused on training. When nightfall came, Haku left and she waited till the middle of the night to leave the training ground. She didn't really think about what she was doing. She climbed a tree and sat on a large branch and she thought. No interesting thoughts popped in her head and she sighed. Then someone appeared in front of her.
Drella looked up and saw Gaara. Drella just stared at Gaara then she scooted over and patted the spot next to her. Gaara just stared. Then he took off his gourd and sat down next to Drella.
Hello my fellow ninja comrades! I hope you enjoyed this chapter because I enjoyed writing it! Make sure to vote, comment, and share with your entire village!

xx Livie<3

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