chapter 3 . a new housemate.

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This chapter has been edited and some changes have been made.


"What the hell are you doing here ?!"

"This is my appartment." I said at the same time he said. "Visiting my sister."

"W-wait. Charlie?" Yep the pig from yesterday  is in fact Charlie Anderson.  Oh you know you like him, he's quite the looker. Oh, shut up brain, he is kind of good looking though.

"Anabelle." He said with a nod.

"charlie?!" Rachel came rushing towards the door embracing her big brother in a hug. He took a step back taking in her appearance.

"Sis! Look how big you've gotten. You're a grown woman!" He said hugging her again.

"mom will be so proud." Her face suddenly fell for a second but she quickly recovered.

"oh gosh! Sorry, come in before we all freeze to death." She let out a nervous laugh and dragged her brother inside the apartment with me closing the door behind them.


Dinner was spent listening to the brother and sister catch up and me sitting there like a fool not knowing what to say, only thinking of how incredibly handsome Charlie have gotten since I last saw him ... well duh it's been eight years for crying out loud! But despite his unfair amount of handsomeness I recon he's still a jerk who only cares about himself - as always.

"Ana?" My friend cuts me out of my thaughts.

"Y-Yes?" I ask knowing I zoned out.

She looks amused by my absence. "What do you think?" I glance at her then at Charlie and back at her. Of course he's wearing the biggest smirk right now.
"oh, sorry about what?"

"Charlie taking us out for dinner tomorrow night, where's your mind today?"

"Oh! Well that sound nice, but I think you two should go alone, you have a lot of catching up to do." I give them my best assuring smile.

"Oh nonsense!" she waves my suggestion away. "you're like family and Charlie missed you just as much as he missed me, right Charlie?"
She looks at her brother who looks as if he's in his own world, staring at me?

"Charlie?" She waves her hand in front of his face to get his attention - now it's my turn to smirk. After getting his attention he looks at her confused as if she's grown a second head, then he realised she said something.

"I'm sorry what?" He asks and looks back and forth between the both of us. I chuckle at his confusion.

"oh my!" She begins to laugh. "You and Ana sure are in your own worlds tonight, it's as if you both have someone special to think about."

Pfft - special my buttocks. 

That certainly stopped my laughter. I clear my throat. "You know what? Sure, dinner tomorrow sounds great."

Rachel screams in excitement. "Wonderful!"
After a few seconds of silence Charlie clears his throat.
"I better get going, it's getting kind of late."

"Oh, well okay. Where are you staying at?" Rachel asks her brother.
"In the Golden hotel, but only until I find a place of my own."

"Well you can stay with us if you'd like? Until you find a place of your own of course."

Wait, what ? What are you doing Rachel? He can't stay with us!

"Thanks sis, but I don't want to intrude."

"No! I'm inviting you, I'm sure Ana don't have a problem with it, right Ana?"

Only if you knew Rach. Only if you knew.
"No, of cource not. You're welcome anytime."

I know how much it'll mean to Rachel if she and her brother grew closer.

He looks at me with confusion because he knows just as well as I do that we can't stand each other, Rachel knows this as well but I guess she thinks we're over it. Hesitantly he replies "Alright thanks, But not tonight I've already paid for the night, so from tomorrow? "

she nods happily. "Sure! That'll be great."

Wait."Only, there's one problem." I speak up and Rachel's smile falls. "We only have two bedrooms, but I guess you and I can share while your brother stays in your room."

"Or I can sleep on the couch?" Charlie suggests and Rachel's ecstatic smile instantly re-appears on her face.

"See Ana? Problem solved."

I sighed softly to myself. "Yeah, I guess." I guess trying to get along won't hurt.

"Well then it's settled, I'm moving in tomorrow. Until I get my own place of course." Charlie speaks up again. "But until then, I'm going to say goodnight. Thanks for dinner little sis it was delicious."
He stands up from the table and so do we, Rachel looked up to her brother's 6'2 frame and smiled "no problem big bro, see you tomorrow." she walked him to the door and before he walked out he turned to me .

"It was nice seeing you again Anabelle." He turned back again with a smirk plastered on his face.

Sure. "Yeah! You too." I call after him. As if.


A/N : ALRIGHT! So that is chapter three. Say whoop whoop! Say whoop whoop!
I'm happy it's finally done. I'm sorry for any errors had no time to proof read *
Also exams starting in a week so I'll be extremely busy, which means not a lot of time to write,but I'll do my best ;) thank you to those who have read my book so far and I really hope you enjoyed it.
Please remember to vote if you liked it, it only takes like split second to reach for that little star in the cornor and it motivates me a lot.

Don't be shy to comment🌸

- FlowerFreakxx 🌸❤

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