chapter 4.3

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I think I deserve a reward. so soon and chapter 6 is up! 👏👏👏 sorry for any errors **



I put my bowl of ice cream down and went to the door opening it up. Charlie stood there in a suit similar to the one he was wearing the day he bumped into me.

"Hey, listen something came up so I won't be able to go to dinner. You'll just have to eat on your own."

He scoffed. "Like what?"
he looked me over and gave me his signature smirk. "Got a last minute date or something?"

"Actually yes, you see the man on the moon decided to come down from there to spend some time with me.I guess I just can't let him down you know? I mean I can't let such an amazing opportunity slip through my fingers, I hear he is quite famous." And like that his eyebrows drew together.

"Whatever I get it, if you didn't want to go to dinner why didn't you just tell me? Last time I checked you have freedom of speech, but what I don't get is why are you all dressed up then? Inviting a male escort over or something?" he raised his eyebrow as he waited for my answer.

"What? Eewww gross! Only you would be so disgusting. If you must know, my neighbour had a heart attack and I need to look after Rusty until his wife gets back from the hospital."
I started getting concerned all over again by the mention of the incident.

He cleared his throat. "Oh, uhh sorry to hear about that. Who's Rusty?" Just when he asked the question Rusty came running to the door wagging his tail when he saw Charlie and he let out a bark of excitement. "Hi there boy! And who might you be?" He petted him.

"That's Rusty." Rusty let out another bark. Maybe I shouldn't of given him ice cream. "Well, it's nice meeting you Rusty."

"Uh, well as you can see I'm pretty occupied for the night so you'll have to invite someone else to join you. Oh I know! What about a nice young lady from 4th street, but I have to warn you; I hear they're pretty expensive." I gave him my biggest smile.

"Well you know what? Your offer sounds really tempting, but for tonight I'm going to decline. Since I'm also moving in tonight we can just order in, but I prommise to keep your services in mind for next time." He winked at me making my face go red in anger.

"Unfortunately you're not the quality us women usually go for. Besides you can not afford us."

He held his hand over his heart in a overly dramatic way if you ask me. "Ouch. That hurt Bambi!"


"Who or what the hell is a Bambi?" I almost yelled making my voice go a bit high.

"Well you of course! You see, it suits you perfectly. People would call you 'Bambi from 4th' " He looked up as if in thaught. "Always wearing red leather."

"Well well well, it's nice knowing you fantasize about me. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get ready for my next buyer. I do enjoy the money." I started closing the door but he stopped it with his foot.

"Oh come on! Ana, I was kidding. You know me.. "

"Yes, I do know you. That's exactly why I'm closing the door on you, I don't want to die from boredom or whatever disease you might be carrying. " He held his hand over his heart again this time wiping his left eye with the other.

"Ouch Ana, you really know how to hurt a guy. Alright I probably deserved it, but you can't lock me out. I don't know how my dear sister would take it if she knew you left me out in the cold all night." He made puppy dog eyes.

I glared at him. "She'll know I have my reasons."

"What do I have to do, beg?"

"For once you actually have a good idea. "

"Pfft, in your dreams. Just let me in, you know I made a joke. You are not a prostitute, you're way to prudish for that." He rolled his eyes and just like that I slammed the door in his face.

I walked towards the kitchen, took my ice cream and went back into the living room. Just Before I sat down on the couch again Charlie opened the door and walked in. I should've locked the damn door.

"Ana, by now you should know not to take me seriously."

"I don't, I just got bored talking to your ugly face." As I wanted to take a bite of my ice cream I realised it already melted. Great.

I stood up from the couch and put the bowl on the floor for Rusty to drink. Then I turned to get me more ice cream but Charlie grabbed my wrist, turned me to look at him and I bumped into his chest.

"What are you doing? Let me go!" I struggled to get loose as he held me tightly.

"Say it to my face." His voice was hoarse and I could feel his breath on my skin, giving me goosebumps.

"W-what?" I was stuck, captured by his ocean blue eyes as I focused on them and his heavy breathing. His eyes held a mixture of emotions, something I couldn't catch because
he closed his eyes and opened them again and just like that the emotion was gone.

"Uh, nothing. Just leave it." He let my arm go almost making me fall.

"You want me to tell you that you're ugly, is that it?"

"Yes, tell me to my face."

I looked him in the eyes with a serious expression. "Isn't that something you should know by now ?"

"No, because I'm not. So take it back."

"Make up your mind! First you tell me to say that you're ugly and now I must take it back? You're like a moody pregnant lady."

"It's impossible for me to be pregnant."

"Not really, I've seen pregnant men." He gave me a look of confusion and subconciously looked down at his stomach.

"You have? When?"

"In movies. But anything is possible."

He snorts a laugh. "In movies ? Ana, they're called that for a reason."

Suddenly realisation hit me and I began laughing.
"Why are you laughing?" He asked, smiling himself.

I couldn't stop laughing long enough to get an entire sentence out. "We.."
"We have some weird conversations - Male Pregnancy?" I began laughing again and this time he joined me, soon my eyes became teary from all the laughing and it took us several moments to calm down. I have to admit; I haven't laughed that much in a long time.

"I mean, how can it be possible ?"

"I don't know, maybe science stuffs? I've seen it on tv."

"Well don't always believe what you see on that box."

"Noted." We stood in deafening silence.

"You want some ice cream?"

"Yeah sure, should I order some pizza?"

"I'm starving, make it peperoni."


What will happen next ??*

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