chapter 10 (pt.2)

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Hi everyone ! This will sadly be the last update for a while as my final exams just started.  Thank you for those still reading and voting , I appreciate it ❤🌸

Sorry for any mistakes , I edit when the book is done.


"Can I get you anything else ?" The waiter asked as he took our plates winking at me. That must've been wink number 5 for tonight , it's quite awkward actually I never know what to do so I just smile like an idiot or pretend like I didn't notice.

"Someone else to serve us , maybe ?" Charlie snapped. What's up with him?
"Charlie ! That's really not necessary. " Rachel said giving him a stern look.
"Actually,  can I have a martini ? red Apple."
I asked the waiter as he gave me a big smile.

"Oh me too. " said Aylissa.
"Make that three." Rachel cut in . "Fine , bring me a glass of your finest whiskey. " Charlie said with not much intrest in his voice tone. "Alright,  will that be all?" The waiter asked looking at us but at me a second longer.
"Uhh , yes thank you." He nodded and walked away.
"I'm going to the bathroom" I said at the same time Charlie said .
"I need Fresh air." Alrighty then.  

I stood up and followed charlie out of our eating area , going our separate ways as we parted. Say something!
No , I can't.  Now. Fine voice, you win.

"Uh, Charlie?" I asked with a somewhat nervous tone.
"Yes?" He spun around facing me. "You alright ?" "Yes why wouldn't I be ?" He answered  quickly , too quickly. "Just asking. "
"Nah I'm fine."
"That's good."
...a moment of silence passed. "Good" Charlie said stretching the word out .
" So , see you in a bit " He said and walked away.

I need answers. Now.
" Wait up!" I called after him as I followed him out of the restaurant.

Outside I took a deep breath , inhaling the fresh air . The night is so beautiful.  "Beautiful" Charlie said , voicing my thaughts from seconds ago. "It is." I agreed.

After moments of silence,  which felt like hours , I decided to speak up.
"So engaged .." I started , feeling a slight wave of nausea as I said that word.
"Yup" Charlie said popping the 'p' .

"You speak Italian ?" He asked looking at me curiously . "Eh. I was into studying foreign  languages a few years back."  He nodded. "Impressive " 
"Yeah , I guess it is."

Another moment of silence passing.

"Okay well, good talk." Charlie said as he patted my shoulder.  Wait!
"Uh , wait . So what is the deal with you and this Allison ?" He looked at me confused as I fidgeted with the hem of my royal blue dress reaching mid thigh.
Suddenly he chuckled . "It's Aylissa,  you just said her name less than one hour ago." Right..

"Oh yeah , didn't I say that?" I asked innocently. He shook his head . "Nope , you said Allison." 
"Oh well. Tomáto tomato right?" I asked , purposely mentioning his words from earlier. He laughed at this and shook his head at me. "You sure are something else Anabelle. "

"Damn right I am. So what's the deal?" I asked.
"What do you mean?" He asked , oh he knows what I'm talking about.
"Don't play dumb with me Anderson! You know Damn well what I'm talking about. What's the deal with you and Aylissa ? you know just as well as I do that you're not really a one woman man , and as far as I know -you're not so keen on settling down either." He looked at me shocked and an unknown emotion flickered across his eyes , but it was gone as soon as it came.

"Look Ana.." He was interrupted by the doors of the restaurant opening.
"There you are kitten!* Aylissa came out crashing into him with a hug and gave him a peck on the cheek . I looked at him and suddenly I wanted to know what he was about to say. "It's cold , let's get inside." She said as she dragged him back inside.  "Yes kitten , let's. " I said and followed them back.

This is going to be a long night.


Please remember to vote and comment! It helps motivate me a lot*

What do you think Charlie was about to say before a certain someone interrupted?

Tel meeeeehhhh! XD

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2017 ⏰

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