chapter 9

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Hi guys !* firstly , I would like to thank EternallyFaded for the lovely cover. If you are interested you can pm her to do one for you or just go to the book 'book covers' in my reading list . And also thank you if you are still reading this . Truth is that I don't even know if it's that interesting , but I'll continue writing it anyways, cuz I can♡☆. ;)

It's not edited , I'll edit when the book is finished . Feel free to point out mistakes .❤🌸


"One soy-laté comming up!" I told my first client for the day. I've learned her name is Josey, this elderly woman has been my client for this whole week that I've been working here and she is so friendly. I went back to the order counter when the bell rang - indicating that someone has entered.

"Ana?!" I heard the familiar annoying voice behind me .
I turned around to face the idiot . "Hi charlie , what can I get you?" He looked at me for a few moments in silence and then erupted into a fit of laughter.

I narrowed my eyes at him and sighed in annoyance. "What is so funny?"

"I never thaught I'd see you working in a place like .. this."
He looked around the place in thaught.

I put my hands on my hips . "And what's so wrong with this place ? Just so you know , this place helps me help paying the roof you are currently loafing under."

"I do not loaf . And I pay my part." He puts his hands on his hips mimicking my position.

I rolled my eyes."Whatever , what can I get you ?"

"Just a normal black coffee and two chocolate donuts please."

"Aww look he learned manners ."

"HA-HA very funny."

I made his coffee and put two donuts into a takeaway box . I handed it over to him and accepted the cash .
"So , since I haven't really been home in a few days I'm taking you and my sister out to dinner . I also have some news to share ."

Charlie was on some kind of trip out of town most of the week."awww how nice of you , but I can't I'm working double shift today."

He shrugged his shoulders .
"Oh well , I guess I'll see ya around." He took his coffee and donuts and waved at me. "Ta-ta!"

I am curious what the news is. "Wait!" Damn you curiosity!! "I'll figure something out and maby I can join you?"

"Great . See ya at seven!" And then he left.

I took Josey's  soy-laté  . "Here you go . Anything else?"

"Thank you dear,  no I'm good. Who is the handsome young man who just left?"

I snorted " Charlie is far from it. "

"Oh , I thought he's quite a catch. Is he single? "

"Eww and I think so. Why Josey?  Are you interested in a fling with my best friend's brother? " I teased.

She started laughing.  " no dear! I'm far to old for that. I just thaugt I saw a spark between the two of you."
Now it was my turn to laugh.

"No way, ever since we were kind we can't stand each other.Besides I'm not a person for love, I made a promise to myself that I will never let that happen again. I'm perfectly fine on my own."

"Well , you can always change your mind . Me and my late husband couldn't stand each other at first either , but we lived a happy life together. Now he's in a better place and I'll never want to get married to another person. We were soul mates."

"I'm happy you found love and I'm sorry to hear about your loss , but it's not likely for me to change my mind . Especially for Charlie. "

"Suit yourself , just remember that Two is always better than one through good and bad times. Don't act blind because you're scared of the consequences,  you only live once."

"True. Thank you Josey,  I'll keep that in mind." But it still doesn't mean that it's with Charlie, does it?

The bell rang again and a couple walked in holding hands. I walked over to them and took them to an open table.

Nahh. It doesn't mean my happy ending is with Charlie , not in a million years .


Ehm .. so what do you guys think so far?*

Please vote if you liked it (it helps me a lot) comment your thaughts and please share *

Also , if you have works you would like me to read pm me and I'd love to do so when I have the time**


Enjoy your day/night ❤🌸


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