Chapter 1: Park Jihoon

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Hi guys!! Chapter 1!!
' '- indicates thoughts
"Bold"- indicates when a person is talking.


//Somi POV//

Ugh first day of school sucks. I get to hear more 'compliments'. Yeeey! Take note people. I'm being sarcastic. So many people still bully me. Come on people!! Change already.

Today, I'm gonna go to school, yet again for the first day of classes. I'm one of the top students in my batch and that's one more thing to add to why people hate me. They think that I don't deserve being a top student because I'm a nerd and I wear glasses. So what?? I care about my own life so they should care about their own.

The only friend I have is Mr. Winkboy aka Park Jihoon. He is one of the school's heartthrob and yet he chose me to become friends with. I don't know why but we became friends ever since we were kinder.

I walk into school alone. People kept staring at me and kept on mumbling incoherent words. Of course me not being able to fight back, hung my head low. Somebody then came to my behind and suddenly backhugged me. 'Oh it's Jihoon.'

"Why are you here in school all alone?? We promised to be together always when we were kids." Jihoon said taking my precious earphones off and I thought 'Goodbye SEVENTEEN & Bangtan'. And I just said, "Says the one who promised to pick me up at my house at the first day of school" I said that while glaring at him for a bit. I wasn't mad at him. Really. I just want to have a little fun with him.

"Yah Lee Somi!! Don't tell me you got mad just because of that." I ignored him. "Hey, don't tell me your mad. You're joking right??" He was so scared right now that I might not forgive him forever. Jihoon knows that when I get mad, It's hard to go through me.

I was laughing internally. 'Hahahaha he really doesn't notice that I'm just playing around.'

"Pleaseeee Somiiiii!!! Forgiveee meeeeeeeee!!!!" Jihoon pleaded and I laughed again and decided to give up.

"Jihoon, come on. Didn't you notice that I was just playing with you?? Hahaha. You never change, do you?"

Jihoon looked at me with a blank face. Then quickly changed to a worried one. "YOU!! DIDN'T YOU KNOW THAT I WAS SO SCARED THAT YOU WON'T FORGIVE ME EVER AGAIN AND THAT YOU'LL LEAVE ME FOREVER?!?! HOW DARE YOU LEE SOMI. YOU'RE GONNA GET IT AT SOMETIME. YOU'RE GONNA HAVE TO PAY FOR WHAT YOU HAVE DONE. YOU NEED TO PAY RIGHT NO-" I cutted him off with my hand because so many people are staring. Of course the school already knows that the Top Student and The School's heartthrob are friends but me, Lee Somi isn't used to hear that we are friends. Even though we were best friends since kinder, I still can't believe that my best friend is Park Jihoon aka The Playful kingka.

When I covered his mouth, the school bell rang which means for the opening ceremony. I'm saved by the bell. Or atleast I think I was.

A whole day to go. *sigh* Atleast I know I have company. Music. Jihoonie's music. "잠깐 선여야..." I sang in my head.... Or maybe.. Not.

Okiii this is the Chapter 1 in which Somi introduced her childhood best friend which is Jihoon. Park Jihoon. Not Lee Jihoon which is her brother(or is he(?))
Wait for the next chapter!!!

 Not Lee Jihoon which is her brother(or is he(?))Wait for the next chapter!!!

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