Chapter 9: ......

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Fight with me because of the pic. I dare you to do so.


//Somi POV//

Right after those random things I did called shit, I slept on the floor! Which I didn't know. Apparently, I just found myself on the floor with cereal boxes on the floor, pillows in the kitchen and yes. Practically shit everywhere.

No words intended to be said.

Because it's a total fvcking mess.

I just couldn't care less of what was happening.

I needed to go do stuff in my life because what the hell is life for when I'm not even gonna use it?

"Well, I'm gonna go and protest with Author-nim now for not making me do anything except for shit in this story."

"Oh woah woah. Stop right there Somi. What do you think you are doing? Why the hell are you fvckin' blaming me? This is my story, my rules. So in my rules, apparently, you did need to go and make some random shit last chapter. So yeah. Fam, you know what's going on now so yeah. Peace!" And then Author-nim Somin left Somi in peace.

"So. I told you Author-nim wasn't gonna put anything imporatant in this chapter. Goodbye now and go to the bext chapter. Baiii!!" That was the last thing Somi has said before preparing for the next chapter.

So. How'd you think about this chapter?😂😂😂

I honestly put these chapters up because I am currently occupying my mind for the more serious chapters. I just want y'all to keep on being entertained while I'm still working on it. It is having progress but I'm still not done with it.

Once again, thank you for reading this shit and yes. Goodbye now!


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