I stand corrected

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Claudia's POV

How dare he! what a stupid accusation! people should actually listen first before acting irrationally! it sickens me how someone could be so inconsiderate! I didn't even get to eat pudding, I pouted at the thought of not having pudding.

It's like preventing someone to eat pizza. He better apologize! I deserve an apology. I began to "casually" walk slowly, I was giving him a chance to catch up and say sorry. I counted to ten and even fractions but no show.

"I'm walking slpwly, anyone can catch up to me and apologize because I'm walking slowly!" I said 

The hallway was still deserted.

Fine, be like that. I'm never forgiving you Mr. Daniel Chase, your amazing looks and charisma won't work on me.

I began to walk again when somebody tapped on my shoulder, oh gosh! This is it, that jerk will finally apologize! He's not so heartless after all!

I turned around in a swift motion and immediately my face fell.

"Good day, Mr. Oldman," I said to our school janitor

"Ms. Wylls, you dropped your journal on the floor. Well, I'm off."

and he mopped away.

After a few hours, school  finally ended and still no sign of Daniel.

Psh, who cares.


I was sprawled on my bed, bored beyond compare. 

What to do? Suddenly, my iPhone vibrated. Unfortunately, it was located at the end of my bed, I used my foot to drag it towards me and scoop it up, enough for my hand to reach, lazy, I know.

"Who's this?" I asked, puzzled

From: +639*********

Come out.

To: +639*********

Who is this? and how did you get my number??

I was beginning to grow nervous, what if this turns out like "Taken'? I began to think of a hundred more worst case scenarios.

From: +639*********

It's Daniel, now hurry up! I've been waiting, and I DON'T wait for anybody.

WIth his final message, I run down the stairs and out the door. Cas was fast asleep and Dad had a business trip for 2 days. What could Daniel want at 10 pm?

My jaw fell on the ground when I saw what was in front of me.

there were stalls, 3 to be exact, filled with pudding! pudding of different sorts and they were just there, with no one guarding it! I'm not even exaggerating when I say they were served on silver platters. They were obviously made by professional chefs, judging from the presentation. Just wow.

"Hello? You kind of left your pudding, I guess?" I say to no one in particular 

It's all making me so suspicious, who in their right mind would purchase this much pudding and leave it out the empty street? I was beginning to think of Hansel and Gretel by this point.

But then again, no one would be that evil to the extent that they'd drug pudding, right?

"They wouldn't mind if I took one will they?"  I asked 

I took a spoon that was there and ate the first chocolate pudding I could grab.

"Why? You own all of this," a voice said

I jumped like 3 feet in the air when Daniel came out of nowhere.

"You scared me!" I say as I clutched my chest, to ease my rapidly beating heart

" t's fair then!" He says with a toothy grin

"How? you don't even look startled!" I shout like a stubborn child

"Imagine the fright I felt when I saw your face!" He said

I gasp, he wasn't in any position to joke with me right now, he still owed me an apology, I began to walk away, I'm not being mocked any further.

I was walking away when Daniel, (I'm sure now) grabbed hold wrist. My stomach began to flutter.

"Hey, don't go. I'm sorry." His voice was so sincere that my tough exterior came crumbling down.

Oh, what the heck.

"C'mon, forgive me. I even got the best chefs in France to whip up all these chocolate pudding."

"France? they were from? pudding?" Needless to say, the cat got my tongue

"You're forgiven."

He merely looked away, chuckled and led me back to chocolate pudding paradise.

But even though, he was trying to act "cool" and looked away, I caught glimpse of the smile he was trying to hide and involuntarily, I smiled as well.

"Are you smiling?" I asked mockingly

"No," he said, forcibly frowning

"Hey, Daniel, how do you like your chicken cooked?"

He looked puzzled at my sudden question but nonetheless, answered.

"Grilled," he said

"I'm pretty sure you like it pride," I said

Get it? he was denying because of his pride?

I'm a frustrated comedian.

He looked at me and rolled his eyes.


Maybe, he's not that big of a jerk after all, I stand corrected.


Edited: 01.19.15


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