Chapter One

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I could smell the smoke as I opened my door, screams and crying echoed around the pack house. I panicked, looking around to see if I could see my family. I ran through the halls shouting for them. Tears ran down my cheeks, my throat burning as I inhaled more and more smoke.

I made it outside and a sharp sob escaped my mouth, there was blood everywhere on the grass, the lifeless bodies of my pack mates laying there.

My heart picked up pace as I felt fear run through me as I looked behind and saw my beloved pack house on fire. I sat on the ground in the middle of the carnage and let my grief rip through me. I didn't pay attention to the fights still raging, I just wanted my family.

I had almost given up hope until I felt an arm wind around my shoulders and under my knees, I looked up into the green eyes of Thrain, the Beta's son.

"What are you doing Thrain?"

"Alyssa, we have to go"

I struggled in his hold. I couldn't just leave! This was my family, my pack.

"No, Thrain, we have to go back and help them" I don't know how I could help but I wanted to

Thrain looked down at me with sad eyes "I'm sorry Ally, you're father ordered me to take you somewhere safe and not look back"

More tears fell as I realized my family is most likely dead. No one can go against an Alpha's orders. I just hope my little brother got away as well. I snuggled deeper into Thrain's arms, needing the comfort.

That is how, at the tender age of ten, I, the Alpha's daughter became a rogue.


We continued for two days until we stumbled, literally, into the Vicious Peak pack territory. The Alpha was extremely sympathetic towards us and let us stay with his family. Thrain and I decided not to tell anyone that I was an Alpha's daughter, it would cause too much conflict, we told everyone I was Thrain's little cousin.

They gave us refuge and treated us like family, all except the Alpha's son, he was extremely rude and thought that he wanted me when I became of age.

We stayed for nine years. When the Alpha announced his son, Thomas, the new Alpha, three years into our stay things became tense. He had tried for years to mate with me and I was still refusing, I will not mate with someone who isn't my true mate. I'm stronger than a normal she-wolf but I have always put it down to my Alpha blood, everyone else thinks it's because I am of Beta bloodline. They will never know the truth.

Thrain, me, Beta Josh and his mate, Lauren were sitting around the table eating breakfast and chatting when Alpha Thomas stormed into the room, his eyes black and his canines extended. I knew trouble was coming and frankly, I wasn't in the mood for his shit today.

"Everyone but Alyssa, leave" No one moved a muscle, to surprised at his outburst "Now!" he growled in his Alpha tone. They all got up to leave and I noticed Lauren gesturing to the side wall. I smiled, getting what they were doing, eavesdropping.

"What can I help you with Alpha?" I asked while picking up some eggs and stuffing them in my mouth.

"What you pulled last night was unacceptable!" His hands were shaking, close to shifting, he started pacing.

"Oh? You shouldn't have tried to force yourself on me, then I wouldn't have kneed your balls" I snickered, I quite enjoyed getting his hackles up.

He stopped pacing and was in front of me in a flash, his hand gripped my throat and squeezed.

I growled lowly at him, my wolf not liking that I wasn't fighting back. Patience

"You had better remove your hand before I rip it from the rest of your body"

"No! Alyssa, you will mate with me or I will kill you"

I rolled my eyes "Thomas, you wouldn't be able to kill me" I could feel my wolf tearing at my self control, she wanted his blood and she wanted it now. I had to remind her that he is the Alpha and he can kill our family. "Let me go Thomas"

He smirked before standing straight and allowing his Alpha power to flow through him "Alyssa Hawkins, I order you to mate with me and have my pups"

He was looking all smug, thinking he could actually order me. My wolf finally broke through before I could stop her, she didn't take kindly to being ordered around.

"You do not order me around Alpha Thomas! You are a pathetic little boy who can only get a girl by ordering her to mate you, we will not be that girl. We are leaving your pack and if anyone follows me and tries to bring me back, I promise, I will send them back to you in pieces" It wasn't me talking anymore, my wolf had total control and her voice could send the toughest of Alpha's crying to their mummy. Thomas was in shock, his eyes wide with fear.

I pushed him away from me and ran upstairs to my room, throwing all of my belongings into a duffle bag. I could hear Thrain and Josh talking to him downstairs before Lauren came running up the stairs and into my room.

"Alyssa, me and Josh are coming with you"

I shook my head and picked my bag up "No Lauren, Josh is the Beta of this pack and he has a responsibility"

"We have already made our decision, as soon as he tried to order you to mate with him, he lost all of our respect. He is slowly becoming unhinged"

I sighed and moved out of my room, I knew there was no convincing them any different.

"Fine, meet me outside in thirty minutes"

Lauren nodded and left to go pack. I slid down the wall until I was sitting on the floor with my back against the wall. I pulled my knees to my chest and laid my head down.

I can't believe I'm going to be a rogue again, I know my parents would be disappointed, I don't have a mate, and now a pack. I don't particularly want a mate anyway - well I do - just the hassle of it all, I don't want to get hurt by someone I love again.

I shake my head of all my thoughts and stand up, heading downstairs and coming face to face with Thomas' father. I smiled at him and he opened his arms to bring me in for a hug, he had become like a father to me these last few years.

"I heard what my son did, and I am so ashamed. I'm so sorry he did this to you Alyssa, I will make sure he never does anything like this again. Call me if you need anything" He pressed a kiss to my temple.

I nodded at him and thanked him for everything he had done for me and Thrain over the years.

I knew this was hard on him, his son just tried to command someone to mate with him, messing with the moon goddess' plans. I head outside and stop in my tracks as I see around thirty pack members all standing around with bags. Thrain, Josh and Lauren are standing in the front smiling at me. I have a bad feeling about this.

"We are all coming with you Alyssa" Thrain stepped forward and slung his arm around my shoulders.

"You all belong to this pack, you can't come"

"Not anymore, Alpha Thomas told everyone that you were leaving and that if anyone who was loyal to you, stays, they will be killed. He doesn't want traitors in his pack" Lauren threw me a smirk. She had me there.

"Fine, let's get out of here" We all shifted and grabbed our bags, the children climbed onto their parents backs. We crossed the boundary and we stumbled a bit as we felt the connection to the pack snap. I looked behind me and saw everyone following, no one was running beside me or in front. They were running behind me in a 'V' formation, the way you run when the Alpha is running in front.

I guess I am the Alpha now.



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Pippa x

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