Chapter 24

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Hey loves! Another chapter for you guys!!

And because we hit 2k reads just a couple of days ago, this is a special chapter just for you guys!

If anyone doesn't want to read a raunchy scene then you can skip this chapter :)


-Pippa x


The day has been pretty great, Marty had a nap and then we explored part of the palace. Now it is time for dinner, I can't keep still, I'm so excited to see Alexis and I know Marty is excited to finally see Rosie again. 

I stood in front of my clothes that I bought with me, I couldn't decide what I wanted to wear to a dinner with the King and Queen. My eyes drifted over them all, finally settling on a dark blue dress, the front was ruffled in the bust, tight around my waist and then flared out in the skirt to land above my knees. I slipped it on, braided my hair and slipped on a pair of black flats. I still don't trust myself with heels. 

I was sat on the bed playing with my phone, waiting for Damien to come out of the bathroom. Marty was off somewhere with the boys, Eric came in earlier and basically kidnapped him. 

The bathroom door opened and my jaw dropped in shock when Damien exited. His body was clad in a pair of black dress pants that hugged his hips, a tight white button up was stretched across his chest, if he made a wrong move he would bust straight out of it. But what shocked me the most was his face, gone was the wild and untamed beard and in it's place was a neat and tidy beard that sat close to his chin. My eyes roamed his face further, his eyes seemed somehow clearer, I could see the sharp angles of his jawline and the sharpness of his nose. My eyes traveled further up and an audible gasp left my lips.

He cut his hair!

His long, messy hair was now cut short on the sides but longer on top, it was nice and neat. A shot of desire went through me, he just got a while lot sexier and I didn't think that was possible. In a blur, I was in front of him, my hands moved to cup his face then moved to his hair, I couldn't believe my eyes.

He certainly doesn't look like the wild man I first saw, and I must say, I kind of miss it. I loved him looking like that but I am not going to complain about his look right now. 

"Why did you shave your beard and cut your hair?"

"I haven't met with the King and Queen since I first became Alpha, which means I have never met the new King and Queen. I have to look my best with you by my side. Do you like it?" His eyes shone with uncertainty, he was afraid I would hate it and in turn hate him. 

Instead of answering, I pulled him down to my level, gripped his hair in my hands and pulled hard. I then kissed the fuck out of him, a rumbling growl was my only answer. I pulled back and fixed him with a hard glare. 

"You, my mate, are the sexiest thing I have ever seen and I will not be holding back if another female so much as glances at you. You are mine" I titled his head to the side and sank my canines into my mark. 

Damien growled loudly and sunk his canines into his mark on my neck. Pleasure shot through me and drenched my underwear, my fingers nimbly started undoing the buttons on his shirt but his larger hands covered mine, stilling my movements. 

"Love, we need to go meet with the King and Queen. We will be late"

I couldn't give a shit honestly, I wanted, no, needed him inside me right now. My wolf was close to taking control, I could feel the buzzing inside my mind, could almost feel the red film slide over my vision. My claws descended from my fingers and I could feel the hair on the back of my neck start prickling. 

Damien pulled back and my eyes snapped open, a thundering growl left my lips which I'm sure most of the palace could hear. A loud curse dropped from his lips but his eyes darkened with lust and an answering growl rumbled in his chest. Before I could process what was happening, my back was against the wall, legs wrapped around his hips and my arms pinned above my head. Heat coursed through my veins and Damien's nostrils flared, clearly smelling my arousal. My dress was lifted, underwear pushed to the side, his dick out of his pants and buried inside me in the span of a few seconds. 

"This isn't me making love to you Alyssa. This is me fucking you, pure and simple. It will be quick and dirty, but tonight, I will love you until you can't walk. That is a promise"

I couldn't form any words, he thrusted into me with no holds barred. My body moved up and down against the wall, meeting him thrust for thrust. There was nothing gentle about this, no hands roaming over bodies, no kissed. Just pure lust. Damien's hand left my wrist and his thumb started circling my clit, a low moan escaped and my eyes rolled back into my head. The buzzing had receded and my red vision was starting to clear up. All my senses were surrounded by Damien and I couldn't get enough. I could feel the delicious tightness begin in my belly, I was close. I focused my eyes on Damien again, his forehead was glistening with sweat, his jaw clenching and unclenching, but it was his eyes that held me captive, the were shining with unbridled emotion; concern, lust, adoration but love shone through the brightest and I knew my eyes reflected his. 

"Are you going to come for me mate?" He growled out, his eyes never leaving mine.

And that was it, I was over the edge. Waves and waves of pleasure shook my body, my walls clenching Damien tightly, making sure he wasn't going anywhere. A low growl told me he was close as well but just needed a push over the edge. I smirked, knowing exactly what to do, my hands held his head in place, my fingers reaching into his soft hair. 

"Are you going to come for me mate?" 

Just like me, those words tipped him over the edge and his dick pulsed and spasmed, spreading his seed deep inside me. Shudders overtook his panting body, his head dropped onto my shoulder and he released my legs. They touched the floor and I had to fight to continue standing, my legs were like jelly.

Too exhausted and satisfied to talk, I simply sent him a thought. 

I love you

And I love you M'anamchara. You are all I hoped for and more then I ever thought I deserved

Our lips met in a kiss that was slow but full of everything else, our love, our passion and our hope that everything would work out. 


Well shit!! 

This was an important chapter, because it gives everyone a bit more insight into how Alyssa actually is as a person as well as Damien. Alyssa can't control when she goes into her haze and this just demonstrates it a bit more :) 

Just a fun fact for you guys:

When I first started writing this story, Damien was meant to be a super intense person, he was cruel to his pack and cruel to Alyssa and also old fashioned in his thinking. 

But when I started writing him, he just became the man he currently is, he is a tough Alpha but also a HUGE softy ;) 

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