Chapter Fourteen

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Hey guys, this is an extremely rough draft, but I just wanted to get something up for you guys.
Hope you enjoy X

I woke up to my door being opened slowly and quietly, I had a good sense of who would be coming in. I snuggled deeper into my blankets, I could smell Damien still, even though I know he left sometime in the middle of the night. I understood, he has his own pack to run, I just hope he doesn't expect me to give up my own pack just to look pretty by his side. I've worked too long and too hard for this pack to just give it up.

“Good morning little wolf, feeling better today?”

“Morning mumma Ally. I do feel better. Why can I smell the big man in you're bed?”

I chuckled as his sleepy voice got closer, I felt him climbing into bed and then snuggling close to me. I wrapped my arms around him, holding him close.

“Well, the big man's name is Damien Shaw and he is the Alpha of the Silver Thunder pack, they live next door to us. You know what mates are, don't you?”

I felt his head move before he realised I wanted an answer “uh huh, mates are the people who are destined to be with you forever, they will love you until they die. My mummy told me that”

“Yes that's right. Well Damien is my mate and he helped me fall asleep last night” I smiled softly at the memory of last night. Damien wrapped me up under the blankets and then wrapped himself around me, cocooning me. He held me and whispered in my ear until I fell asleep.

Everything they say about him is proving to be wrong so far, he may look wild and untamed but he certainly treats everyone with respect and is very sweet and caring.

“Well he smells funny” Marty said matter of factly

“Come here you little rascal” I pulled him towards me while laughing. We spent the next few minutes tickling each other and giggling.

Once we were up and had breakfast, it was time for me to go get some work done. I left Marty with Brooke and made my way to the offices. I was surprised to see Thrain sitting at his desk looking like he got no sleep.

“Hey, what's the matter?” Thrain jumped as I spoke, he must have been out of it.

“Hey Lys. Delilah was up all night sick again. I didn't get much sleep”

Shit, I still have to go talk to her about her being pregnant. I don't think Thrain has caught on yet.

“I want you to go sleep in a spare room, I can't have my Beta falling asleep on the job. I'll go take Delilah to the pack doctor, and after you've had some sleep, can you go help sort out the jobs for the welcoming ceremony tonight”

“I don't need to sleep, I'll take Delilah” He spoke in a rush

“Thrain, that wasn't a request. I need you to get some sleep. You need to be healthy for Delilah” that would get him

Thank looked down in defeat “Okay Lys. I'll go sleep. Please take care of her” he got up and walked out the door, not seeing me roll my eyes at him.

He's going to be an overprotective father that's for sure.

I finished up the paperwork for all the new pack members and checked on Marty. Him and Brooke were playing hide and seek. Not the best game to play as werewolves.

Heading up to the top floor, I poked my head into one of the guest rooms to see that Thrain had fallen into the bed and was snoring away. Shaking my head, I continued to the Beta suite. I could smell Delilah a mile away, as well as the pup growing. I gently knocked on the door and after hearing a soft come in, opened it and entered.
Seeing Delilah curled up in a ball on the bed almost broke my heart. She is still so fragile from what she went through.

“Delilah? It's Alyssa. I've come to take you to the pack doctor” I sat gently on the edge of the bed so as not to startle her.

“Where's Thrain?”

“I sent him to go sleep, he was falling asleep while working this morning” Delilah poked her head out of her little cocoon and smiled weakly at me.

“I'm afraid I've been sick all night again and he spent all night up with me. I don't know what's wrong with me” she sounded so scared, her voice was as quiet as a mouse and if it wasn't for my advanced hearing, I wouldn't be able to hear her.

“I know what's wrong sweetie. I knew the moment I smelt you enter my territory” I smiled at her as she sat up fully. “Would you like to know? Or would you like the pack doctor to tell you?”

“Oh no, please tell me”

“You're pregnant Delilah, about a month in”

Delilah face registered shock, fear, love and shock again. Her mouth opened and closed, unsure of what to say. “You're sure?”

“Pretty sure. My sense of smell is far greater than anyone's. But I want to take you to the doctor and get you properly checked out and see how far you are so we can take proper care of you okay”

Delilah nodded weakly, her hands had found themselves to her stomach and were gently rubbing it. I offered my hand to her to help her up and she accepted. She was a bit shaky at first, but leaning on me, we made our way out the door and down the stairs.
We made it to the doctors and he saw us right away. He knew it was urgent if the Alpha was here. I explained the situation to him, and he had Delilah lay down on the bed while he got the ultrasound equipment set up.
I sat in the seat beside her, holding her hand. She looked terrified. The doctor put the gel on her stomach and then used the wand to move it around.
“Alright, here we go. You can see your little pup just here” he pointed to a blob on the screen “the pup looks to be about 4 weeks in development, but with you're condition, I would say it's about a week or two behind what it should be at this stage. Now, that is nothing to worry about. You just have to make sure you are getting enough food and fluid. Try eating foods rich in protein and fat, and try to eat at least 6 small meals a day” he smiled at her as he wiped the gel off.

“Doctor, you need to keep this to yourself please. This is you're Betas pup and he doesn't know yet. He will most likely bring her to you when he finds out, so just repeat everything you just told us to him. You know how Thrain is”

The doctor laughed and agreed. He grabbed some prenatal vitamins for Delilah to take daily and sent us on our way.

I helped Delilah back into her room, sent for some food and sat on the bed with her.

“Delilah, you have to tell Thrain tonight okay. He needs to know right away”

“I will, I will tell him as soon as he is finished his work for the day” she laid her head down on the pillows, her hands on her stomach.

“Good girl, now there is food coming, I want you to eat it alright. Remember what the doctor said” I patted her leg and got up to leave.

“Thank you Alyssa. You've made me feel extremely welcome here”

“You're part of our family now Delilah, of course” I shut the door quietly and walked back to the office.

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