Important Author's Note

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Important Note! Please read.

Wow, thank you to everyone who has read this book. Over the last couple of days, the book has gained a lot of traction and truthfully that is surprising because this is the first draft and it is completely unedited and just a steaming pile of trash. I haven't been on Wattpad that much at all but with how much attention this is gaining now, it has made me think. I have been wanting to rewrite this book but I haven't yet as I didn't think people would be interested but I am still interested in this story so I would like to rewrite it and make it a lot better.

So let me know in a comment if you would like to see this rewritten and made a whole lot better? The characters are going to stay mostly the same, there may be some name changes and stuff and the general feel and premise of the story will stay the same.

But I feel that Alyssa can be made into such a stronger character and I would love it if you guys who read it would also love to see Alyssa become a stronger person and maybe have this story stretched out a bit more.

Let me know!

Thank you again so much

Pippa x

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