Chapter Sixteen

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“We need to talk about what we are going to do with the packs” I wasted no time in getting to the point. I wanted this conversation over with.

“What do you mean? You'll be coming with me and joining both packs together” he looked confused and it was a little bit cute.

“That's what she-wolves do if they have no responsibilities. I have over 200 wolves in my care, they trust me and I'm not sure how they will adapt to such a sudden change. Most of these wolves do not trust easily, Damien, you will most likely have to earn their trust before you can lead them” I laid my hand on his arm “also, I became the official Alpha less than a week ago. I don't want to give that up just yet, what will the pack think?”

Damiens nostrils flared and his eyes started getting darker “You don't want to give up your title? Is that more important than your own mate Alyssa?

“You know that's not true. Now please stop raising your voice to me and let's discuss this like adults. You know what my powers can do, I need to learn to control them and I can do that by continuing being Alpha for now”

“You don't tell me what to do mate. You will come back to my pack with me and be my Luna” he was now stood up and towering over me, his eyes were completely black, telling me that his wolf had taken full control. His fists were clenched by his sides and his body was shaking.

I could feel a half shift coming on, a red film came over my eyes, my nose and canines elongated and my claws became exposed “You do not get to dictate what I do Alpha Shaw. If you can't discuss this like an Alpha then get out” my voice was low and dangerous.

I could see the instant regret in his eyes as he took control back from his wolf. My anger and half shift was too far gone to even care at this point. I know that Damien is the only one who can calm me down, but right now I don't want him anywhere near me. His head bowed in sadness and I saw his arm twitch as if he wanted to reach out and touch me and I'm glad he thought better of it, because if he touched me I know I would forgive him instantly.

Stupid fucking mate bond.

“Alyssa, I'm so sorry. I know it's no excuse but my wolf has been agitated from being away from you. I hope you can forgive me” he sent me a small smile then walked out of the office.

I waited until I heard the front door close before I raced down to the basement. My heart was beating fast and I was still in the half shift with my eyesight red. I needed to get the pent up energy out and a run just wouldn't do.

I mind linked the entire pack to leave me alone and changed into some workout clothes. Striding over to the punching bags, I strapped my hands and started punching. Over and over again I hit the bag, sweat was rolling down my face and back but I didn't pay any attention to it. I just kept punching and when I hit it too hard and broke, I put up another and another, until I had broken ten bags. As I dropped the last broken bag on the floor, I felt better, my half shift has gone and the red haze left me, but I was too preoccupied to notice. I laid down on the mats and tried to catch my breath.

“What'd those bags ever do to you Lys?”

I jumped up and faced the doorway. Josh was leaning against the wall grinning at me.

“Jesus, I didn't hear you come in Josh”

“I’m not surprised, you were beating up those bags like they just killed your first born. What’s up? You’ve been down here for four hours”

Four hours? It didn't feel that long. I waved his question away as I grabbed a towel and bottle of water “Just Alpha stuff”

“So, nothing to do with Damien then?”

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