Chapter 23

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Hello again! I'm so sorry about the long wait but work has been kicking my butt lately.

So I just have to say before I start this chapter that when I started writing this story, I never intended Alyssa and Damien to be so damn horny haha. I don't know if you've noticed, but I never write the entire act and that's because I think I sick at writing sex scenes.
So if I'm terrible at them, please let me know and I'll stop writing them, I don't want them to be awkward or anything.

So this chapter only has a small sex scene in it. Just so you guys know :)

Alright! Onto the chapter.
Comment, vote, let me know your thoughts.

-Pippa X


Laying in bed next to Damien, his arms wound tightly around my waist, his morning wood pressing deliciously against my backside was the best way to wake up in my opinion.
I wish we could stay in bed all day today but we have to get going to the palace to see Julius and Alexis, which to say I am excited is an understatement, I have missed my best friend. Damien still doesn't believe me about that, but he will soon see for himself

Wiggling my ass around on Damien's erection, a satisfied smile took over my lips when his arms tightened around me and his lips began an assault upon my back, his fingers ran under my breasts causing my breath to hitch and Damien's fingers to move upwards and lightly trailing over my already hardened nipples.
I took a shuddering breath as he roughly turned me onto my back and assaulted my lips with his. Honestly, since our completed mating, I haven't been able to get enough of him and I don't think I ever will.


We didn't stay in bed long this morning, which was harder than I thought it would be. I don't know how I am going to get anything done in regards to the pack with him around. I sighed and shook my head with a smile as I watched Damien bend over the bed as he packed his suitcase.

"Take a picture Alyssa, it lasts longer" Damien's voice shocked me from my thoughts, he hadn't even turned around.

I took my phone out of my pocket and snapped a photo of his perfectly sculpted ass, the noise went off and Damien turned around slowly, his eyes dark and eyebrows raised.

"What? You told me to" I grinned at him

"You can have my ass whenever you like, it is yours now after all"

"That's good" I slowly walked over to him and ran my hands down his chest "I don't like to share what's mine"

"All yours baby" He leant down and captured my lips with his.

I sighed as I took a step back, Damien pouted and tried to pull me back. I giggled as I danced out of his reach.

"As much as I would love nothing more than to stay here and do many things with you, we have a long drive ahead of us"

Damien nodded with a dejected sigh and picked out suitcases up and started down the hallway.

"Is Marty ready to go?" He asked over his shoulder.

"Yeah, he's downstairs causing a ruckus"

Damien chuckled and walked out of the pack house to put our bags in the car. We decided to drive because Marty is coming and it's too long of a journey for him to be riding on our backs, plus much to dangerous. Damien wasn't really on board with him coming, but I have noticed Marty becoming agitated and withdrawn lately. The effects of being away from his mate for so long, it's why mates are not meant to meet so young. If for some reason, they have to be separated it is a lot more dangerous for a young wolf as it can cause their wolf to force the shift and that can lead to death.
So for now, we have to make frequent trips so they can see each other.

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