Chapter 3|13 years old

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During my middle school years was the year I learned how to stand up for myself. I was a eighth grader at a predominantly black school in the same district I attended during my elementary school years. I loved being around my type of people especially since we grew up together in elementary school.

I unlocked my locker grabbing my books and binder for my last three classes Math, History, and Science. When my best friend Jo came up to me. Jo and I grew up together in elementary school. Once I dropped Kendal I met Jo. Jo and I immediately clicked we had many things in common.

She had an identical twin named Jay. Jay was cool but I was more closer to Jo since we always were in the same classes.

"Guess what I heard." Jo said unlocking her locker that was beside mine.

"What?" I asked looking in my mirror trying to fix my big ponytail. I hated my natural hair it was so huge. All the other girls either had braids or perms. My hair made me stand out when all I wanted to do was fit in.

"Key, said that you trynna jock her shit." She told me and I closed my locker confused. In other words she said I was copying her style.

"First what? Second whose Key?" I asked confused of the information I was obtaining. I've never even heard of this female nor have I ever spoken to her.

"The one with the big butt. I heard she wanted to fight you because you were talking about her to her best friend Deja." I laughed. She had to be kidding.

"Deja? I've only talk to her during orchestra and lunch." I said confused. I never once said anything foul about this Key girl, and I was to why would I talk to her about her with her best friend.

Jo shrugged her shoulders confused.

"I don't know man. I heard she supposed to say something to you after seventh block." She told me and I shook my head nervous. I have never had to deal with drama I was always the peacemaker.

"Thanks for letting me know." I said walking off to my class with my shoulders heavy.

My seventh block came fast quickly, and to my surprise Key was in my class. We only had two months of school left until summer vacation and I never knew the female was even in my class.

History was my best subject. I just enjoyed learning about slavery and my ancestors. My grades was never below a 90. I was definitely my teacher favorite. He gave me a teddy bear for Valentine's Day. My mom thought it was weird, but I never got any signals off Mr. Jane so I reassured her he was only being nice.

The bell rung meaning class was over.

"Don't forget test tomorrow." Mr. Jane said sitting at his desk while we exited the classroom.

"Yo, Harper." I heard my name being called I stopped and turned around seeing Key with Jay. Jay my best friend sister by Key side smiling. Who does that to their friend?

"What?" I asked her knowing why she was stopping me. Butterflies with nerves danced in my stomach.

"If you got something to say to me say in my face not behind my back." She said using her hands in my face.

"If I got something say to you I will tell you in your face." I said surprised I had a comeback.

"Don't get buck." She said getting louder as she started stepping up.

"Don't get in my face." I said standing my ground. I was not scared of this female. Talk is cheap. Actions speak louder than words.

"Whatever. You heard me." She said placing her hand in my face and walked away with Jay and them laughing.

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