Chapter 4|16 years old

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I looked in the mirror feeling disgusting. I finally realized why I never had any kiss nor have a relationship with boy. I was an embarrassment. I looked away from the mirror and walked out the bathroom of our three bedroom home.

I walked into the room I shared with my sister when my mom entered my room soon after me breaking my focus off my Calculus homework I was working on.

"Baby. I need you to do me a favor." My mom started off and I knew this wasn't going to be good.

"Hmm?" I asked her looking at her light skinned thick body wondering how come I became a soft mocha complexion.

"I'm going to North Carolina for a business trip for the weened, and Hunter and Hazel dad is coming to get them while I'm gone. I need you to be mature and watch over yourself and listen to what Eli says." She said low key begging.

"Yeah that's fine. Is it okay if I go to the football game Saturday night with some friends?" I asked my mom and she nodded smiling.

"Of course. I'll let Eli know." She said excited I was trying to make a effort and get involved with people my age.

Friday night came quickly meaning my mom was leaving along with my siblings. I embraced them off giving away kissing watching them go off happily with their father. I felt an emptiness sit in my stomach from the fact I never even met my father, and always wanted to know what I did wrong for him to not want to be present in my life.

"Bye Harper." Dre their dad said waving before piling my brother and sister into his Range Rover. He was a Navy Seal, and his wife was a Lawyer.

I waved bye watching them all drive off until they disappeared. I turned around and walked into my house ignoring Eli presents. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed the package of Oreos with a bag of Cool Ranch Doritos then retreated into my room locking myself inside.

I stayed locked up in my room all Friday night and Saturday morning not wanting to be in the same house with Eli alone. He always gave off a weird vibe.

But it was time for the football game and my friends texted me letting my know they would be on there way in about an hour, so I decided to get ready.

I took out a pair of Blue Jeans, A Hawk Hoodie Mascot of our school Crewneck with All White Hardshell Adidas. I grabbed my towel and clothing and entered the bathroom. I undressed and stepped into the warm temperature shower. I grabbed my wash cloth and squeezed body wash onto it then ran it across my body.

I rinsed my body off then turned off the shower. I wrapped my towel around my body then opened the bathroom door when I was faced with Eli blocking the door with a half empty liquor bottle in his hand. I held my towel closely to my body feeling his eyes scan over my body.

"Excuse me." I mumbled wanting him to step aside, but instead he stepped closer, and I started panicking.

"Excuse me." I said louder with fear laced in my voice as I tried to past him again, but he placed the bottle down and swiftly pushed me against the wall roughly causing me to drop my towel.

I tried to use my hands to cover myself up, but he held them tightly over my head with his strong framed body pressed up against my body. Fear invaded my body as I tried my hardest to get out his grip, but he was stronger than me.

"Don't fight it .... I see the way you look at me." He said looking at me through his dreads that fell of his face as he wrapped my legs around his waist trapping me from moving.

"Please don't." I cried out with tears falling down my brown cheeks. He ignored my wishes and placed my wet kisses on my neck down to my breast. I wiggled and screamed for help begging someone would to help me, but I doubted knowing we were in the back of the house so no one would hear my cries.

"DONT!" I screamed having a massive panic attack once his hard member was out. He ignored me and shoved his self into my immediately breaking my hymen from the pressure. I screamed out feeling pain instantly invade my private area as blood streaked down my inner thigh. He grabbed on my hips and stroked his self in and out of me with no mercy. I cried out feeling my insides being ripped with every stroke.

I felt myself falling in out of consciousness as he pounded deeper and harder into me. His groans and moans filled the atmosphere. I felt an unfamiliar feeling in my lower stomach burst causing my body to shake with unwanted pleasure.

"Fuck!" He cried out in pleasure busting his nut inside of me... ruining my life forever.

                  THE NEXT DAY

  I stayed locked up in my room for the rest of the weekend ignoring my phone constantly ringing from my friends, and my mom who was trying to check up on me. I didn't want to be bother, I didn't want to exist. My virginity was taken by step dad. The one thing I promised my grandmother I would save for my future husband. Now what did I have to offer him? The one thing that belonged to him was now dirty and filthy.

   My pillow case was stained with my wet salty tears that constantly rolled down my face as the traumatizing event constantly occurred in my head like a scary movie.

   I had to tell my mom, but I didn't know how. How would I explain to her that I was raped by the man she love? Who story would she believe? I closed my eyes allowing the build up tears to fall down my face falling onto my chest.

  "HARPER!" Eli deep voice yelled causing me to jump in fear, goosebumps and chilly chills danced down my spine from the sound of his voice. The sound of his feet walking toward my bedroom door caused my heart to bang against my chest like a drum.

    "LEAVE ME ALONE!" I screamed covering my ears hearing sound of him twisting the door knob then unlocking the door with the spare key. I pulled my knees up to my chest with my back against the wall. He entered my bedroom and closed the door behind him causing me to cry harder.

    "Just leave me alone. I won't tell anybody. Just stop please." I begged looking at his half naked blurry figure. He chuckled deeply as he touched the side of my face causing me to flinch as he lifted my head doubly so we were looking into each other eyes.

    "You tell anyone. I swear I'll kill you, your brother and your sister." He promised before letting my face go roughly. My stomach turned in knots from the thought of my siblings dying because of me.

    "Now turn that phat ass, so daddy can get what he wants." He said pulling his pants down. I slid off my pants and underwear and turned on all fours slowly knowing I had no other choice.

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