Chapter 10

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Two hours.

My uncle and I have been sitting in his car in complete silence for two hours.

"I can do this all night," he said crossing his arms leaning back in his tan leather seat looking over a me.

I looked away keeping my eye contact on my hands as my mind wandered if I was really pregnant. What was I going to do? I'm only sixteen, and a kid was far from my dreams.

I opened my mouth to speak but no words flew out my mouth. My brain was telling my tongue to speak but my tongue held out the words I've been wanting to spill for the past three months.

Fear invaded my stomach from the threats Eli promised me. I closed my eyes and placed my hand over my face as I fell in deep thought trying to figure out what to do.

Another hour past and my uncle turned his phone off since his wife been blowing him up to see why it took us three hours to get a pizza.

"Hunter and Hazel will die if I tell," I mumbled finally speaking. I looked up form my hands and looked at him.

"I'm here. Nothing is going to happen to none of y'all. They at the hotel with your aunt the only person who is in danger is your mother," he said and I closed my eyes drowning in my thoughts again.

Another half hour past with me just thinking of the outcomes if I spoke.

"I can't tell you uncle," I said speaking again listening to the fear that clouded my judgement.

"Harper, you can tell me now or you can suffer for nine months then I find out. Either way imma find out," He said speaking with his hands.

I stayed quiet again closing my eyes.

"I'm tired, can we go back to the hotel," I asked him. He stared me for a second before starting the car up and driving back to the hotel.

I stayed to myself the entire weekend. My uncle didn't pressure me to say anything I wanted because he knew he would find out eventually.

"Welcome back," My mom said smiling as we entered the house. I immediately locked eyes with Eli who was on the couch with his legs crossed.

I peeled my eyes away from him, and made my way into my room. I locked the door and stripped out my clothing. I changed into gray sweats and a big shirt.

I laid down on my bed when I saw I had a text from Noah. My lips turned into a smile as I opened the text.

I wanna see you. I miss you. Meet me at our old spot?"

I smiled and responded back.

I'll be there ten minutes.

I exited my bedroom and went into the living room where my mom was still socializing with my Uncle.

"Hey. I'm going to call it a night. I will like space tonight to myself, so mom can you make sure no one bother me?" I asked her ignoring the look Eli was giving me.

"Yeah, babe that's fine." She said and I smiled and nodded retesting back into my bedroom. I closed the door and relocked it.

I looked into my closet, and picked out my Adidas Black Jumpsuit with white hard shelled Adidas. I slipped it on and went to my hair dressing section. I grabbed my brush and brushed my natural thigh hair into a high puff. I laid the baby hairs with my comb and gel.

I opened my bedroom door, and quietly  went into the bathroom without being noticed. I brushed my teeth and gargled before going back into my room.

I locked the door again and turned the light off. I grabbed my phone and put it in my pocket. I unlocked the window and slid it open. I put my leg through the window then my other cracking the window, so I could get back into the house. 

I walked down the street growing farther away from house making my way to my destination. I placed headphones in my ears as I walked down the sidewalk that was lit up with streetlights.

Drowning in my music which was my biggest escape from the real world. I arrived to our spot when we were younger a tree house his dad built for us when we were in elementary school.

I smiled when I saw Noah leaned against his truck with his arms folded. He was wearing a Black Hoodie with jeans, and vans on his feet.

"Hey," I said taking my headphones out my ears. He smiled opening his arms wanting to engulf me in a hug.

"I missed you big head," he said mumbled wrapping his arms around me. I chuckled pulling away leaning against his car with him looking at the old tree house.

"I miss you too," I said watching him intertwine his hands together leaning against the hood of his truck.

"Do you remember when we use to always hide from our parents here? We played games. Told each other everything. We had sleepovers here. I broke my arm here," he said and I smiled at the memories.

"You tried to kiss me here," I laughed and he laughed with me.

"I tired to kiss you here." He said looking at my with his tan cheeks slightly red before turning back to the treehouse.

"It was fun before I left," I said thinking of the memories we shared.

"It was, but we were given a second chance and we should use it," he said.

"We are Noah," I said looking at him confused. He looked over at me before looking away again licking his pink lips.

"You blocking me out, Harp. You never did that when we were younger, he said and I looked away not wanting to talk about the situation I was going through a home with Eli.

"That's what I mean. I'm here, Harper. If something is bothering you then it's bothering me," he said and I kept my focus on my hand until he used his index finger and lifted my head making me look him in his green eyes.

"Talk to me," He said wiping away tears I didn't know were falling. I closed my eyes trying to contain my emotions and to hold the secret I was holding on for so long.

I stayed quiet looking down at the ground before speaking.

"I'm pregnant," I told him, and his eyes widen with shock. He opened his mouth to speak but I interrupted him.

"I was raped... by my stepdad," I said before bursting into tears releasing all the emotions I've been trying to hold in. I could feel the chains of stress fall down my back as I set myself free.

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