Chapter 8

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"Wear a dress today," Eli said not approving me wearing jeans and hoodie to school. I placed the outfit I wanted to wear back into the closet, and picked out a red spaghetti strap dress, with a jean jacket.

I turned to him asking for his approval and he nodded with a smile on his lips.

I turned away from him grabbing the outfit leaving to change in the bathroom but he stopped me.

"Change in here," he said stopping me in my tracks. I kept my focus on the ground as I undressed dropping the clothes to the ground and put on the new outfit.

"My dick doing you good baby, look at them hips." He said chuckling deeply. I ignored his comment and looked in the mirror noticing my hips were spreading out, I was gaining weight in my lower stomach, and my small breast were swollen. I  looked away, and kept my focus on the ground.

"Come here," he ordered me. I walked over to him and he placed his hands around my waist pulling me on his lap.

"Listen. You and I will be leaving real soon far away from here. So we can start our own family." He told me. I looked at confused feeling my heart racing against my chest.

"I want only you." He mumbled against my neck kissing and sucking softly. I closed my eyes blinking away the tears that were begging to be released.

"You'll like that right?" He asked me causing me to open my eyes. I nodded causing my natural hair to in front of my face. He ran his hand through my bone straight hair pushing it out of my face.

"Good. We wouldn't want anyone to get hurt right?" He asked me tilting his head.

"Right." I responded looking down at my hands.

"I know it's difficult to understand, but the first time I laid eyes on you. I knew you were mine," he said nodded feelings disgusted since he met me when I was nine years old.

"Give me a kiss," he said lifting my head up. I leaned forward and placed my lips on his.

"I love you. You know that right?" He asked me. I nodded and he smiled.

"Good, nothing will ever break us apart... we in this until death," he said staring into my eyes.

I put my book-bag on my back and unbuckled my seatbelt when we pulled up to my school.

"I'll see you after." I said and he nodded. I leaned over and kissed his lip. Not wanting to get another beating. He kissed me back sucking on my bottom lip. He slid his hand down my butt and squeezed causing me to open my mouth allowing him to slid his tongue between my lips.

"Eli," I pulled away fake chuckling softly acting flustered.

"Save that for later on," I chuckled wiping my lips watching people walk up to the school.

He laughed softly. "You right baby, I'll see you later," he said and I nodded getting out the truck pulling my dress down closing the door.

I walked up to the school and raced to the restroom. I turned on the faucet and cupped water in my hand and slurping it up trying the taste of his slippery tongue out of my mouth.

The warning bell rung alerting the students to get to class. I turned the water off and exited the bathroom.

I went to my first class and sat down in the back. I pulled out my notebook and pencil and waited for the teacher to get started.

Lunch arrived quickly, and Noah was standing outside my classroom waiting for me.

"You ready?" He asked me and I nodded.

We walked out the school, and got in his truck. He drove off taking us to McDonalds since it was the close to our school.

He pulled up to the drive through and looked over a me with his bright green eyes.

"A Carmel Frappe," I said and he ordered my drink and his Big Mac meal.

"Thank you," I said grabbing my drink from him.

"No problem," he said driving back to our school. I sipped my drink as he parking the car back at the school.

"So what's been up with you?" He asked me getting straight to the point before stuffing french fries in his mouth.

"Nothing," I lied.

"Harper, you can talk to me. Aren't we suppose to be working on being best friends again?" He asked. I took a deep breath and looked out the mirror before speaking.

"I'm being honest. I just needed a break and to focus on school." I said watching him study me looking for a sign.

He nodded before speaking. "I'll be here when you ready want to tell me what's really up." He said handing me my drink.

I didn't respond, he drove off, and the rest of the ride was silence.


"How was school?" Eli asked me when I entered his Black Tinted Window Escalade.

"It was fine," I said closing the door turning to him noticing he had his dreads pulled back into a ponytail.

"I missed you," he said and I forced a smile.

"I missed you too," I lied and he leaned over and kissed my lips before driving away.

I unlocked my phone and noticed I had a text from my mom.

You uncle is in town. :)

My lips turned up in a smile reading the new. My uncle was my favorite person other than my grandma. He was so chill and down to earth until he married his wife who was older than him and controlled him.

I closed and locked my phone when I noticed Eli stopped driving, and we were in an abandoned parking lot.

"I tried to wait until we got home, but you look so good." He said and I looked at him confused until I noticed the budge in his pants.

Immediately my heart dropped. Every time he would violate me it was always felt like the first time. It was something I would never get used to.

"Get in the truck," he said and I knew he meant the opening section of the tuck. I unbuckled my seat belt and opened the door looking around my surroundings feeling uncomfortable from the fact anyone could just pop up.

I closed the door and walked toward the back of his truck where he had the truck up. I climbed inside and he climbed inside closing it locking us in.


"Don't forget we got a flat tire." He said and I nodded and climbed out the truck.

I walked up to my house in a desperate need of a shower. I unlocked the door when I saw my uncle and aunt on the couch.

"UNCLE!" I screamed not able to hold my excitement.

"Wassup, Harp." He said standing up and embracing me into a tight hug. He pulled away and looked over me when he his eyebrows scrunched up in confusion.

"You look different." He said and I noticed Eli eavesdropping on our conversation.

"I'm older." I giggled shifting uncomfortably.

"That's not it.... but I bet I lll figure it out." He said and I chuckled.

"I need to take a shower then I'll come out and chit chat." I said waving at his wife before retreating to my room.

What was different about me?

And what would happened if he figured it out?



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