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You were sitting at Ichiraku Ramen and eating miso ramen. "Oooooh that hit the spot." You say satisfied. "I have it here somewhere where is it?" You turn around to see a blonde boy searching everywhere for something. You giggle at the sight and he looks up at you with a red face. "What are you looking for? If you are stripping yourself in front of people, it must be important." "I'm looking for my coupon." You giggle as you pat the seat next to you and he looks at you confused but sits down nevertheless. "I'll pay for you." "Really?" You nod your head. "You're the best, ya know?" You giggle as he orders his ramen and slurps it down in a heart beat. Your eyes widen as he looks at you and scratches the back of his head. "That. Was. Awesome! Like you just slurped that thing down really fast!" He laughs as he orders another bowl. "You sure you want to pay for me? I eat a lot." You shrug. "I have a lot of money from missions. Say... What's your name?" He looks up at you after he finishes his second bowl then points to himself. "My name is Naruto Uzumaki. I'm going to be Hokage one day! Believe it!" You nod your head smiling. "I believe you." His eyes widen slightly. "You do?" "Of course!" He smiles widely before going back to eating his ramen.


You were practicing throwing shurikens and kunai. Suddenly, a snake starts moving towards you. "What the-" You were silenced by a hand going over your mouth and your back being pressed against a chest. "Who are you and what are you doing here." You give him a look telling him that he needs to take his hands off for you to talk. "My name is (Y/N)." You say after he removed his hand. "And I was training here before SOMEBODY rudely interrupted." You cross your arms and stare at him with sass. "Tch. Whatever." You raise an eyebrow as he begins to walk away. "What's your name?" He stops walking. "Why do you want to know." "Well it's only fair you tell me your name since I told you mine. Or.... I could always call you duckbutt." You smirk when you see an irk mark appear and he twitches. "Sasuke." "Sasugay?" Your smirk widens as he turns around and glares. "Sasuke." "I know Sasugay I got it the first time." He storms over to you as he glares into your (e/c) eyes. "It's Sasuke." He says with clenched teeth. "Got it. Sasugay." He sighs rubbing his temples. "You are so annoying." "And you are so emo." He looks up to see you grinning. "Tch." "That's not a word." "Whatever." He walks away and right before he leaves you vision. "See ya later Sasuke!"


"You will be teaming up with team seven for this mission." Tsunade says. "Yes lady Tsunade." You bow as you exit the building to meet up with the sensei of team seven. Tsunade wanted you to get well acquainted with the other team's sensei. "Well here goes nothing." You walk into a restaurant and look around and try to find the man with the gravity defying hair. You finally spot him and see that he is reading one of those pervy books Jiraiya wrote. "You arrived." The man says without looking up from the book. "That I have." You sit down across from him as he puts away his book. "Nice book you got there." He blushes lightly at you comment then you both order food. "My name is Kakashi Hatake." "(Y/N) (L/N)." He nods while you guys wait for your food. "Soo.... Kakashi." "Hm?" "How's life?" You mentally face palm at your own question. "Uh... Pretty good I guess. Yours?" "Same." The food arrives and you eat but Kakashi just stares at it. "You going to eat...?" You ask, slightly curious about what's under Kakashi's mask. "Nah. I'll just save it for later." "Hmm.... Ok." You eat your food and converse with Kakashi until you guys pay for the food and head off in different directions after saying your goodbyes.


You are lying down on the grass and looking up at the sky and staring at the clouds. "So you like to watch clouds too?" You turn your head to see a guy with pineappleish hair standing next to you. You nod your head and turn back to look at the sky. "Yea... It is so relaxing... Also it doesn't take a lot to just lie here." He nods. "May I lay down with you?" You nod your head and he sits down then lays down. "You can let your imagination flow too." You point to one of the clouds. "That looks like a dog." Then you point to another one. "And that one looks like a cat." He smiles and nods his head. "Yes I agree with you. I enjoy laying out here and just letting go." You smile as you both point out shapes for a bit then just lay there in comfortable silence. "(Y/N)" "Huh?" "My name is (Y/N)." "Ah. My name is Shikamaru." "Nice to meet you Shikamaru." "Nice to meet you too (Y/N)." You both talk for a while and get to know each other. "It's getting a bit late. Want to meet back here tomorrow?" You smile and nod. "Sure."


You are jumping through the trees trying to get home after a long day of practice until you run into someone. You both fall with you being on bottom and the person landing on top of you. "I'm so sorry!" A male voice speaks. You laugh softly as you tried to stand up but you felt pain shoot through you as you look at your swollen ankle. You look up to see a man with blonde and spiky hair. He starts to fidget as you smile painfully. "It's ok. I think I just twisted it." "I wasn't looking and I ran into you and-" You laugh as you poke his leg. "It's ok you worrywart... How about this, you help me get back home and buy me ramen and I'll call it even." He stops fidgeting and slowly smiles. "Deal." He picks you up and puts you on his back and heads toward the village. "What's your name?" You ask. "Minato Namikaze." "My name is (Y/N) (L/N)." "Nice to meet you (Y/N)." "Same goes for you Minato." You guys reach the village and before you get ramen, Minato patches you up then you put your arm around his shoulder. "Now... Time for ramen!" He laughs as you both head to the ramen shop and get ramen.


You are walking through a field of flowers singing and picking flowers that you think would look pretty in a bouquet. Recently, your friend was injured and now is in the hospital. You thought it would be nice to get them flowers. "You have a lovely voice." You turn your head around to see the head of the Senju Clan. Your face immediately turns red. "L-Lord Hashirama." You stutter as you bow. He laughs as he walks over toward you. "No need to be so formal. What is your name?" "(Y/N) (L/N) my lord." "A beautiful name." You blush harder at his compliment. "T-Thank you." He smiles. "How would you like to sing whenever I host a party or dinner?" Your eyebrows shoot up and your eyes widen."M-M-Me?!" He laughs and nods his head. "I d-d-don't know-" "Oh.." Then Hashirama goes into a depressed state. Not wanting to make Hashirama sad you say, "I'll do it." His head shoots up and he smiles brightly. "Thank you (Y/N). I promise you won't regret your decision. You have a very nice voice." You bow trying to hide your red face. "Thank you lord-" "Ah. Just Hashirama." "O-Of course lor- I mean Hashirama." "Goodbye (Y/N)." "Goodbye Hashirama."


You were sparing against your friend for training until someone cleared their throat. You turned your head to see Tobirama Senju. You and your friend immediately bow. "Lord Tobirama." Your friend Genzo says. "Genzo... You are needed." Your friend nods then turns his head to you then back to Tobirama. "Lord Tobirama?" "Hm?" "Who will spar with my partner if I'm gone?" Tobirama then heads over to us. "I will." Your eyes widen. "Y-You?" "Problem?" "No Lord Tobirama." He nods and signals Genzo to leave. Before Genzo leaves, he mouths a good luck and you swallow thickly and ready your kunai. "You ready?" You nod your head and you begin to spar.

A few hours have passed and every time you spared you always lost. You are now currently laying down on the ground breathing heavily. Tobirama then goes over to you and looks down at you with a raised eyebrow. "What are you doing down there? Get up." You groan and wave him off. "I'm tired." He then kicks your head. "Heeey...." He narrows his eyes slightly. "Get up." "Nope." You say popping the p. "What did you just say?" He looks at you surprised that you would defy him. Especially when you guys first met a few hours ago, you were as quiet as a mouse. "I said nope. Do you need me to spell it out for you?" You asked sassily. He narrows his eyes then begins to walk away. "You are to meet me here at 4 am tomorrow." Your eyes widen. "What?!" "You heard me... Or do you want me to spell the whole thing out for you?" He says with a smirk and walks away.

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