Embarrassing Moment

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"You did what....?" You ask Naruto while you try to retain yourself from laughing. "I...." He mumbles the rest of the sentence. "You....?" You ask scooting yourself closer to him. "Nothing! Never mind!" He yells while his face turns slightly red. "Come on Naruto...." He sighs knowing that you won't give up. "I accidentally kissed Sasuke.... Again." He then turns a deep red. You stare at him for a second until you burst out laughing. "You... Kissed... The duck butt!" You yell between breaths. He looks away and continues to mumble. "I knew I shouldn't of told you." You don't hear what he says because you are busy trying to get yourself to breath normally. He rolls his eyes and stands up to walk away but you grab onto his wrist. I'm sorry Naru. I just couldn't help laugh when I imagined both your's and Sasuke's face." His blush starts to fade as he gives you a hug. "Promise you won't tell anyone?" You snicker. "Maybe." "(Y/N)!" You poke his cheek. "I promise."


Currently, you are laughing your head off because of what you just witnessed. "It's not that funny (Y/N)." Sasuke says with his usual amount of sass. "It totally was!" You look up to see a faint shade of pink is appearing on Sasuke's face. "Is Mr. Uchiha embarrassed?" His eyes widen for a split moment before he gives his you his usual look. "Tch. Why would I be?" You snicker as you stand up. "I would of thought you would be embarrassed after what you did. Your sharingan caused your eyesight to worsen. Which resulted in you walking straight into a pole and knocking yourself out. Oh, and you also gave yourself a bloody nose." His blush returns quickly and darker than last time. "Shut up you goblin!" He says sternly. You just laugh and pinch his cheek. "Aww... My baby Sasuke is blushing." He smacks your hand away and begins to walk away. "Goodbye (Y/N)."  "Make sure not to walk into a pole on your way back!" You yell with a grin. He stops walking for a moment, "Shut up." He then continues to walk off.


"What.... Is... This?" You give Kakashi a concerned look. He quickly hides all the pictures. "O-Oh nothing." You give him a poker face. "Give them." You say as you stick your hand out. "Give what?" Kakashi says. "Don't play dumb with me. Give the pictures." "I don't know what you mean." He says innocently. "Give them!" You yell as you fling yourself into his direction. His eyes widen as you land on top of him and start searching for the pictures. "Give them up Kakashi!" "Never!" You continuously search him for the pictures. "I'll be back." You say with a grin as you retrieve one of his pervy books. "What are you doing with that?" He says as he sits up straight. "Nothing... Unless you don't give me those pictures." He narrows his eyes. "You wouldn't...." Your grin widens. "I totally would." Kakashi then throws the pictures towards you and gets on his knees. "Please don't." You laugh and give it back then pick up a picture. "Is this a picture of me.... Sleeping?" He stands up and looks away. "Uhh... Yes?" He begins to turn red and you giggle. "Awww... Kakashi is blushing." He shakes his head and pats your head. "Oh (Y/N)...."


You squeal in delight as you look through the pile of pictures. "Oh my kami Minato! You were so adorable!" You smile widely as Jiraiya chuckles and Minato begins to blush lightly. "You were soooooo cute. Look at those big eyes and chubby cheeks!" As you continue to squeal over the adorable pictures of Minato, Jiraiya nudges Minato and whispers in his ear, "This one's a keeper." He says with a grin. Minato's eyes widen as his blush begins to darken. You turn your head to see a red Minato. "Is there something wrong Minato?" He shakes his head quickly. "Are you sure? Your face looks really red." Jiraiya smirks as he waits to hear what Minato's response will be. "I-It's nothing.... I-I j-just ate something hot that's all!" He says quickly as he scratches the back of his head. You narrow your eyes to see if you could figure out what's really wrong, but you decide to just let it go. "Ok." He lets out a sigh of relief, but then he smacks Jiraiya. "Hey...." Jiraiya whines. Minato points his finger at Jiraiya. "You know what you did." He says with narrowed eyes. You shake your head with a giggle and continue to look at the pictures of little Minato.


"So.... Hashirama really did that?" You ask Madara with a huge grin. Madara nods firmly. "Yes." You begin to laugh loudly as Hashirama eventually reaches you guys. "Hey Madara, (Y/N), what's so funny?" Hashirama says with a confused expression. You try to hold back your laughter, but you end up falling onto the ground and laughing harder than before. Hashirama stares at you then looks towards the slightly amused Uchiha. "Madara, why is she laughing hysterically?" Madara then turns to look at the Senju. "I told her." Hashirama tilts his head. "Told her what?" Madara then begins to smirk as Hashirama comes to realization. "You did not!" Hashirama exclaims. "I did." Hashirama then goes into one of his depressed states. "I thought you would never tell anyone...." He says as a blush begins to form. You wipe away the tears of laughter from your face and hug Hashirama. "Aww.... It's ok Hashi..." He looks at you with a smile. "Thank you...." He returns the hug as Madara begins to walk off. Hashirama then lets go of you and chases after the Uchiha. "Come back here Madara!"


"Aww... Tobirama! He really did that?" Hashirama nods. "Yep, he was the cutest child I had ever seen." You smile brightly at Hashirama's words. "Brother, what lies are you telling her?" Tobirama says sternly as he walks in. "Oh nothing." Hashirama says with a smile. He turns to you only to see you giggling. "What?" You show him a picture that you got from Hashirama. His cheeks turn a faint red and he looks away. "Where'd you get that?" He says quickly. You laugh as you poke his cheek. "Hashirama." You say simply. He turns to look at his elder brother. "Why would you do that?" Hashirama smirks and puts an arm around you. "Because little brother, that is what elder brothers are for. Embarrassing their little brothers in front of their loved ones." Tobirama growls and pulls you away from the elder Senju. You giggle as you lay your head on Tobirama's shoulder. "Never again Hashirama." Hashirama then puts his hands up in defense. "Ok little brother." He then strolls out of the room with a smile on his face. Tobirama sighs and looks at you. "Please tell me you aren't going to keep that." You grin. "Of course I'm going to keep it." He rolls his eyes and kisses you on the top of your head.


I couldn't really think of any for Sai because I don't think he'd get too embarrassed XD But let me know if you guys have any ideas for how he'd get embarrassed.

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