They Introduce You To Someone

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(Some of these probably couldn't happen but imma do it anyways XD)


"Gaara, meet (Y/N), (Y/N), meet Gaara." Your head turns to look at the red headed boy. "Hello." You say with a small smile. He nods and then turns to look at Naruto. Naruto lets out a sigh. "Gaara, say hello." Gaara looks back at you with a small blush forming on his cheeks. "Hello..." He says kind of quietly. You giggle as you hug Gaara. "Yay! New friend." He slowly eases and hugs you back slowly. Little did you know, Naruto was giving him a death stare. He abruptly lets you go and you slightly frown. "Why'd you let go? It was a nice and friendly hug." He looks at Naruto and you immediately get the hint. "Naruto..." You say dangerously low. His eyes widen as he begins to take off. "Don't scare my new friend Gaara like that!" "I'm sorry (Y/N)!" He yells as you chase after him. "Get back here you baka!"


"Soooo Duck butt." He grumbles as you call him by one of your favorite nicknames for him. "Yes, munchkin?" He says with a small smirk. "I hate you." He rolls his eyes. "Tch. You love me and you know it." You cross your arms and pout. "Hmph!" He chuckles as he ruffles your hair. "You are a weird one." "Am not!" "Whatever you say.... Angry munchkin." You punch him as he laughs. His head then perks up. "(Y/N). I would like you to meet someone." You clap your hands together and squeal. "I'm so excited! You never take me to see anyone!" He smirks. "I wonder why..." You glare at him but then go back to having a happy grin. "Sooo.... Who is it?" He motions for you to follow him. You both eventually end up at his house. "Itachi." Sasuke calls out. "Itachi....? But doesn't that mean weasel? Is he taking me to see his pet weasel?" You wonder aloud. Sasuke turns to quickly glare at you. "What?!" You ask. He gives you his usual b**** face and turns back to now face a man with long, black hair. "(Y/N), meet Itachi. Itachi, meet (Y/N)." You immediately run over to Itachi and hug him. "Hello!" You say excitedly. You hear Itachi chuckle as he slowly hugs you back. "Hello. You must be Sasuke's girlfriend." You nod your head quickly as Itachi smiles. He then whispers, "Take care of Sasuke for me." You stare at him slightly puzzled by what he said, but you would find out eventually.


You would always hear Kakashi talk about Obito Uchiha, but you never actually got to meet the man. You decided that you finally want to meet him. "Kakashi?" He looks up from his pervy book. "Hm?" You giggle and walk over to him. "Can I meet Obito?" He raises an eyebrow then looks back down to think. "Hmm... Why?" You then sit next to him. "Well, you always talk about him, but I've never even met the man." He looks back at you and nods. "Ok." You both get out of the house and began to head to the Uchiha compound. You become and little bouncy and Kakashi notices. "Umm.... (Y/N)? Why are you so bouncy?" You turn to smile at the confused Hatake. "I finally get to meet your bestie!" He chuckles and ruffles your hair. "What if you don't like him." You shake your head. "If you like him Kashi, I think I'll like him too!" He gives you a closed eye smile as you two eventually enter the Uchiha compound. You both head to an apartment and stop right in front of the door. "Aren't you going to knock?" You ask curiously. "Nope. I have a better idea." He then jumps up and peeks into the window and you can just feel from his aura, that he is smirking. "Gah! Kakashi what are you doing!" You hear a man yell. You giggle as Kakashi stands up. "I want you to meet someone." "Meet who?" "You'll see." Kakashi hops down and stands next to you. Eventually a man with dark hair steps out. "Who is it you want me to.... Oh my kami who is she?" He runs over to you and begins to inspect you. "Ooooo Kakashi she is pretty." You blush at his comment until Kakashi stands in between you and Obito. "She. Is. My. Girlfriend." Kakashi then crosses his arms. Obito then pouts. "Why do you always get the pretty ones." You giggle as you then introduce yourself and you guys all end up going out for some ramen.

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