First Kiss

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"Come on (Y/N)!" Naruto yells excitedly. You giggle as he drags you along to get ramen. "We always get ramen Naruto. What is so special about getting ramen today?" He blushes and continues to tug your arm and you guys reach the ramen shop. You both sit down and Naruto decides to try something different. "You only ordered one?!" You asked surprised. He nods with a grin as Teuchi places the bowl down with a smile. You both grab chopsticks and begin to eat slowly which is unusual for Naruto. He usually inhales ramen. When you're not paying attention, Naruto starts eating the noodle that your currently eating. You keep going until you feel something on your lips. You blush furiously but kiss back anyways. You hear a giggle and a laugh as you and Naruto turn around to see Teuchi and his daughter smiling. "Our little Naruto is grown up. The next thing you know it will be three people ordering not two." You turn completely red at Teuchi's comment and Naruto scratches the back of his head. 


"So Duck butt. Why do you always frown?" He turns to look at you with a raised eyebrow. "I don't always frown." You start laughing really hard and he looks at you like you're crazy. "What's so funny?" "You... You thought you don't always frown. Wooooo." He narrows his eyes and you wipe a tear that came out. "Oh, you're being serious." He rolls his eyes. "Tch." You just laugh and jump on his back. "What are you doing (Y/N)?" You giggle and poke his cheek. "You need to cheer up you emo." He continues to walk while holding your thighs so you don't fall off his back. You grin and poke his cheeks and make them move upwards. "Aww... Look at how pretty you could be if you smiled." He scoffs then lets go off your thighs and you fall on your butt. "Damn you Uchiha!" He smirks and continues to walk. "Come back here you baka!" He stops and turns around. Right when you are about to pounce, he runs over to you and crashes his lips onto yours. You immediately return the gesture. He smiles against your lips and pulls away. You are suddenly hit with realization. "Oh my kami you're smiling!" You say excited. He then frowns again and rolls his eyes. "Tch."


"Kashiiiii...." You whine. He looks up from his book and towards you with a raised eyebrow. "Yes (Y/N)?" You walk over to him and stand in front of him. "What's under your mask?" He puts down the book and stands up. "Why do you wanna know?" "Because I'm your girlfriend...?" He chuckles and begins to walk away. "Oh no you don't Hatake!" You yell as you pounce on him. He chuckles and picks you up then rotates his body so he is facing you with your legs wrapped around his waist. "You really want to see my face (Y/N)?" He asks amused. You nod your head quickly. "That's what I just said Hatake! Get with the program." He chuckles. "Close your eyes (Y/N)." You begin to protest but he puts a finger to your lips. You sigh but nonetheless you close your eyes waiting for the big reveal. You hear the sound of cloth moving and you almost open an eye but Kakashi puts a hand over your eyes. "No peaking..." You sigh until you feel something warm against your lips. You gasp in shock but then you soon kiss him back and wrap your arms around his neck. He then leans back and you move Kakashi's arm and open your eyes. But sadly..." Kakashi!" You yell. He chuckles and pats your head then walks out.


You and Shikamaru have been going out for three months. Your first date consisted of a game of shogi and watching the clouds together. "Shika?" "Hmm...?" You turn to look at him as he holds your hand. You look back at the sky with a smile and point up to the clouds. "Aww look at that one Shika, it kind of looks like Akamaru." He smiles lazily at you then looks at the clouds. "Huh, you are actually right." You laugh and poke his cheek. "I'm always right you weirdo." He rolls his eyes. You then move your head so that you are laying on his chest. "Shika?" "Hm?" "Why are you so smart?" He chuckles at your question. And when he does, you feel the vibrations going through his chest. "Because I am." You raise an eyebrow and look up at him. "Well that's not much of an answer." He looks down at you with a smirk. "Well the answer is long... And that would be such a drag to explain the whole thing. "You roll your eyes then close them. He then takes the chance to lightly kiss your lips. Your eyes shoot open and you immediately kiss him back. "Are you going to keep talking or are you going to be quiet and look at the clouds with me?" You giggle and poke his chest. "Look at the clouds."


You and Minato were walking through the streets of Konoha. Something was bothering you and Minato took a notice. "(Y/N)... Is there something wrong?" You shake your head and smile. "It's fine Minato." He then pulls you closer to him and looks into your sad eyes. "(Y/N)..." He says with concern. You look away with a sigh. "I don't want you to go Minato... What if you get hurt?" He then hugs you with a chuckle. "I won't get hurt (Y/N). I'll be back before you know it." You look up at him to see him with one of his cheeky smiles. You guys head to the gates to see his team there. "Hey guys." You say with a small smile. Rin and Obito run over and hug you while Kakashi stands there smiling inwardly. "Hey (Y/N)!" Obito says excitedly. You giggle and kiss his forehead and he blushes. "Good luck guys. Please come back safely." You look at them with sad eyes. Before you know, everyone including Minato and Kakashi are hugging. You giggle as tears threaten to spill from your eyes. "Go now before I change my mind." They all laugh and leave. You turn around to leave but feel someone grab your hand. You turn around to say something until you feel something on your lips. Your eyes widen but you slowly lean back into the kiss. Minato smiles against your lips then slowly leaves. "Goodbye (Y/N)..." He whispers in your ear then leaves.


Hashirama just came out of a meeting with exhaustion showing all over his face. He reaches your home to find you're not there. He sighs as he begins to search for you in all of Konoha. He is about to give up until he hears a familiar singing voice. You are walking around a beautiful garden and decided to stop under a Sakura tree. You blush when you think of the night Hashirama asked you to be his. You continue to hum as you slowly touch the spot where he put the flower. You then tense up when you feel someone's arms wrap around you from behind and place their head on your shoulder. "Do you want another one (Y/N)?" You sigh in relief knowing that it's only Hashirama. You turn your head to see a grinning Hashirama. You closely study his face and see behind that grin, was an exhausted Senju. "Tired Hashirama?" You ask amused. He chuckles and closes his eyes. "Maybe just a little... Did you know I looked all over Konoha searching for you?" You blush at the thought of Hashirama looking all over just for someone like you. "R-Really?" He nods with his eyes still closed. He then grins and opens his eyes and you see a mischievous glint in his eyes. "I think I deserve a reward for searching all over for you?" "What do you want Hashirama?" "A kiss." He says flatly. "A kiss?!" You asked surprised and he chuckles at your response. "Mhm." You nod your head then turn around to face Hashirama. You get on your tip toes and wrap your arms around his neck and slowly kiss him. His eyes widen and his cheeks flare up but he kisses back. You pull back and try to hide yourself. "I m-meant on the cheek. N-Not that I didn't enjoy that because I did!" He says quickly and you giggle. "Me too...."


"Get off me you big oaf!" You yell at the white haired Senju. He chuckles then flips himself over so his back is on you. "No." You then try to attack him but he quickly puts a stop to it by grabbing your wrists and sitting on you. "Tobirama your fat butt is going to kill me! And your armor isn't helping!" He rolls his eyes then rolls off you. You smirk in victory and get up. Before you could walk away, Tobirama grabs you by your ankle and pulls you down then lays down on top of you and proceeds to fall asleep. "Damn you! You white haired Senju!" He smirks slightly and continues to sleep. "Stop sleeping on me!" "Why should I? You're comfortable and I'm tired from my mission." You roll your eyes and try to take deep breaths in while you are under the Senju. "I swear to kami when you get off me..." "You'll what?" "I'll...." "Hmm?" "Shut up!" You yell and he chuckles. "Thought so." He then gets off you and lends a hand out to you. You grab it but then you are suddenly pulled towards Tobirama and feel his lips crash onto yours. You respond with as much need as him. He smirks against your lips then lets you go and begins to walk away. You stand there dazed until you realized Tobirama left. "Get back here you white haired oaf!"

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