The Basilisk

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Slytherin: So guys, I was thinking.

Ravenclaw: That's a first.

Slytherin: We should all have giant versions of our house animals.

Hufflepuff: But giant snakes and lions are dangerous.

Gryffindor: Giant lions are awesome. But dangerous.

Ravenclaw: And not to mention a giant eagle... Could tear your body apart.

Slytherin: Wasn't it a canary?

Ravenclaw: NO, it was an eagle. And giant versions of our house animals are dangerous!

Slytherin: How dangerous can an otter be?

Hufflepuff: I assume you are talking about my house animal, WHICH IS A BADGER. And I'll have you know they are dangerous.

Slytherin: I've never seen one before, but aren't they fuzzy bundles of fluff? I mean, they're YOUR house animal.

Hufflepuff: I know you haven't seen them before, because your flippant attitude about them WILL cost you your life.

Gryffindor: She's not joking. I once crossed a badger. It hurt. *shudders*

Ravenclaw: You've never heard the badger's war cry, have you?

Slytherin: *swallows* so... No giant house animals?

Gryffindor: No, Salazar. Even if they are cool animals like lions.

Slytherin: Oh. Um. Sure. Definitely no house animals. A giant snake though? 

Hufflepuff: No.

Ravenclaw: Salazar, what did you do?

Gryffindor: Did you create a basilisk and hide it in your aforementioned room where you can unleash it on annoying students at any time?

Hufflepuff: Well, that was detailed, Godric.

Ravenclaw: So... WHAT DID YOU DO, SALAZAR?

Slytherin: NOTHING I did nothing at all shh Godric nothing happened you guys are all wrong stop being wrong

*Slytherin runs away*

AN: I can't take full credit for this idea, but I also can't remember the first dialogue I based this off. If you know, can you PM me or leave a comment here, so I can credit the original idea and creator?

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