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In life we have to make decisions. When we are younger and not wise enough to make them ourselves, our parents do it for us. We don't always agree with them, but we don't have a say in it. My parents made a choice and decided to move, and as much as I didn't want it, I knew it was for the better. My past hasn't exactly been easy. A lot of things happened that I prefer to not talk about. Let's just say that I've been through things that no teenager should go through. But you can't change the past nor can you change your present. The only thing you have a say in is your future and I guess that's what my parents thought about when they made the decision to move. They didn't want to continue living the sad life they did, they wanted a fresh start, to get away from this place were all this awful memories laid buried six feet under the ground.

It was for the better but that still doesn't make it any easier, leaving the place you grew up in and all the people behind to go start a new life somewhere else. I didn't want that. I didn't want to leave my friends, or friend. I was pretty popular at school but that doesn't mean I had a lot of friends. To me they were just people I hung out with, the only friend I had was Luke. I met Luke when I was just a year old but of course I don't have any memories of that time so from what I can remember, Luke and I have been inseparable since we were like five.

"I'm going to miss you so much." Luke mumbled in my ear while playing with my hair. We were laying in his tree house that he and his brother Jack had built when we were 8. Jack never used the tree house so it became mine and Luke's secret please. We would always come here when we wanted to be alone and we always thought that when we would come up here, no one would find us. Of course we were wrong, practically everybody knew that if they couldn't find us that we would be in the tree house but they just always decided to leave us in our own world for a while. "I'm going to miss you too Hemmings." I replied truthfully and kissed his neck. No we weren't in a relationship although both or families and I wanted to. But it would only ruin or friendship since he didn't like me that way.

"Just promise me one thing. You won't forget about me okay? We'll stay in contact and one day we'll meet again? Alright?" His voice cracked and tears left his eyes causing me to cry too. I was probably one of the only people who has ever seen Luke cry and yes it made me feel special. "Of course Luke! Did you really think that I would forget about you?" I asked and was about to wipe my tears but Luke beat me to it. He let out a chuckle and I stared at him confused until I saw his fingers covered in black mascara. "Oh damn you Hemmings! You caused my mascara to smudge!" I said and he hugged me tighter.

"I love you so much Elena."

"I love you too Luke." More than you could ever imagine.

Different - Luke Hemmings Punk AU *On Hold*Where stories live. Discover now