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"Suho!" Baekhyun ran in, terrified. The leader, who was reviewing lyrics, looked up. His usual smile flattered when he saw Baekhyun's expression.

"Baekhyun?" Suho said, confused  as Baekhyun grabbed his shoulders and shook him as hard as he could.

"Sehun- he- quick!" Baekhyun ran out the room. Suho quickly followed him, abandoning the papers. He glanced around the halls and saw Baekhyun's foot turn the corner. Suho followed, running into the kitchen.

"What's going o-"


Chanyeol and Lay launched water at him from a bucket. Taken by surprise, Suho brought his hands up and closed his eyes tightly. He didn't want to be wet. He didn't want the water to touch him.

It never did.

"What the..." Sehun lowered his phone, in shock. Suho opened his eyes in a squint to see the four members staring at him in surprise.

"What..." He felt his clothes, surprised that they weren't wet. Water surrounded him, but didn't get close to him by a good ten inches.

"How..." Suho looked to the guys. "What liquid is this?"

"Water," Chanyeol stammered, dropping the blue bucket from shock. "Water from the tap..."

"I'm not the only one who saw that, right?" Lay said, looking at the others with wide eyes.

"No, I saw it too," Baekhyun said, blinking in shock.

"Saw what?" Suho said, confused. "What's wrong? What happened?"

"This." Sehun came forward with his phone, jaw clenched. Suho watched the video and covered his mouth in shock. There was Baekhyun running into the room, giving the camera a thumbs up and a cheeky grin. And there Suho went, running into the room. Chanyeol and Lay threw the water at him, and he covered himself with his hands.

The water suddenly went around him. It went above and to the sides, but didn't splash Suho. Not a drop fell on him- he looked up a few seconds later and looked around, confused as he felt his clothes and looked at the water around him. The video abruptly ended as Lay and Chanyeol charged a shocked look.

The video stopped and Suho swallowed hard. Lay crossed his arms and, though pale, managed a calm voice.

"Is that enough coincidences for you?" He asked, cocking his head to the side.

Suho looked up from the phone, swallowing. He looked at the puddle on the floor, getting a weird feeling. He slowly raised his hand and moved it in a circle. The water reacted like quicksilver, moving with the movements of his hand. Suho turned to the other member, who starred.

"I think it's much, much more than enough." Suho whispered.

* * *

Everyone sat on the couches and armchairs. Suho had just explained what happened, and Sehun showed the video. The story left everyone stunned.

"So... we do have... powers?" Luhan managed, looking at EXO-K's leader.

Suho nodded. "I had my doubts, but now I'm convinced."

Tao leaned forward. "Do you think you can do it again? The water control, I mean."

Suho bit his lip. "I don't know."

Lay leaned forward and showed his sleeve. It was a bit wet from the water he splashed towards Suho.

"Try to get it off." He said. Suho bit his lip and let out his hand. He thought of every drop, urging it to collect and come onto his palm.

The water collected up and off of Lay's sleeve. Everyone gasped as it floated to Suho's hand. Suho moved the bubble of water across the room and plopped it into one of the pots of plants. He stared at his hand, and rubbed his fingers.

"All dry." He muttered, eyebrows raised in surprise.

"Wow," Tao breathed. Unlike everyone else, he didn't look freaked out; he looked ecstatic.

"Mom! You're special!" He said, clapping. Suho let out a smile, allowing pink to dust his cheeks.

"All of us have it?" Xiumin asked, glancing at his members.

"I guess." Chen and D.O said at the same time. They both moaned and leaned back. "Not again!"

"Wait, that's not fair!" Tao pouted. "I have a boring power! I only have time control."

"Lucky you!" Lay said, sighing. "I have healing- imagine me in a fight!"

"You're lucky, Baekhyun. Light is awesome!" Sehun said, giving his Hyung a bright grin. Baekhyun nodded tightly.

"You're not excited at all?" Sehun said, frowning. Baekhyun shrugged and sat back, crossing his arms.

"Why aren't you talking?" Kai pointed outwith a confused look.

"He doesn't want us to start talking at the same time again." Lay said, rolling his eyes. Baekhyun smacked his shoulder.

"Guys, we still have to learn how to control our powers." Kris said. He was quiet for the most part, but now spoke up.

"What? Why?" Luhan said, frowning.

"Think about it," Chanyeol spoke up. "We don't need Kyungsoo to crack the stage every time he stomped his foot."

D.O frowned. "Are you calling me fat?"

"I'm calling you a person with an Earth power." Chanyeol confirmed.

"I see your point." Luhan smirked. "I think it'll freak some people out if Kris takes flight while singing."

Kris suddenly looked thoughtful. "Flight..."

Suho smiled and nudged his shoulder. "Don't get any ideas."

"OK, we have about five months before we have to do our performance." Chen said, checking his phone.

"That's five months to train our powers." Tao murmured.

"We start tomorrow." Suho said, nodding.

"Guys, did we all just accept this?" Baekhyun said, in disbelief. "We're super humans, we have powers that we can't control, and we have a partner that'll repeat our every movement and word."

He let out his arms in disbelief. All of a sudden, his fingers glowed and let little orbs of light fall from them. Baekhyun gave a shriek, shaking his hands desperately as they went out. Everyone stared, shocked. Baekhyun gasped for air, then glanced up at his leader. Suho swallowed slightly before  he nodded.

"Yeah, we need to train."

Baekhyun leaned back into the couch, looking at everyone in disbelief. He then sighed and nodded.

"Fine. Let's have Superhero School." 

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